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The UMM-Collection Profile consists of metadata concepts considered important for describing CMR data collections. The UMM-Collection Profile includes required, recommended and optional concepts.  Required concepts must be included in UMM-compliant CMR metadata records.

The goal of this effort is to help NASA Data Centers provide full support for the UMM-Collection Profile through the evaluation and reporting of metadata completeness with respect to the UMM-Collection Profile.  The following 26 CMR Metadata Collection (18 NASA and 8 Other) were considered in this evaluation.


  • Alaska Satellite Facility (ASF)
  • Crustal Dynamics Data Information System (CDDIS)
  • Global Hydrology Resource Center (GHRC)
  • Goddard Earth Sciences Data and Information Center (GES_DISC)
  • Level 1 and Atmosphere Archive and Distribution System (LAADS)
  • Land, Atmosphere Near real-time Capability for EOS (LANCEMODIS)
  • Land, Atmosphere Near real-time Capability for EOS (LANCEAMSR2)
  • Langley Research Center (LARC)
  • Langley Research Center (LARC_ASDC) Atmospheric Science Data Center
  • Land Process DAAC - EOS Core System (LPDAAC_ECS)
  • National Snow and Ice Data Center Version 0 (NSIDCV0)
  • National Snow and Ice Data Center EOS Core System (NSIDC_ECS)
  • Ocean Biology Processing Group (OBPG)
  • Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL)
  • Ozone Monitoring Instrument Near Real Time (OMINRT)
  • Physical Oceanography DAAC (PODAAC)
  • Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center (SEDAC)
  • U.S. Geological Survey Earth Resources Observation Systems (USGS_EROS)
  • Australian Antarctic Data Centre (AU_AADC)
  • European Space Agency (ESA)
  • European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT)
  • Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO)
  • Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)
  • NOAA's National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI)
  • U.S. Geological Survey Long Term Archive (USGS_LTA)

UMM-Collection Required Concepts in NASA Metadata Collections

The UMM-Collection profile identifies 15 concepts which are required for inclusion in CMR metadata collections.  Table 1 shows the overall percent completeness of required UMM-Collection concepts in the 18 NASA metadata collections considered in this evaluation.


Table 1 - Percent Completeness in NASA Collections

Required Concept% Complete
Metadata Dates100%
Resource Identifier100%
Resource Version100%
Resource Title100%
Data Dates100%
Processing Level99%
Related URL94%
Spatial Extent95%
Temporal Extent100%
Platform Short Name97%
Instrument Short Name93%
Project Name73%


Specific Metadata Improvement Guidance

Of the 15 required concepts, 9 concepts are 100% complete in all CMR NASA collections, 5 concepts are > 90% complete in all CMR NASA collections, and 1 concept is > then 70% complete in all CMR NASA collections.  Table 3 below provides detailed metadata improvement guidance for the 6 required concepts < 100% complete.  The concept link in the first column connects to the  concept element in the ISO Explorer guidance pages.  The chart in the last column shows the collections that are missing the concepts as well as record count.  This chart includes a link to a Google Sheets filtered display that shows the records for each collection that are missing the concept.  The filtered display column header is bold, and the first two columns in the table show which collection and records are missing the concept.


Table 2 - Missing Required Concept Guidance (NASA Collections)

Concept%CompleteCompleteness Check XPathSummary/GuidanceCollections Missing Concept

Processing Level



  • /*/gmd:contentInfo/*/gmd:processingLevelCode/gmd:MD_Identifier/gmd:code//*
  • The processing level concept is missing in 5 collections and in 41 out of 6367 NASA metadata records.
  • A Processing Level value = 'Not provided' is being used in a varying capacity in 6 NASA collections (LANCEMODIS, LAADS, LPDAAC_ECS, LARC, NSIDC_ECS and SEDAC).  In these cases we recommend replacing the 'Not Provided' value with @nilReason='unknown'

