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Sprint ReviewDateDemo Schedule


Data Use PI 20.1 Demo Schedule
Sprint Review Questions and Metrics



Dashboard Gadget


Did the team complete all of last sprint Goals? Explain any goals that did not complete.

The indexing keywords for the autocomplete feature was harder than anticipated. 

We didn't have bastion host access for a while and needed CMR core team help with deleing indexes and pairing to help solve problems where we got stuck.

  • Finish adding spatial lookups to autocomplete
  • Finish the autocomplete feature
  • Give feedback to PODAAC on their requests
  • Allow users to reset their saved access configurations
2How did things go last sprint (WIP, scope change, blockers, etc)? 

Brought in a small number of bug fixes and a ticket to answer questions.

26 points left

Because the autocomplete solution took much longer than anticipated, the OUS conversion to a lambda task function didn't get worked on. (8 points)

The autocomplete feature didn't get finished and that affected 2 different tickets. (8 points)

The granule view to table layout didn't get started because our resource was out sick for a few days. (5 points)

We didn't finish a windowing ticket (3) points

1 of the bugs that we pulled in didn't get finished. (2 points)

Blocked Issues -

  • Valerie Dixon is going to investigate this further. We believe that data sets without license information are not being surfaced in google data set search. 

Error rendering macro 'gadget'

Error rendering gadget [ ]

NOTE: This gadget reflects the current active sprint.

Blocked Tickets

Error rendering macro 'gadget'

Error rendering gadget [ ]


Are there any anomalies affecting the team's velocity? (i.e, unplanned staff outages, new personnel, OPs issues, etc).

Provide details regarding any major OPS issues.

Team member became sick and was out for a few days.

Note: This link opens the JIRA Velocity Report in a new browser tab. 

4Which objectives are (on/off) track for the PI, or moving (faster/slower) than expected?

The autocomplete feature is taking longer than expected, the UI pieces are done, but we can't complete these issues until the backend is complete.  We have the next 2 weeks to finish up. The ECSE and CMR tasks have been completed.

Error rendering macro 'gadget'

Error rendering gadget [ ]

Error rendering macro 'gadget'

Error rendering gadget [ ]

Error rendering macro 'gadget'

Error rendering gadget [ ]

Note: Include a Version Report Gadget for each JIRA project in the Team Board. 


What will you be working on in the upcoming sprint?  (Include any contract deliverables)

Provide plan for any spillover work not finished in current sprint.

2 Autocomplete tickets need to be completed.

CMR-6287 - Getting issue details... STATUS

EDSC-2555 - Getting issue details... STATUS

OUS conversion to lambda.

CMR-6106 - Getting issue details... STATUS  

Bug that we pulled in that didn't get completed.

EDSC-2640 - Getting issue details... STATUS  

We need to finish the windowing work.

EDSC-2634 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Granule results to a table view.

EDSC-2623 - Getting issue details... STATUS

We limited the number of points in the next sprint to handle all of the spill over tickets.

Goals - PI Objective Sprint Goals:

  • Finish adding spatial lookups to autocomplete
  • Finish the autocomplete feature
  • Complete the granule table view


  • Finish collection results windowing
Incomplete Work

Error rendering macro 'gadget'

Error rendering gadget [ ]

Upcoming Work

Error rendering macro 'gadget'

Error rendering gadget [ ]


Error rendering macro 'gadget'

Error rendering gadget [ ]

Contract Deliverables

Error rendering macro 'gadget'

Error rendering gadget [ ]


Has the schedule shifted for any of your dependencies (either giver or receiver)? If yes, please list.


Upcoming Dependencies

Error rendering macro 'gadget'

Error rendering gadget [ ]


Error rendering macro 'gadget'

Error rendering gadget [ ]


Error rendering macro 'gadget'

Error rendering gadget [ ]

7Do you have other concerns or questions for ESDIS or Train Leads?No
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