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version 1.1

Current as of: 08  


This template is to be used as a guide for performing ESDIS Review Gates of applications within the Earthdata Cloud


DNS EntriesCloudFront URLsAWS Endpoints (URL / ARN)AART RegistrationNotesAction Items


NASD-2639 entry currently point to on-prem application. NASD-2723
https://access.uat.earthdata.nasa.govNASD-2637NASD-2640 entry currently point to on-prem application. NASD-2724
https://access.earthdata.nasa.govNASD-2638NASD-2641 entry currently point to on-prem application. NASD-2725
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Validation ItemCompleted
(Y / N)
Reference Artifact, Link, or Comment if neededNotesAction Items
Does application team have an ESDIS approved Cost-Model on file? Y

Does target EDC account(s) have sufficient funds allocated in CloudTamer for anticipated cloud costs?Y

Is application team aware of AUTOMATED AWS account level cost monitoring, alerting, and enforcements? 
  • Budget alert email notices at various cloud spend percentages?
  • Freeze-Spend at 90% cloud spend
    • no new services can be spawned
  • Circuit-Breaker at 95% cloud spend
    • existing services will be shut down, but not deleted

Manual actions to delete resources will be considered above Freeze-Spend and Circuit Breaker levels


Are CloudTamer budget-based notifications configured to send emails to all desired app-team individuals? YNASD-2736 filed to enable this.

Is application team aware of AWS options for monitoring and alerting on cloud costs expenditures specific to their account and use-case

  • AWS Cost Explorer
  • AWS Budget Alerts

Does application team have a process to monitor / audit cloud expenditures and take action if required? Y

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NGAP References: 



Validation ItemCompleted
(Y / N)
Reference Artifact, Link, or Comment if neededNotesAction Items
Does application team have processes in place to address operations issues that arise with their application in the EDC? Y

Do application team and platform team have a common understanding of the shared operational responsibilities between:

  • Cloud Service Provider (AWS): foundational cloud services
  • EDC Platform Teams (NGAP, ENS, etc.): EDC platform-specific services
  • Application Team: mission application

Does application team have any "critical" functionality requiring 24/7 on-call platform support? 

"Critical" is scoped to items where the loss of functionality will irrevocably harm science data retention. (Ex: satellite data will be lost with no means of recovery) 

Is application team aware of and familiar with NGAP Service Desk (NASD): NASD LinkY

Is application team aware of and familiar with AWS Enterprise SupportY

Is application team aware of and subscribed to NGAP Announcements: Subscribe to the NGAP Announcements Mailing ListY

Is application team aware of NGAP / Security Office Hours? Office Hours LinkY

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