Platform Short Name


  • //gmi:platform/*/gmi:identifier/gmd:MD_Identifier/gmd:code//*
  • Platform Short Name is missing in 4 collections and in 207 out of 6367 NASA metadata records.
  • Platform Short Name  is most commonly missing from SEDAC records. These records may not have a need for Platform documentation
Spatial Extent95%
  • */gmd:identificationInfo/*/gmd:extent/gmd:EX_Extent/gmd:geographicElement//*
  • Spatial Extent is missing in 6 collections and in 333 out of 6367 NASA metadata records.
  • Spatial Extent is most commonly missing from the LARC_ASDC records.  It appears that 333 out of 606 LARC_ASDC records do not include a geographicElement.
Related URL94%
  • //gmd:MD_DigitalTransferOptions/gmd:onLine/gmd:CI_OnlineResource/gmd:linkage/gmd:URL
  • /*/gmd:identificationInfo/*/gmd:graphicOverview/gmd:MD_BrowseGraphic/gmd:fileName//*
  • /*/gmd:identificationInfo/*/gmd:graphicOverview/gmd:MD_BrowseGraphic/gmx:fileName//*
  • Related URL is missing in 5 collections and in 408 out of 6367 NASA metadata records.
  • Related URL is most commonly missing from the LARC, and LARC_ASDC metadata records.  It appears that 91 of 407 LARC records do not include MD_DigitalTransferOptions content and that  297 of 696 LARC_ASDC records do not include MD_DigitalTransferOptions content.
Instrument Short Name93%
  • //gmi:instrument/*/gmi:identifier/gmd:MD_Identifier/gmd:code//*
  • Instrument Short Name is missing in 5 collections and in 420 out of 6367 NASA metadata records.
  • Instrument Short Name is most commonly missing from the NSIDCV0 and SEDAC metadata records. It appears that 195 of 784 NSIDCV0 records do not include EOS_Instrument or MI_Instrument content and the majority of SEDAC records do not include EOS_Instrument or MI_Instrument content.
Project Name73%
  • /*/gmd:identificationInfo/*/gmd:aggregationInfo/gmd:MD_AggregateInformation[normalize-space(gmd:associationType/gmd:DS_AssociationTypeCode)='largerWorkCitation' and normalize-space(gmd:initiativeType/gmd:DS_InitiativeTypeCode)='project']/gmd:aggregateDataSetName/gmd:CI_Citation/gmd:title//*
  • /*/gmd:identificationInfo/*/gmd:descriptiveKeywords/gmd:MD_Keywords[normalize-space(gmd:type/gmd:MD_KeywordTypeCode)='project']/gmd:keyword//*
  • /*/gmi:acquisitionInformation/gmi:MI_AcquisitionInformation/gmi:operation/gmi:MI_Operation/gmi:citation/gmd:CI_Citation//*
  • Project Name is missing in 8 collections and in 1689 out of 6367 NASA metadata records. 
  • Project Name is the most commonly missing required UMM-Collection concept. 
  • The Project Name concept is checked for existence in 3 different metadata sections (Aggregation Info, Place Keyword and Operation.
  • Project Name is most commonly found in the MI_Operation object in NASA metadata collections. The UMM-Recommendation view shows the collections that include and are missing this concept as well the concept occurrence count per collection.


UMM-Collection Required Concepts in Other Metadata Collections

The UMM-Collection profile identifies 15 concepts which are required for inclusion in CMR metadata collections.  Table 2 shows the overall percent completeness of required UMM-Collection concepts in the 8 Other metadata collections considered in this evaluation.


Table 3 - Percent Completeness in Other Collections

Required Concept% Complete
Metadata Dates100%
Resource Identifier100%
Resource Version100%
Resource Title100%
Data Dates100%
Processing Level100%
Related URL100%
Spatial Extent99%
Temporal Extent100%
Platform Short Name100%
Instrument Short Name60%
Project Name26%


Specific Metadata Improvement Guidance

Of the 15 required concepts, 12 concepts are 100% complete in all CMR Other collections, 1 concepts is > 90% complete in all CMR Other collections, 1 concept is 60% complete in all CMR NASA collections, 1 concept is > 20% complete in all CMR Other collections.  Table 4 below provides detailed metadata improvement guidance for the 3 required concepts < 100% complete.  The concept links connects to a Google Sheets filtered display that shows the collections and records that are missing the concept.  The column header for the concept is bold, and the first two columns in the table show which collection and records are missing the concept.


Table 4 - Missing Required Concept Guidance (Other Collections)

Concept% CompletePathGuidance
Spatial Extent99%
  • */gmd:identificationInfo/*/gmd:extent/gmd:EX_Extent/gmd:geographicElement//*
  • Spatial Extent is missing in 6 Other collections and in 75 out of 8,702 Other metadata records.
  • Spatial Extent is missing in some capacity from JAXA, AU_AADC, NOAA_NCEI and ESA records. 
  • Each of these collection appear to be missing in small quantities  geographicElement content.
Instrument Short Name60%
  • //gmi:instrument/*/gmi:identifier/gmd:MD_Identifier/gmd:code//*
  • Instrument Short Name is missing in 7 Other collections and in 3,496 out of 8,702 Other metadata records.
  • Instrument Short Name is is most commonly missing from AU_AADC and NOAA_NCEI collections.  It appears that 1,720 of 2,559 AU_DAAC recordes and 1,719 of 5,488 NOAA_NCEI records are missing this concept
Project Name26%
  • /*/gmd:identificationInfo/*/gmd:aggregationInfo/gmd:MD_AggregateInformation[normalize-space(gmd:associationType/gmd:DS_AssociationTypeCode)='largerWorkCitation' and normalize-space(gmd:initiativeType/gmd:DS_InitiativeTypeCode)='project']/gmd:aggregateDataSetName/gmd:CI_Citation/gmd:title//*
  • /*/gmd:identificationInfo/*/gmd:descriptiveKeywords/gmd:MD_Keywords[normalize-space(gmd:type/gmd:MD_KeywordTypeCode)='project']/gmd:keyword//*
  • /*/gmi:acquisitionInformation/gmi:MI_AcquisitionInformation/gmi:operation/gmi:MI_Operation/gmi:citation/gmd:CI_Citation//*
  • Project Name is missing in 7 collections and in 6,419 out of 8,702 Other metadata records. 
  • Project Name is the most commonly missing required UMM-Collection concept. 
  • The Project Name concept is checked for existence in 3 different metadata sections (Aggregation Info, Place Keyword and Operation.
  • It appears that the Project Name is most commonly found in the MI_Operation object in Other metadata collections. The UMM-Recommendation view shows the collections that include and are missing this concept, as well the concept occurrence count per collection.
  • Project Name is 100% complete in the ISRO metadata collection with documentation occuring in the MD_Operation object.



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