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Element Description

The Collection Citation element provides the information required to properly cite the collection in professional scientific literature. This element provides information for constructing a citation for the item itself, and is not designed for listing bibliographic references of scientific research articles arising from search results. A list of references related to the research results should be in the Publication Reference element.

Best Practices

There are seventeen sub-elements that comprise Collection Citations:

Creators: The name of the organization(s) or individual(s) with primary intellectual responsibility for the collection's development.

Editors: The individual(s) responsible for changing the data in the collection.

Title: The title of the collection; this is the same as the collection Entry Title.

Series Name: The name of the data series, or aggregate data of which the data is a part.

Release Date: The date when the collection was made available for release.

Release Place: The name of the city (and state or province and country if needed) where the collection was made available for release.

Publisher: The name of the individual or organization that made the collection available for release.

Version: The version of the collection

Issue Identification: The volume or issue number of the publication (if applicable).

Data Presentation Form: The mode in which the data are represented, e.g. atlas, image, profile, text, etc.

Other Citation Details: Additional free-text citation information.

OnlineResource/Linkage: The URL of the website related to the online resource.

OnlineResource/Protocol: The protocol of the linkage for the online resource, such as https, svn, ftp, etc.

OnlineResource/ApplicationProfile: The application profile holds the name of the application that can service the data. For example if the URL points to a word document, then the applicationProfile is MS-Word.

OnlineResource/Name: The name of the online resource.

OnlineResource/Description: The description of the online resource.

OnlineResource/Function: The function of the online resource. In ISO where this class originated the valid values are: download, information, offlineAccess, order, and search.



          CollectionCitations/Creator"Global Modeling and Assimilation Office (GMAO)"

          CollectionCitations/ReleasePlace"Greenbelt, MD, USA"

          CollectionCitations/Title"tavgU_3d_udt_Cp: MERRA 3D IAU Tendency, Wind Components, Diurnal V5.2.0" 

          CollectionCitation/OnlineResource/Linkage: ""

          CollectionCitation/OnlineResource/Publisher"Goddard Earth Sciences Data and Information Services Center (GES DISC)"


          CollectionCitation/OnlineResource/DataPresentationForm"Digital Science Data"


Element Specification

Providing the Collection Citation element is optional (Cardinality: 0..*)


1 - 1024 characters


1 - 1024 characters


1 - 1030 characters


1 - 1024 characters

N/ANo0..1Dates must comply with the ISO 8601 Standard.

1 - 1024 characters


1 - 1024 characters


1 - 80 characters


1 - 80 characters


1 - 80 characters


1 - 4000 characters


1 - 1024 characters


1 - 80 characters


1 - 1024 characters


1 - 80 characters


1 - 1024 characters


1 - 1024 characters


Metadata Validation and QA/QC

All metadata entering the CMR goes through the below process to ensure metadata quality requirements are met. All records undergo CMR validation before entering the system. The process of QA/QC is slightly different for NASA and non-NASA data providers. Non-NASA providers include interagency and international data providers and are referred to as the International Directory Network (IDN).

Please see the expandable sections below for flowchart details.

  • Manual Review
  • Automated Review


ARC Priority Matrix

Priority CategorizationJustification

This element is categorized as highest priority when:

  • The information provided is not related to the element.
  • The Collection Citation described are inaccurate for the data set.
  • The Collection Citation description includes spelling or grammatical errors.

This element is categorized as medium priority when:

  • The

This element is categorized as low priority when:

  • The

The element is provided and follows all applicable criteria specified in the best practices section above.

ARC Automated Rules

  • If no value is provided, return is "np."
  • Otherwise, return is "OK."

