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Table of Contents

Chapter 1:

Before You Begin

Introduction and Scope

The NASA-developed Earth Observing System (EOS) Common Metadata Repository (CMR) is a spatial and temporal metadata registry that

enables the science community to more easily use and exchange NASA's data and services. The CMR's main objective is

stores metadata from a variety of science disciplines and domains —including Climate Variability and Change, Carbon Cycle and Ecosystems, Earth Surface and Interior, Atmospheric Composition, Weather, and Water and Energy Cycles.   The CMR is intended to enable broader use of NASA's EOS data

. It allows users to more efficiently search

by providing a more uniform view of NASA’s substantial and diverse data holdings.  Its two primary objectives are to: 1) help science communities in need of data from multiple organizations and disciplines more efficiently use search functions and access data and services; and


2) increase the potential for interoperability with new tools and services.

The value of these resources increases as

  As the potential to exchange and inter-operate increases

. The CMR has been working with other organizations to provide their Earth science metadata alongside NASA's for users to search and access. The CMR stores metadata from a variety of science disciplines and domains, including Climate Variability and Change, Carbon Cycle and Ecosystems, Earth Surface and Interior, Atmospheric Composition, Weather, and Water and Energy Cycle. 
NASA's Earth science data has already proven itself to be extremely useful in understanding the planet Earth as an integrated system. To help science communities that need data from multiple organizations and multiple disciplines, the CMR provides a uniform view of NASA's data. It allows users to more efficiently search and access data and services and increases the potential for interoperability with new tools and services. For examples of how NASA's Earth science data is helping scientists understand the complexities of our Earth, visit Sensing our Planet and Other Featured Research Articles at
The CMR was designed to increase access to NASA Earth science data and services by providing a system with a machine-to-machine interface, that is, an Application Programming Interface (API). This API facilitates the discovery, online access, and delivery for a Data Partner's data holdings. The CMR Data Partners retain complete control over what metadata are represented in the CMR by means of inserting new metadata, modifying existing metadata, removing old metadata, and controlling access to their metadata. The CMR Client Partners develop client applications that access the CMR API and take advantage of the services made available. These clients, such as Earthdata Search (, CMR open search (, Reverb (, etc. allow end users to discover data which has been registered in the CMR's holdings and can be custom made to meet the needs of a general user audience, or a specific science application

, the value of these resources increases comparably.

The CMR was designed to accomplish these goals by providing a system with an Application Programming Interface (API).  While the API facilitates the discovery, online access, and delivery of a Data Partner's data holdings; it is the responsibility of the CMR Data Partners to add new metadata, remove old metadata, and modify and control access to existing metadata.  As such, Data Partners retain complete control over what metadata are represented in the CMR at any given time. Client Partners develop client applications that access the CMR API and take advantage of the services made available. These clients, such as Earthdata Search (, CMR open search (, etc. allow end users to discover data which has been registered in the CMR's holdings; and can be custom made to meet the needs of a general user audience or a specific science application.

It should be noted that the CMR is a continuously evolving metadata system that merges all existing capabilities and metadata from Data Partners and the Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) systems. The CMR elements include all system components, which consist of: CMR itself (formerly the [ECHO]), GCMD, International Data Network (IDN), Earth Science Data and Information System (ESDIS) Metrics System (EMS), all related tools (internal and external), and all Metadata – including the Unified Metadata Model (UMM) concepts, the GCMD Keywords Controlled Vocabulary, and other controlled vocabularies. Thus, this is a living document.  As the CMR matures, updated instructions will be incorporated in later revisions.

NASA's Earth science data has already proven essential to understanding Earth as an integrated system, and other organizations are also providing their Earth science metadata to the CMR for users to search and access.  By simplifying discoverability and accessibility to the CMR’s Earth Science holdings, and fostering interoperability with new tools and services, the user community will enlarge and the pace of scientific discovery and application will accelerate.  For examples of how NASA's Earth science data is helping scientists understand the complexities of our Earth, visit Sensing our Planet and Other Featured Research Articles at

The CMR Concept and Design

NASA's Earth Science Data and Information System (ESDIS)


built the CMR based on Extensible Markup Language (XML) and Web Service technologies. The CMR interfaces with clients and users through

its series of Application Program Interfaces (APIs)

various APIs. The CMR is an open system with published APIs available to the CMR Development and User community. 

