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This document provides a look and guide to the Common Metadata Repository (CMR) from the perspective of the Client Partner.


  • All references to time are in Universal Time Coordinated (UTC).
  • Data Partners are also referred to as Data Providers.
  • Client Partners are also referred to as Client Developers.
  • Words in bold text are key words or concepts. 

  • Programming examples use a fixed width font, have upper/lower lines separating them 
    from the rest of the text, and are in this color font. 


  • Comments (denoted by // within examples) 

  • Best practices or warnings appear in italicized, boxed text.

Table of Contents

Before You Begin

The primary reason for designing the CMR was to increase access to Earth Science data and services by providing a system with a machine-to-machine interface, that is, an Application Programming Interface (API). The CMR functions as a metadata clearinghouse of Earth Science metadata for a wide variety of partners, enabling the science community to exchange information. Data Partners provide the Earth Science community with metadata representing their Earth Science data holdings. CMR technology in turn provides services for Client Partners and Data Partners and supports efficient discovery and access to Earth science data. 
The CMR also functions as an order broker for the data, and offers services applied to that data. The CMR provides a portal on the internet where CMR clients can search the metadata for information they wish to order.   The CMR also functions as an internet portal where CMR clients can search the metadata for information they wish to retrieve.
Client applications can access data holdings via order distribution or online access. Data Partners retain complete control over what metadata are represented in the CMR including inserting new metadata, modifying existing metadata and removing old metadata, and controlling access to their metadata.

Tasks That You Will Perform as a Client Partner

Usually performed in the order shown below:

In Chapter 4

  • Logging in and getting started
    • Creating and managing CMR sessions
    • Creating and managing user accounts

In Chapters 56 and 8

  • Querying for Earth Science Data
    • Formatting query results
    • Handling large result sets
    • Using subscriptions to automate queries
      • Creating and deleting subscriptions
      • Listing subscriptions

In Chapter 7

  • Ordering Retrieving data through CMR
    • Adding order items
    • Updating order items
    • Removing order items
    • Removing orders
    • Setting user information for an order
    • Validating orders
    • Requesting a quote for an order (LBN: I thought this was free?)
    • Submitting an order
    • Tracking or canceling an order

In Chapter 8

  • Using Event Notification Service
    • Setting delivery modes
    • Filtering events
    • Creating event subscriptions
    • Removing event subscriptions
    • Renewing event subscriptions

Skills You Will Need as a Client Partner

Since the CMR uses platform-independent web service definitions for its API, there are no requirements for a client programming language. All examples in this document are in snippets of Java code; however, the code samples provided could be translated to any web service capable language. 
As a CMR Data Partner, you need to be familiar with basic software development and Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) concepts such as:

  • XML and XML Schema (XSD)
  • Client/Server-based programming (client stubs, remote endpoints, etc.)

As a REST-API user, you will need:

  • A basic understanding of the REST concept
  • HTTP

As a SOAP-API user, you will need:

  • Web Service Definition Language (WSDL)
  • Service-based Application Programmer's Interface (API)

CMR Concept and Design

NASA's Earth Science Data and Information System (ESDIS) has built the CMR based on Extensible Markup Language (XML) and Web Service technologies. The CMR interfaces with clients and users through its series of Application Program Interfaces (APIs). The CMR is an open system with published APIs available to the CMR Development and User community. 
As the CMR is a middleware application, interacting with it means interacting with the CMR API. There is typically a user-focused client application interacting with CMR's API on behalf of an end user. This client may be a generic, query and order-based client, or may be specific to an end user's research, mission, or general area of interest. The CMR incorporates a Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration (UDDI) registry to facilitate registration, discovery, and invocation of services related to the ECHO holdings. 
Internally, the CMR specifies APIs and provides middleware components, including data and service search and access functions, in a layered architecture. The figure below depicts the ECHO system context in relation to its public APIs.