Dialect Mappings

DIF 9 (Note: DIF-9 is being phased out and will no longer be supported after 2018)

DIF 10

Providing the Collection Citation element is optional (Cardinality: 0..*)

SpecificationPathTypeConstraintsRequired in DIF 10?CardinalityNotes
DIF 10Dataset_Citation/Dataset_CreatorString
DIF 10Dataset_Citation/ Dataset_EditorString
DIF 10Dataset_Citation/ Dataset_TitleString
DIF 10Dataset_Citation/ Dataset_Series_NameString
DIF 10Dataset_Citation/ Dataset_Release_DateDate
No0..1DateTime fields must be in date (YYY-MM-DD) or Date-Time (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS) format.
DIF 10Dataset_Citation/ Dataset_Release_PlaceString
DIF 10Dataset_Citation/ Dataset_PublisherString
DIF 10Dataset_Citation/ VersionString
DIF 10Dataset_Citation/ Issue_IdentificationString
DIF 10Dataset_Citation/ Data_Presentation_FormString
DIF 10Dataset_Citation/ Other_Citation_DetailsString
DIF 10Dataset_Citation/ Persistent_Identifier/ Type





Refer to DOI to view description of sub-element paths within Persistent_Identifier

DIF 10Dataset_Citation/ Persistent_Identifier/ IdentifierString
DIF 10Dataset_Citation/ Online_ResourceString

Example Mapping

DIF 10

     Center for International Earth Science Information Network - CIESIN - Columbia University, International Food Policy Research Institute - IFPRI, The World Bank, and Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical - CIAT
  <Dataset_Title>Global Rural-Urban Mapping Project, Version 1 (GRUMPv1): Urban Extents Grid</Dataset_Title>
  <Dataset_Release_Place>Palisades, NY</Dataset_Release_Place>
  <Dataset_Publisher>NASA Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center (SEDAC)</Dataset_Publisher>


CollectionCitations: [
        SeriesName: "MATUCPUDT",
        Creator: "Global Modeling and Assimilation Office (GMAO)",
        ReleasePlace: "Greenbelt, MD, USA",
        Title: "tavgU_3d_udt_Cp: MERRA 3D IAU Tendency, Wind Components, Diurnal V5.2.0",
        OnlineResource: {
        Linkage: ""
        Publisher: "Goddard Earth Sciences Data and Information Services Center (GES DISC)",
        ReleaseDate: "2008-07-23T00:00:00.000Z",
        DataPresentationForm: "Digital Science Data",
        Version: "5.2.0"


Providing the Collection Citation element is optional (Cardinality: 0..*)

SpecificationPathTypeConstraintsRequired in ECHO10?CardinalityNote
ECHO 10CitationForExternalPublicationString

1 - 4000 characters

No0..1The recommended reference to be used when referring to this collection in publications. Its format is free text, but should include: Originator (the name of an organization or individual that developed the data set, where Editor(s)' names are followed by (ed.) and Compiler(s)' names are followed by (comp.)); Publication date (the date of publication or release of the data set); Title (the name by which document can be referenced)

Example Mapping


<CitationForExternalPublication>Bourgeau-Chavez, L.L., S. Endres, L. Jenkins, M. Battaglia, E. Serocki, and M. Billmire. 2017. ABoVE: Burn Severity, Fire Progression, and Field Data, NWT, Canada, 2015-2016. ORNL DAAC, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA.</CitationForExternalPublicationCitationForExternalPublication>  


CollectionCitations: [
        SeriesName: "MATUCPUDT",
        Creator: "Global Modeling and Assimilation Office (GMAO)",
        ReleasePlace: "Greenbelt, MD, USA",
        Title: "tavgU_3d_udt_Cp: MERRA 3D IAU Tendency, Wind Components, Diurnal V5.2.0",
        OnlineResource: {
        Linkage: ""
        Publisher: "Goddard Earth Sciences Data and Information Services Center (GES DISC)",
        ReleaseDate: "2008-07-23T00:00:00.000Z",
        DataPresentationForm: "Digital Science Data",
        Version: "5.2.0"

ISO 19115-2 MENDS

Providing the Collection Citation element is required (Cardinality: 1)

ISO 19115-2 MENDS(READ from both individualName and organistionName and concatenate - WRITE to individual name only since we don't know how to parse the data.
WRITE and READ - must NOT have positionName with the value of editor.)
[=>/gmd:citedResponsibleParty/gmd:CI_ResponsibleParty/gmd:individualName/gco:CharacterString and/or
[=>/gmd:citedResponsibleParty/gmd:CI_ResponsibleParty/gmd:organisationName/gco:CharacterString with


Maps to the UMM element "CollectionCitation/Creators"