Image RemovedCMR System Concept

Internally, the CMR specifies APIs and provides middleware components


in a layered architecture - including data and service search and access functions

, in a layered architecture.

. The figure


below depicts the CMR system context in relation to its public APIs.


Image Added

The CMR allows Client Partners to use the API to create their own tailored software systems for their purposes. The API allows clients to search and retrieve metadata including but not limited to collections, granules, and services. All CMR metadata is stored as received by the data partners and can be retrieved by the native specification or another specification as requested by the client.  

CMR System Concept

Key features of the CMR architecture are:

  • Ease of Partner Participation – Designed to be low-cost and minimally intrusive, the CMR offers a set of standard ways for
  • Partners to interface with the system through provided web UIs and a metadata exchange approach that accommodates existing partners and technology.
  • Open System / Published APIs
  • To accommodate independent CMR clients, CMR uses an open system approach and publishes domain APIs. These APIs are independent of the underlying transport protocols used. CMR communicates using WS-I Basic Profile v1.0 compliant web services for
legacy services and
  • RESTful web services for CMR ingest, search, and metadata management.
  • Evolutionary Development – The CMR system is being developed incrementally to allow for insight and feedback during the development cycle. Industry trends are followed and the use of commercial, off-the-shelf (COTS) products is optimized.


The CMR system requires Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)-based communication from Client Applications to the CMR API, but does not require, secure communication from CMR to a Client Partner's service. Internally, the CMR system is protected through a layer of software and hardware control mechanisms to preserve the integrity of CMR's holdings. When configuring data access fulfillment,


Client Partners are strongly encouraged to utilize SSL communications.

CMR Capability And Functionality

CMR provides an infrastructure that allows various communities to share tools, services, and metadata. It supports many data access paradigms - such as navigation and discovery

.  It

, facilitates data access through appropriate Data Partners, decentralizes end user functionality, and supports interoperability of distributed functions.


Although this Guide focuses on the needs of Client Partners, support is provided for all of the following


nonexclusive Partner types

of Partners


  • Data Partners – Organizations that supply metadata representing their data holdings to the CMR system
  • Client Partners – Organizations that participate by developing software applications to access the Earth science metadata in the CMR system 
  • Service Partners – Organizations that participate by advertising their Earth science-related services to the user community via the CMR, which maintains service descriptions in a Service Catalog (either special services, or services that are available as an option on a selected set of granules/collections) and support the user in accessing those services.


addresses science user needs through a set of

enables Client Partners to use the Client Partner APIs for the purpose of creating their own custom tailored software systems. These APIs allow clients to search and retrieve metadata, including but not limited to: collections, granules, and services. All CMR metadata is stored as received by the data partners and can be retrieved by the native specification or another specification as requested by the client.

The CMR approach allows users to build their own user interfaces to the CMR, rather than being limited to the data search and access system provided by NASA. Furthermore, the CMR addresses science user needs through a set of well-defined and open interfaces upon which the user community can build its own client applications. In this way, the CMR supports extendable, flexible user interfaces, allowing industry and the science community to drive the progress of available earth science applications. For

more complete information about client applications, refer to the companion piece to this Guide, the CMR Data Partner's Guide.
The CMR approach allows users to build their own user interfaces to the CMR, rather than being limited to the data search and access system provided by NASA. For Data Partners, the system offloads the burden of providing the system

Data Partners, the system offloads the burden of providing the system resources required for searching and gives users the flexibility to support community-specific services and functionality. The CMR's interoperability features allow all participants to benefit from the distributed development of functions, again reducing dependence on NASA resources.


CMR as a Spatially Enabled Metadata Search and Retrieval System

The CMR allows Data Partners to define the spatial extent of a granule or a collection with different spatial constructs (for example: point and polygon). These spatial extents may be in either the Geodetic or Cartesian coordinate systems. Orbital data may also be provided to describe a collection or granules spatial extents. A Client Partner can then construct a search using a point, a line, or a polygon (or multiple polygon) spatial type, and the CMR responds with data whose spatial region intersects the described region. 