All CMR metadata are stored in an Oracle database with spatial extensions. The metadata model is derived primarily from that used by the Earth Observing System Data and Information System (EOSDIS) Core System (ECS). For more details about the CMR model, refer to the Earth Science Metadata Model chapter of the Data Partner Guide
Key features of the CMR architecture are:

  • Ease of Partner Participation
    Designed to be low-cost and minimally intrusive, the CMR offers a set of standard ways for partners to interface with the system and a metadata exchange approach that accommodates existing partners and technology.
  • Data Model Consistency
    To mitigate the risk of being unable to match all possible partner data models, the CMR has prototyped a Metadata Mapping Tool to translate non-standard formats upon ingest into the CMR.
  • Open System/Published APIs
    To accommodate independent clients, the CMR uses an open system approach and publishes domain APIs. These APIs are independent of the underlying transport protocols used. The CMR communicates using WS-I Basic Profile v1.0 compliant web services. This API is located at Interactions with the CMR may involve user interactions in real time or may be machine to machine.
  • Evolutionary Development
    The CMR system is being developed incrementally to allow for insight and feedback during the development cycle. Industry trends are followed and the use of commercial, off-the-shelf (COTS) products is optimized.
  • Extensibility of Client User Interfaces and Capabilities
    CMR extensibility is ensured by its component architecture, which allows new capabilities and functions to be plugged in, modeling relationships between services/APIs/UIs, and continued prototyping. the CMR's current focus is on the middleware and on enabling many different types of user interfaces via its APIs.

ECHO as a Spatially Enabled Metadata Search and Order System

Oracle enables the the CMR system to interact with spatially enabled Earth science metadata by use of spatial extensions into the system and business logic within the system that understands how to interact with that metadata. In addition, a second CMR interface (Ingest) allows metadata updates to go directly into the database, bypassing the message-passing API. The File Transfer Protocol (FTP) server is configured to receive these update files, which are expressed in XML conforming to three schemas, one for granules (or inventory), one for collections (or datasets), and one for browse. 
Note: For ECHO 10.0 and later, these formats are schemas; for legacy ECHO, these formats are DTDs.

The schemas are defined on the ECHO 10.10 Ingest DTD/Schemas page of the ECHO website:
Oracle's spatial capabilities support queries for CMR metadata whose spatial extents are described within the system. A Data Partner can define the spatial extent of a granule or a collection with different spatial constructs (for example: point and polygon). A Client Partner can then construct a search using a point, a line, or a polygon (or multiple polygon) spatial type, and the CMR responds with data whose spatial regions intersect the described region. The CMR provides services for interacting with its Catalog of metadata. Queries can be performed in a number of ways; result formats can be specified, and the resulting data sets can be incrementally accessed so that large return sets can be handled gracefully. The CMR also supports constructing, submitting, and tracking orders for the data that the metadata represents. The CMR supports both an embedding of a Uniform Resource Locator (URL) within the metadata for accessing the data (which the client simply accesses via Hypertext Transfer Protocol [HTTP]), and a more complicated order process in which quotes and order options are accommodated. 
The CMR incorporates the ECS concept of granules and collections and defines separate DTDs for updating each, under the assumption that granules will indicate which collection is considered their ―primary‖ collection. ―Primary collection‖ "primary collection."  "Primary Collection" means the collection that owns the granule. 
collection is a grouping of granules that all come from the same source, such as a modeling group or institution. Collections have information that is common across all the granules they "own" and a template for describing additional attributes not already part of the metadata model. 
granule is the smallest aggregation of data that can be independently managed (described, inventoried, and retrieved). Granules have their own metadata model and support values associated with the additional attributes defined by the owning collection. 
A third type of metadata is browse metadata, which provide a high-level view of granule or collection metadata and cross-referencing to other granules or collections.  Browse metadata are not spatially enabled but are still useful.


The CMR system supports Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)-based communication, which a client must use to pass passwords or other sensitive information securely. Internally, the systems are firewalled to prevent unintended access.

Supported Platforms

The CMR system supports clients capable of initiating an HTTP connection from a variety of programming languages

CMR Capability and Functionality

The CMR provides an infrastructure that allows various communities to share tools, services, and metadata. As a metadata clearinghouse, it supports many data access paradigms such as navigation and discovery. As an order broker, the CMR forwards orders for data discovered through the metadata query process to the appropriate Data Partners for order fulfillment. As a service broker, the CMR decentralizes end user functionality and supports interoperability of distributed functions. 
Although this Guide focuses on the needs of Client Partners, the CMR supports the following different, nonexclusive types of Partners:

