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version 1.1

Current as of: 08  


This template is to be used as a guide for performing ESDIS Review Gates of applications within the Earthdata Cloud


DateArtifactPOCNotesAction Items


serverEarthdata Ticketing System

This feature was requested by ESDIS and the most desirable solution was to leverage a new version of the Earthdata Access application.


View file
nameESDIS Review Gate - Access.pptx

Slide deck for ERG

Anticipated Public Release Date

DateNotesAction Items


SIT DNS cutover. Pushed back due to Platform over-allocation.


UAT DNS cutover


Prod DNS Cutover


DNS EntriesCloudFront URLsAWS Endpoints (URL / ARN)AART RegistrationNotesAction Items


NASD-2639 entry currently point to on-prem application. NASD-2723
https://access.uat.earthdata.nasa.govNASD-2637NASD-2640 entry currently point to on-prem application. NASD-2724
https://access.earthdata.nasa.govNASD-2638NASD-2641 entry currently point to on-prem application. NASD-2725
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NameRoleEmailNotesAction Items
Mark ReeseProduct

Ryan AbbottTechnical

Mark ReeseOperations POCmreese@element84.comTemporary while we try to backfill the position.
<add rows as needed>

EDC Platform Operations


Validation ItemCompleted
(Y / N)
Reference Artifact, Link, or Comment if neededNotesAction Items
Does application team have an ESDIS approved Cost-Model on file? Y

Does target EDC account(s) have sufficient funds allocated in CloudTamer for anticipated cloud costs?Y

Is application team aware of AUTOMATED AWS account level cost monitoring, alerting, and enforcements? 
  • Budget alert email notices at various cloud spend percentages?
  • Freeze-Spend at 90% cloud spend
    • no new services can be spawned
  • Circuit-Breaker at 95% cloud spend
    • existing services will be shut down, but not deleted

Manual actions to delete resources will be considered above Freeze-Spend and Circuit Breaker levels


Are CloudTamer budget-based notifications configured to send emails to all desired app-team individuals? YNASD-2736 filed to enable this.

Is application team aware of AWS options for monitoring and alerting on cloud costs expenditures specific to their account and use-case

  • AWS Cost Explorer
  • AWS Budget Alerts

Does application team have a process to monitor / audit cloud expenditures and take action if required? Y

<add rows as needed>

NGAP References: 



Validation ItemCompleted
(Y / N)
Reference Artifact, Link, or Comment if neededNotesAction Items
Does application team have processes in place to address operations issues that arise with their application in the EDC? Y

Do application team and platform team have a common understanding of the shared operational responsibilities between:

  • Cloud Service Provider (AWS): foundational cloud services
  • EDC Platform Teams (NGAP, ENS, etc.): EDC platform-specific services
  • Application Team: mission application

Does application team have any "critical" functionality requiring 24/7 on-call platform support? 

"Critical" is scoped to items where the loss of functionality will irrevocably harm science data retention. (Ex: satellite data will be lost with no means of recovery) 

Is application team aware of and familiar with NGAP Service Desk (NASD): NASD LinkY

Is application team aware of and familiar with AWS Enterprise SupportY

Is application team aware of and subscribed to NGAP Announcements: Subscribe to the NGAP Announcements Mailing ListY

Is application team aware of NGAP / Security Office Hours? Office Hours LinkY

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Validation ItemCompleted
(Y / N)
Reference Artifact, Link, or Comment if neededNotesAction Items
Has the application team reviewed the EDC Tenant Run Rules and confirmed they are able to operate within those rules? Earthdata Cloud Tenant Run RulesY

Has the application team noted any needed exceptions / waivers from EDC Tenant Run Rules? If so, have those requests been approved? YNone needed

Does the application team have an approved Operational Security Agreement (OSA) on file with ESDIS Security? OSA Template HandbookY(can post OSA here if allowed)Sent to Rajiv 10/10/2021.Ryan Abbott to finalize SOP

Is application team leveraging EDC CICD for deployments or alternative mechanisms? 

(NOTE: not required, just for record keeping)


Is application team aware of software vulnerability scanning and reporting requirements?


Is application team aware of, or been made aware of via the ESDIS Security, any known vulnerabilities. Are known vulnerabilities addressed, mitigated, or residual risk within acceptable levels? N

Does the application team have processes in place to identify, assess, and address security vulnerabilities if they occur? Y

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