Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Author(s): user-b4abf



Description of Problem

The Version field has traditionally been a free text format field that gave data providers flexibility in defining a Version that reflected their data product and so we see a wide variety in the information stored in the Version field.  Unfortunately,  this makes it difficult to use the Version field for its original purpose which was disambiguating between different collections of the same data. ECSE-155 attempts to standardize the format of the Version field in a way that clarifies the field contents and enables collection disambiguation.


JIRA Linkage

serverEarthdata Ticketing System




serverEarthdata Ticketing System


Origin of Version --  In the early days of EOSDIS, the priority was on defining systems to support large flagship missions such as Aqua and Terra.  Since the data produced by these flagship missions was expected to be collected and supported for decades, it was recognized that the data products would be periodically reprocessed using new algorithms that incorporated the latest scientific understanding.  The resultant data products could be significantly different from the previously created data products.  To distinguish between the data produced by different processing algorithms,  the ECS data model incorporated a Version that was meant to represent a specific version of the algorithms that were used to produce a new “version”  of a Collection.   


 The following table demonstrates the mapping of some existing "Version"  fields into the new definition of Version for UMM-C.    Note that for existing versions that use alphabetic indicators, e.g., 1a,   we map the alphabetic character  to the index of the character within the alphabet.  That is,   a->1,  b->2, etc.        See section 4) below for further guidance on choosing good Version fields.


Current Version definitionNew UMM-C Version definition

/Version/ProcessingVersion/MajorVersion = 1

/Version/ProcessingVersion/MinorVersion = 0


/Version/ProcessingVersion/MajorVersion = 1

/Version/ProcessingVersion/MinorVersion= 0


/Version/ProcessingVersion/MajorVersion = 1

/Version/ProcessingVersion/MinorVersion= 1


/Version/ProcessingVersion/MajorVersion = 1

/Version/ProcessingVersion/MinorVersion= 2

2_beta/Version/ProcessingVersion/MajorVersion = 2

/Version/ProcessingVersion/MinorVersion= 0

 alpha1/Version/ProcessingVersion/MajorVersion = 1

/Version/ProcessingVersion/MinorVersion= 0

2) Provide a new field, ProducerVersionID,  


A new major version number should represent a version of the algorithms that creates a new version of the data containing additional scientific insights.   A minor version number should represent an incremental improvement in the algorithms that improve the quality of the data (e.g.,  new calibration tables) without altering the scientific models of the major version.


The sections below detail the proposed changes based on the analysis done by the ECSE team:




2)  A new field, ProducerVersionID,  will be added to the  DataIdentification section of UMM-C.  The ProducerVersionID will be a free text field and will not be part of the unique identifier for a collection.  The field path will be:



Changes to UMM-Common fields


Interoperability Considerations



Changes to CMR

The translation of the legacy formats into UMM will to take into account the translation process described above.    


Version should be presented as   Major.MInor, such as 3.0,  or 6.4