  • Data Partners: Organizations that supply metadata representing their data holdings to the CMR database.
  • Client Partners: Organizations that participate by developing software applications to access the Earth science metadata in the CMR database.
  • Service Partners: Organizations that participate by advertising their Earth science-related services to the user community via the CMR, which maintains service descriptions in a Service Catalog (either special services, or services that are available as an option on a selected set of granules/collections) and support the user in ordering those services.
  • Extended Service Partners: Organizations that participate by providing a central location for registration, classification, and maintenance of Earth science services, interfaces, GUIs, and advertisements. The CMR addresses science user needs through a set of well-defined and open interfaces upon which the user community can build its own client applications. In this way, the CMR supports extendable, flexible user interfaces, allowing industry and the science community to drive the progress of available Earth science applications. For more complete information about client applications, refer to the companion piece to this Guide, the ECHO 10.10
  • Data Partner's Guide: The CMR approach allows users to build their own user interfaces to the CMR, rather than being limited to the data search and order system provided by NASA. For Data Partners, the CMR offloads the burden of providing the system resources required for searching and gives users the flexibility to support community-specific services and functionality. the CMR's interoperability features allow all participants to benefit from the distributed development of functions, again reducing dependence on NASA resources.

CMR Benefits to Client Partners

To address the CMR system vision, the CMR has responded to a set of system drivers, that is, reasons for upgrading. These drivers, derived from functional, organizational, and operational concerns expressed by the user community, determined the architectural approach and the types of technical solutions used in building the CMR system.

Ease of Participation

The primary goal of the CMR is to enable organizations to participate in making their resources and capabilities available to the Earth Science community. To facilitate participation by these organizations, the CMR has:

  • Minimized the number of requirements that a partner must meet to participate.
  • Involved partners in the system's development cycle and requirements definition.
  • Selected metadata insert and update mechanisms based on current standard industry practice (for example, XML) that most databases can generate automatically.
  • Provided mapping capabilities to convert from one XML representation into another.

Cost to Field

While aggressive in the capabilities it is targeted to support, the CMR minimizes the Cost to Field by continually evaluating performance and functionality against costs, for example, licensing of Commercial Off-the-Shelf (COTS) applications, amount of custom code required, hardware platform requirements, and complexity of networking and installation.

Cost to Operate

Once fielded, the CMR seeks to minimize the cost to operate the system by making it easier to use, thereby minimizing the load on operations staff.


The CMR is being built with long-term extensibility foremost in mind. To enable emerging techniques and strategies for Earth Science research, the CMR has:

  • Adopted a 'design for change' as a goal at the beginning of the CMR development.
  • Built in the capability to limit the impact of changes to the API on the configuration file, the service interface, and the business logic that implement the function.
  • Developed test tools to regression test large portions of functionality automatically overnight, so that when changes are made, undesirable impacts can be discovered quickly.
  • Adopted a layered architecture to allow changes to one component of the system without affecting other components.

CMR Systems

There are three CMR Systems that you, as a Client Partner, have access to:

CMR Operations: This is the current operational system for the CMR and is available to all users.


CMR Partner Test: This is an operational system used only by the CMR partners where they can test their data and services prior to making the final changes in the operational system.


CMR Testbed: This is a test system area used by partners and CMR testers to test before changes to the CMR system go operational.



Logging in, setting up and getting started

This section contains information and examples that are common to most CMR client applications, such as basic Login and Logout and creation and management of user accounts.

CMRTokens & User Contexts

There are two types of users in the CMR: registered users and guests. LBN: Is this still valid or is URS now required? Registered users can have access to restricted data and services but requires the creation of a URS profile. Guest users do not require a URS profile but their access is limited in some areas.

Echo tokens are generated whenever a user interacts with an ECHO API. A token is a transient representation of either your URS credentials or your guest status.

In both CMR-REST and CMR-SOAP LBN: Does CMR have a SOAP API? APIs registered access requires the creation of a CMR token and then use of that token throughout your interaction with the CMR.

In the case of CMR-REST, guest token creation is carried out behind the scenes of the API. In the case of CMR-SOAP a client must manually create their token to interact with the API.

User Accounts

Create your user credentials in URS and use them to interact with the CMR using your user name and password.

Creating and Managing CMR Sessions

When using the Web Services API, you need to request a CMR token for all but CMR-REST guest access.

This token acts as your session key and must be passed to all other CMR operations. All clients interfacing with the system are required to pass client identifier information to the CMR. The client identifier is a short description and/or name of the client. Client developers are encouraged to keep this information as concise as possible and to work with the CMR Operations Group to create an appropriate identifier.
A token is obtained when logging into the CMR (see Logging Into the CMR). This is also done when setting user and provider context.
When done working in the CMR, be sure to logoff (see Logging Out of the CMR).
NOTE: If client identifier information is not provided, submitted orders will fail.