ISO 19115-2 MENDS(READ from both individualName and organistionName and concatenate - WRITE to individual name only since we don't know how to parse the data.
WRITE and READ - must have positionName and the value must be editor where the role is author)
[=>/gmd:citedResponsibleParty/gmd:CI_ResponsibleParty/gmd:individualName/gco:CharacterString and/or 
[=>/gmd:citedResponsibleParty/gmd:CI_ResponsibleParty/gmd:organisationName/gco:CharacterString with
[=>/gmd:citedResponsibleParty/gmd:CI_ResponsibleParty/gmd:positionName/gco:CharacterString = editor
StringMaps to the UMM element "CollectionCitation/Editors"
ISO 19115-2 MENDS[=>/gmd:title/gco:CharacterStringStringMaps to the UMM element "CollectionCitation/Title"
ISO 19115-2 MENDS[=>/gmd:series/gmd:CI_Series/gmd:name/gco:CharacterStringStringMaps to the UMM element "CollectionCitation/SeriesName"
ISO 19115-2 MENDS[=>/gmd:editionDate/gco:DateTimeStringMaps to the UMM element "CollectionCitation/ReleaseDate"
ISO 19115-2 MENDS(READ - concatenate all elements of CI_Address
WRITE - if parsable parse into individual components if not then put all into deliveryPoint
READ and WRITE: must contain positionName and the value must be release place and the role must be publisher)
[=>/gmd:citedResponsibleParty/gmd:CI_ResponsibleParty>/gmd:contactInfo/gmd:CI_Contact/gmd:address/gmd:CI_Address [==>
[==>/gmd:city/gco:CharacterString (0..1)
[==>/gmd:administrativeArea/gco:CharacterString (0..1)
[==>/gmd:postalCode/gco:CharacterString (0..1)
[==>/gmd:country/gco:CharacterString (0..1)
[==>/gmd:electronicMailAddress/gco:CharacterString (0..*)
[=>/gmd:citedResponsibleParty/gmd:CI_ResponsibleParty/gmd:positionName/gco:CharacterString = release place
StringMaps to the UMM element "CollectionCitation/ReleasePlace"
ISO 19115-2 MENDS(READ from both individualName and organistionName and concatenate - WRITE to individual name only since we don't know how to parse the data.
READ and WRITE: must NOT contain positionName with value of release place)
[=>/gmd:citedResponsibleParty/gmd:CI_ResponsibleParty/gmd:individualName/gco:CharacterString and/or
[=>/gmd:citedResponsibleParty/gmd:CI_ResponsibleParty/gmd:organisationName/gco:CharacterString with
StringMaps to the UMM element "CollectionCitation/Publisher"
ISO 19115-2 MENDS[=>/gmd:edition/gco:CharacterStringStringMaps to the UMM element "CollectionCitation/Version"
ISO 19115-2 MENDS[=>/gmd:series/gmd:CI_Series/gmd:issueIdentification/gco:CharacterStringStringMaps to the UMM element "CollectionCitation/IssueIdentification"
ISO 19115-2 MENDS[=>/gmd:presentationForm/gmd:CI_PresentationFormCode codeList="" codeListValue="" =StringMaps to the UMM element "CollectionCitation/DataPresentationForm"
ISO 19115-2 MENDS[=>/gmd:otherCitationDetails/gco:CharacterString "Other Details: ….."StringMaps to the UMM element "CollectionCitation/OtherCitationDetails"
ISO 19115-2 MENDS[=>/gmd:citedResponsibleParty/gmd:CI_ResponsibleParty/gmd:contactInfo/gmd:onlineResource/gmd:CI_OnlineResource [===>
[=>/gmd:citedResponsibleParty/gmd:CI_ResponsibleParty/gmd:role/gmd:CI_RoleCode codeList="" codeListValue="resourceProvider"  = resourceProvider
StringMaps to the UMM element "CollectionCitation/OnlineResource"
ISO 19115-2 MENDS[===>/gmd:linkage/gmd:URLStringMaps to the UMM element "CollectionCitation/OnlineResource/Linkage"
ISO 19115-2 MENDS[===>/gmd:protocol/gco:CharacterStringStringMaps to the UMM element "CollectionCitation/OnlineResource/Protocol"
ISO 19115-2 MENDS[===>/gmd:applicationProfile/gco:CharacterStringStringMaps to the UMM element "CollectionCitation/OnlineResource/ApplicationProfile"
ISO 19115-2 MENDS[===>/gmd:name/gco:CharacterStringStringMaps to the UMM element "CollectionCitation/OnlineResource/Name"
ISO 19115-2 MENDS[===>/gmd:description/gco:CharacterStringStringMaps to the UMM element CollectionCitation/OnlineResource/Description"
ISO 19115-2 MENDS[===>/gmd:function/gmd:CI_OnLineFunctionCode codeList="" codeListValue="information" = informationStringMaps to the UMM element "CollectionCitation/OnlineResource/Function"

