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I need to describe, identify and reference related resources


The ISO AggregateInformation object provides a powerful mechanism for grouping multiple metadata records into sets based on a number of relationships described by the AssociationType and InitiativeTypeCodes. Note that the sets are identified by MD_Identifiers which suggests that they could have metadata records of their own.

Recommendations for ISO 19115 and 19115-1

Associating resources:  Utilize the MD_Identifier, DS_AssociationTypeCode and DS_InitiativeTypeCode object to reference related resources by association and initiative.

ISO 19115




ISO 19115-1






Conceptual Model (UML)


The MD_AggregateInformation object includes CI_Citation, and MD_Identifier fields for describing, identifying and referencing related datasets.  The object also includes associationType and intitiativeType codelists, which provide context regarding how the datasets are related. 

The XML sample below documents a core from an ocean drill hole which provides access to groups of information from a single hole or to groups of holes from a single expedition.

In this scenario the drill hole dataset is part of a larger work, and is related to that larger work through four different initiative types (project, campaign, study, operation).  Each of the initiatives is uniquely identified with an MD_AggregateInformation object.

Note: In ISO 19115 -1 the MD_Identifier object includes a codespace element for documenting the identifier namespace.  This addition ensures the identifier will be unique.



XML Example 1

      <DS_AssociationTypeCode codeList="" codeListValue="">largerWorkCitation</DS_AssociationTypeCode>
      <DS_InitiativeTypeCode codeList="" codeListValue="">project</DS_InitiativeTypeCode>
        <DS_AssociationTypeCode codeList="" codeListValue="">largerWorkCitation</DS_AssociationTypeCode>
        <DS_InitiativeTypeCode codeList="" codeListValue="">campaign</DS_InitiativeTypeCode>
      <DS_AssociationTypeCode codeList="" codeListValue="">largerWorkCitation</DS_AssociationTypeCode>
      <DS_InitiativeTypeCode codeList="" codeListValue="">study</DS_InitiativeTypeCode>
      <DS_AssociationTypeCode codeList="" codeListValue="">largerWorkCitation</DS_AssociationTypeCode>
      <DS_InitiativeTypeCode codeList="" codeListValue="">operation</DS_InitiativeTypeCode>


XML Example 2

Many datasets are collected as part of projects or programs. The aggregateInfo object allows you to identify those. They can be identified as largerWorkCitations or crossReferences. This example from a sea surface temperature dataset includes a CI_Citation to the Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature (GHRSST) home page.

                    <gco:CharacterString>Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature</gco:CharacterString>
                <gmd:date gco:nilReason="inapplicable"/>
                                            <gco:CharacterString>Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature Home Page</gco:CharacterString>
                                            <gco:CharacterString>Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature Home Page</gco:CharacterString>
                                            <gmd:CI_OnLineFunctionCode codeList=""
                    <gco:CharacterString>GHRSST > Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature</gco:CharacterString></gmd:code>
            <gmd:DS_AssociationTypeCode codeList="" codeListValue="largerWorkCitation"/>
            <gmd:DS_InitiativeTypeCode codeList="" codeListValue="project"/>


UsageDescription and Xpath

The MD_AggregateInformation object in MD_DataIdentification and SV_ServiceIdentification is used to describe, identify and reference resources related to the dataset.





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