Logging Into the CMR

The REST way

Create a token via a POST to the token resource

Creating an ECHO token for a user


Request headers:
Content-Type: application/xml
Request body:
    <username>Your URS username</username>
    <password>Your URS password</password>
    <client_id>An arbitrary ID to identify yourself</client_id>
    <user_ip_address>Your IP address</user_ip_address>


If you want to perform operations as a provider then you need the provider id and the credentials of a user that has provider privileges

Creating an ECHO token for a provider


Request headers:
Content-Type: application/xml
Request body:
    <username>Your URS username</username>
    <password>Your URS password</password>
    <client_id>An arbitrary ID to identify yourself</client_id>
    <user_ip_address>Your IP address</user_ip_address>
    <behalfOfProvider>Your provider ID</behalfOfProvider>


The ECHO token will be returned to you as follows in the response body,

ECHO Token response


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <username>Your URS username</username>
  <client_id>An arbitrary ID to identify yourself</client_id>
  <user_ip_address>Your IP address</user_ip_address>


You will use the value of ECHO-TOKEN-ID to interact with the ECHO REST API.

The SOAP way

To obtain a token, call the Login operation of the Authentication Service. A new token is created and returned each time Login is invoked. Code Listing 1 is an example of logging in to ECHO and creating a session token for a guest user.

  • username - Username of the user logging in
  • password - Password of the user
  • clientInfo - The string identifier of the ECHO client used to make this request
  • actAsUserName - name of the user an Admin wants to act as, null for non ECHO administrator users
  • behalfOfProvider - provider the user wants to act as , null for guests and registered users with no ProviderRoles

A Security Token is returned that is used for all subsequent calls to ECHO using the same Token profile.

Code listing 1: Logging in as Guest


// Client information is optional information provided by the
// client to ECHO when a user logs in
ClientInformation clientInfo = new ClientInformation();
clientInfo.setClientId("A Client");
// Call login with guest as username, email as password, and
// client information
String token = authenticationService.login("guest", "", clientInfo, null, null);


Code Listing 2 is an example of logging in to ECHO and creating a session token for a guest user.

Code Listing 2: Logging In as a Registered User


// Client information is optional information provided by the
// client to ECHO when a user logs in
ClientInformation clientInfo = new ClientInformation();
clientInfo.setClientId("A Client");
// Call login with jdoe as username, mypass as password, and
// client information
String token = authenticationService.login("jdoe", "mypass", clientInfo, null, null);


Logging Out of ECHO

The REST way

To logout of your session simply delete your ECHO token.

Logging out - deleting an ECHO token


Response: Status Code: 204 No Content


The SOAP way

When you are finished with a token, for example, you have finished a session with ECHO; destroy the token using the Logout operation.

  • token - security token

Code Listing 3: Logging out of ECHO


// Logout and set token to null because it is not useful anymore
token = null;  


You do not need to destroy a token after each call; you may reuse a token until it is destroyed with the Logout operation or the token expires.
Because the token is used to track your session, it must be protected by client applications with the same level of security that you use for your login name and password

Interacting with ECHO

The REST way

You can interact with any ECHO-REST resource using guest by simply GETing, POSTing, PUTing or DELETEing the resource. Some of these operations will fail if guest does not have the authority to perform them. In cases, where you want to use a registered user you should acquire an ECHO token above and attach it as a header to the request you make. For example,

Getting a list of providers with an ECHO token


Request headers:
Content-Type: application/xml
Response headers:
Status Code: 200 OK
Response Body:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<providers type="array">


The SOAP way

Interacting with the rest of the ECHO API follows the same pattern as logging in and logging out except that it requires that you pass a valid ECHO token to each operation. The following example shows logging in, retrieving the version number of the ECHO system and logging back out.

Code Listing 4: Getting the ECHO Version Number

// Login
String token = authenticationService.login("jdoe", "mypass", new ClientInformation("A Client", ""), null, null);
// Print out echo version number.
System.out.println("ECHO's version number: " + authenticationService.getECHOVersion(token));
// Logout using token from previous login
token = null;


Querying for earth science metadata

The alternative query language

Accessing data

Metadata subscriptions