Example Mapping

ISO 19115-2 MENDS



CollectionCitations: [
        SeriesName: "MATUCPUDT",
        Creator: "Global Modeling and Assimilation Office (GMAO)",
        ReleasePlace: "Greenbelt, MD, USA",
        Title: "tavgU_3d_udt_Cp: MERRA 3D IAU Tendency, Wind Components, Diurnal V5.2.0",
        OnlineResource: {
        Linkage: ""
        Publisher: "Goddard Earth Sciences Data and Information Services Center (GES DISC)",
        ReleaseDate: "2008-07-23T00:00:00.000Z",
        DataPresentationForm: "Digital Science Data",
        Version: "5.2.0"

ISO 19115-2 SMAP

Providing the Collection Citation element is optional (Cardinality: 0..1)

ISO 19115-2 SMAP(READ from both individualName and organistionName and concatenate - WRITE to individual name only since we don't know how to parse the data.
WRITE and READ - must NOT have positionName with the value of editor.)
[=>/gmd:citedResponsibleParty/gmd:CI_ResponsibleParty/gmd:individualName/gco:CharacterString and/or
[=>/gmd:citedResponsibleParty/gmd:CI_ResponsibleParty/gmd:organisationName/gco:CharacterString with


Maps to the UMM element "CollectionCitation/Creators"

