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We're here to help, and we want to understand community needs so we can refine our features. Email Andy Mitchell Chris Lynnes ( to get started with your portal and get in touch with developers.


A significant amount of configuration can be done through the /config/portals.yml file which also contains examples of existing portals. Here is an explanation of the configuration:

portals: &portals
Portal configuration intended for production should go under this heading

The unique identifier for your portal. The main place this gets used is the URL. In this case, the portal would be reached at This key cannot change over the lifetime of the portal without impacting users, their bookmarks, their saved projects, etc.

    org: My DAAC
Optional. A short string representing the organization that replaces "Earthdata" in the top-left of the site toolbar. If omitted, it will just say "Earthdata."
    title: Config Example
Optional. A short string to be used when referring to the portal. This will appear verbatim where the word "Search" is in the top-left of the site toolbar and will appear in various other places as "Config Example Portal" when referring to the portal. If omitted, a capitalized version of the portal ID will be used, i.e. "Example."
- org.example.portal 

Optional. CMR URL parameters used to filter the list of collections available in the portal. Keys ("tag-key") are parameter names and values ("org.example.portal") are filter values. Because these may be combined with other filters, values should use the YAML array syntax (prefix with a dash). The example here will only show collections which have been tagged with "org.example.portal" within the portal. If omitted, no filters will be used.

Refer to the CMR documentation for information on available parameters: 

- image:
title: Example Home 

Optional. A list of logos to appear to the right of the NASA logo in the upper left of the page. If omitted, no logos will be added.

The "image" and "link" attributes are required for each provided logo. The image attribute is the URL to the logo image, which will appear 50px tall within the portal. The link attribute provides the page to be loaded when the logo is clicked. Other attributes (optional) get placed as attributes on the HTML link, in this case the "title" attribute determines the tooltip provided when users hover over the image.

- edsc-portal.example.min.js 
Optional. A list of of scripts to include on all portal pages. For maintenance, security, and availability reasons, these must be assets packaged by Earthdata Search and cannot be external links. See the "Advanced Configuration" section for information on authoring these scripts. If omitted, no scripts will be included.

Advanced Configuration

Portals allow authors to provide scripts to run on each page within the portal. These scripts can be useful for altering the page style, hiding unnecessary features, or adding new features that do not make sense for inclusion in Earthdata Search. You can do essentially anything that can be done with Javascript, including loading stylesheets. The scripts are placed at the bottom of the <head> element, after all other site scripts, so all site APIs are available at the time of script execution, but the DOM will not yet have been loaded.