ISO 19115-2 SMAP(READ from both individualName and organistionName and concatenate - WRITE to individual name only since we don't know how to parse the data.
WRITE and READ - must have positionName and the value must be editor where the role is author)
[=>/gmd:citedResponsibleParty/gmd:CI_ResponsibleParty/gmd:individualName/gco:CharacterString and/or 
[=>/gmd:citedResponsibleParty/gmd:CI_ResponsibleParty/gmd:organisationName/gco:CharacterString with
[=>/gmd:citedResponsibleParty/gmd:CI_ResponsibleParty/gmd:positionName/gco:CharacterString = editor
StringMaps to the UMM element "CollectionCitation/Editors"
ISO 19115-2 SMAP[=>/gmd:title/gco:CharacterStringStringMaps to the UMM element "CollectionCitation/Title"
ISO 19115-2 SMAP[=>/gmd:series/gmd:CI_Series/gmd:name/gco:CharacterStringStringMaps to the UMM element "CollectionCitation/SeriesName"
ISO 19115-2 SMAP[=>/gmd:editionDate/gco:DateTimeStringMaps to the UMM element "CollectionCitation/ReleaseDate"
ISO 19115-2 SMAP(READ - concatenate all elements of CI_Address
WRITE - if parsable parse into individual components if not then put all into deliveryPoint
READ and WRITE: must contain positionName and the value must be release place and the role must be publisher)
[=>/gmd:citedResponsibleParty/gmd:CI_ResponsibleParty>/gmd:contactInfo/gmd:CI_Contact/gmd:address/gmd:CI_Address [==>
[==>/gmd:city/gco:CharacterString (0..1)
[==>/gmd:administrativeArea/gco:CharacterString (0..1)
[==>/gmd:postalCode/gco:CharacterString (0..1)
[==>/gmd:country/gco:CharacterString (0..1)
[==>/gmd:electronicMailAddress/gco:CharacterString (0..*)
[=>/gmd:citedResponsibleParty/gmd:CI_ResponsibleParty/gmd:positionName/gco:CharacterString = release place
StringMaps to the UMM element "CollectionCitation/ReleasePlace"
ISO 19115-2 SMAP(READ from both individualName and organistionName and concatenate - WRITE to individual name only since we don't know how to parse the data.
READ and WRITE: must NOT contain positionName with value of release place)
[=>/gmd:citedResponsibleParty/gmd:CI_ResponsibleParty/gmd:individualName/gco:CharacterString and/or
[=>/gmd:citedResponsibleParty/gmd:CI_ResponsibleParty/gmd:organisationName/gco:CharacterString with
StringMaps to the UMM element "CollectionCitation/Publisher"
ISO 19115-2 SMAP[=>/gmd:edition/gco:CharacterStringStringMaps to the UMM element "CollectionCitation/Version"
ISO 19115-2 SMAP[=>/gmd:series/gmd:CI_Series/gmd:issueIdentification/gco:CharacterStringStringMaps to the UMM element "CollectionCitation/IssueIdentification"
ISO 19115-2 SMAP[=>/gmd:presentationForm/gmd:CI_PresentationFormCode codeList="" codeListValue="" =StringMaps to the UMM element "CollectionCitation/DataPresentationForm"
ISO 19115-2 SMAP[=>/gmd:otherCitationDetails/gco:CharacterStringStringMaps to the UMM element "CollectionCitation/OtherCitationDetails"
ISO 19115-2 SMAP[=>/gmd:citedResponsibleParty/gmd:CI_ResponsibleParty/gmd:contactInfo/gmd:onlineResource/gmd:CI_OnlineResource [===>
[=>/gmd:citedResponsibleParty/gmd:CI_ResponsibleParty/gmd:role/gmd:CI_RoleCode codeList="" codeListValue="resourceProvider"  = resourceProvider
StringMaps to the UMM element "CollectionCitation/OnlineResource"
ISO 19115-2 SMAP[===>/gmd:linkage/gmd:URLStringMaps to the UMM element "CollectionCitation/OnlineResource/Linkage"
ISO 19115-2 SMAP[===>/gmd:protocol/gco:CharacterStringStringMaps to the UMM element "CollectionCitation/OnlineResource/Protocol"
ISO 19115-2 SMAP[===>/gmd:applicationProfile/gco:CharacterStringStringMaps to the UMM element "CollectionCitation/OnlineResource/ApplicationProfile"
ISO 19115-2 SMAP[===>/gmd:name/gco:CharacterStringStringMaps to the UMM element "CollectionCitation/OnlineResource/Name"
ISO 19115-2 SMAP[===>/gmd:description/gco:CharacterStringStringMaps to the UMM element CollectionCitation/OnlineResource/Description"
ISO 19115-2 SMAP[===>/gmd:function/gmd:CI_OnLineFunctionCode codeList="" codeListValue="information" = informationStringMaps to the UMM element "CollectionCitation/OnlineResource/Function"

Example Mapping

ISO 19115-2 SMAP



CollectionCitations: [
        SeriesName: "MATUCPUDT",
        Creator: "Global Modeling and Assimilation Office (GMAO)",
        ReleasePlace: "Greenbelt, MD, USA",
        Title: "tavgU_3d_udt_Cp: MERRA 3D IAU Tendency, Wind Components, Diurnal V5.2.0",
        OnlineResource: {
        Linkage: ""
        Publisher: "Goddard Earth Sciences Data and Information Services Center (GES DISC)",
        ReleaseDate: "2008-07-23T00:00:00.000Z",
        DataPresentationForm: "Digital Science Data",
        Version: "5.2.0"

UMM Migration

UMM Version 1.9.0Translation DirectionUMM Version 1.10.0

Future Mappings

ISO 19115-1

Providing the Collection Data Type element is optional (Cardinality: 0..1)

ISO 19115-1(READ from both individualName and organistionName and concatenate - WRITE to individual name only since we don't know how to parse the data.)
cit:CI_Individual/cit:name/gco:CharacterString and/or [=>/cit:citedResponsibleParty/cit:CI_Responsibility/cit:party/cit:CI_Organization/cit:name/gco:CharacterString


Maps to the UMM element "CollectionCitation/Creators"

ISO 19115-1(READ from both individualName and organistionName and concatenate - WRITE to individual name only since we don't know how to parse the data.
WRITE and READ - must have positionName and the value must be editor where the role is author)
cit:CI_Individual/cit:name/gco:CharacterString and/or [=>/cit:citedResponsibleParty/cit:CI_Responsibility/cit:party/cit:CI_Organization/cit:name/gco:CharacterString
StringMaps to the UMM element "CollectionCitation/Editors"
ISO 19115-1[=>/cit:title/gco:CharacterStringStringMaps to the UMM element "CollectionCitation/Title"
ISO 19115-1[=>/cit:series/cit:CI_Series/cit:name/gco:CharacterStringStringMaps to the UMM element "CollectionCitation/SeriesName"
ISO 19115-1[=>/cit:editionDate/gco:DateTimeStringMaps to the UMM element "CollectionCitation/ReleaseDate"
ISO 19115-1(READ - concatenate all elements
WRITE - if parsable parse into individual components if not then put all into deliveryPoint)
[=>/cit:contactInfo/cit:CI_Contact/cit:address/cit:CI_Address [==>
[==>/cit:city/gco:CharacterString (0..1)
[==>/cit:administrativeArea/gco:CharacterString (0..1)
[==>./cit:postalCode/gco:CharacterString (0..1)
[==>/cit:country/gco:CharacterString (0..1)
[==>/cit:electronicMailAddress/gco:CharacterString (0..*)
StringMaps to the UMM element "CollectionCitation/ReleasePlace"
ISO 19115-1(READ from both individualName and organistionName and concatenate - WRITE to individual name only since we don't know how to parse the data.)
cit:CI_Individual/cit:name/gco:CharacterString and/or [=>/cit:citedResponsibleParty/cit:CI_Responsibility/cit:party/cit:CI_Organization/cit:name/gco:CharacterString
StringMaps to the UMM element "CollectionCitation/Publisher"
ISO 19115-1[=>/cit:edition/gco:CharacterStringStringMaps to the UMM element "CollectionCitation/Version"
ISO 19115-1[=>/cit:series/cit:CI_Series/cit:issueIdentification/gco:CharacterStringStringMaps to the UMM element "CollectionCitation/IssueIdentification"
ISO 19115-1[=>/cit:presentationForm/cit:CI_PresentationFormCode codeList="" codeListValue="" =StringMaps to the UMM element "CollectionCitation/DataPresentationForm"
ISO 19115-1[=>/cit:otherCitationDetails/gco:CharacterStringStringMaps to the UMM element "CollectionCitation/OtherCitationDetails"
ISO 19115-1[=>/cit:onlineResource/cit:CI_OnlineResource [===>StringMaps to the UMM element "CollectionCitation/OnlineResource"
ISO 19115-1[===>/cit:linkage/gco:CharacterStringStringMaps to the UMM element "CollectionCitation/OnlineResource/Linkage"
ISO 19115-1[===>/cit:protocol/gco:CharacterStringStringMaps to the UMM element "CollectionCitation/OnlineResource/Protocol"
ISO 19115-1[===>/cit:applicationProfile/gco:CharacterStringStringMaps to the UMM element "CollectionCitation/OnlineResource/ApplicationProfile"
ISO 19115-1[===>/cit:name/gco:CharacterStringStringMaps to the UMM element "CollectionCitation/OnlineResource/Name"
ISO 19115-1[===>/cit:description/gco:CharacterStringStringMaps to the UMM element CollectionCitation/OnlineResource/Description"
ISO 19115-1[===>/cit:function/cit:CI_OnLineFunctionCode codeList="codeListLocation#CI_OnLineFunctionCode" codeListValue="information" =information StringMaps to the UMM element "CollectionCitation/OnlineResource/Function"

Example Mapping

ISO 19115-1



CollectionCitations: [
        SeriesName: "MATUCPUDT",
        Creator: "Global Modeling and Assimilation Office (GMAO)",
        ReleasePlace: "Greenbelt, MD, USA",
        Title: "tavgU_3d_udt_Cp: MERRA 3D IAU Tendency, Wind Components, Diurnal V5.2.0",
        OnlineResource: {
        Linkage: ""
        Publisher: "Goddard Earth Sciences Data and Information Services Center (GES DISC)",
        ReleaseDate: "2008-07-23T00:00:00.000Z",
        DataPresentationForm: "Digital Science Data",
        Version: "5.2.0"


UMM Versioning

VersionDateWhat Changed

No changes were made for Collection Data Type during the transition from version 1.9.0 to 1.10.0


ARC Documentation

VersionDateWhat ChangedAuthor
1.011/16/18Recommendations/priority matrix transferred from internal ARC documentation to wiki space
  • No labels