The CMR provides services for interacting with its catalog of metadata. Queries can be performed in a number of ways; result contents can be specified, and the resulting data sets can be incrementally accessed so that large return sets can be handled gracefully. The system also supports constructing, submitting, and tracking access requests for the data that the metadata represents. The CMR supports both an embedding of a Uniform Resource Locator (URL) within the metadata for accessing the data (which the client simply accesses via Hypertext Transfer Protocol [HTTP]


or File Transfer Protocol (FTP)), and a more complicated data access process in which other options are accommodated.

CMR Benefits to Client Partners

The CMR's open system provides earth science data and services to a large, diverse pool of users, enabling scientific community interaction and collaboration. The Client Partners are


benefited in the following ways:


  • Ease of Participation - The primary goal of the CMR is to enable organizations to participate in making their resources and capabilities available to the Earth Science community. To facilitate participation by these organizations, the CMR has:
    • Minimized the number of requirements that a partner must meet to participate.
    • Involved partners in the system's development cycle and requirements definition.
    • Selected metadata insert and update mechanisms, that are based on current standard industry practice (for example, XML), and that most databases can generate automatically.
    • Provided mapping capabilities to convert from one XML representation into another.
  • Cost to Field - 
While aggressive in the capabilities it is targeted to support, the
  •  The CMR minimizes the Cost to Field by continually evaluating performance and functionality against
costs, for example,
  • costs — such as licensing of Commercial Off-the-Shelf (COTS) applications, amount of custom code required, hardware platform requirements, and complexity of networking and installation.
  • Cost to Operate - Once fielded,
the CMR seeks to minimize the cost to operate the system by making it easier to use, thereby minimizing the load on operations staff.
  • CMR Operations costs are minimized through enhanced efficiency and extensive automation, thereby reducing the need for support from operations staff. 

Client Partner Skills

Since the CMR uses platform-independent web service definitions for its API, there are no requirements for a client programming language. All examples in this document use curl; however, the code samples provided could be translated to any web service capable language. 

As a CMR Client Partner, you need to be familiar with basic software development and Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) concepts such as:

  • XML and XML Schema (XSD)Image Modified
  • Client/Server-based programming (client stubs, remote endpoints, etc.)
  • RESTful client and service communication programming
  • Service-based Application Programmer's Interface (API)Image Modified

Client Partner Tasks

As a Client Partner who is beginning to integrate with CMR, you should expect to perform the

steps below

following tasks,  which are detailed in later sections: 

  • Creating and managing user accounts and user access
  • Searching for data
  • Retrieving data
Fulfilling orders is a service provided by ECHO. - Place this in the Retrieving section.\
  • Accessing data

CMR System Environments

There are three CMR Systems that you, as a Client Partner, have access to. A short description of each system is given below.

Three CMR systems are accessible by Client Partners: CMR Operations, CMR UAT and CMR SIT.  Each of these systems is briefly described below.  For additional information,

refer to the links below;

click on the associated link.

  • CMR Operations - The CMR Operations system environment is a publicly accessible server that houses the
CMR production system - monitored 24/7 - which serves the needs of the Earth Science community.
  • production environment.  The Data Holdings within this system include
those which CMR's Data Partners have made available for use by the Earth Science community.  This environment is
  • Earth Science data that has been made available to the Earth Science Community by the CMR Data Partners.  This environment is monitored 24/7, updated with enhancements and fixes on a monthly cycle
  • , and experiences virtually no down time.
  • CMR UAT (User Acceptance Test) - The UAT environment provides a stable test system
which serves
  • to serve the needs of the CMR Data, Client, and Service
  • Partners.The Data Holdings within this system
include those which
  • consist of whatever the CMR's Data Partners have made available for their own testing purposes.
This environment is updated with the same
  • Any enhancements and fixes that are
going to operations, but
  • planned for the Operations Environment are installed in this environment two weeks prior to operations delivery. CMR Partners are encouraged to verify the capabilities when a new release is installed.
  • CMR SIT (System Integration Test) The SIT system
has been
  • was established in order to facilitate an exchange of ideas and provide
early insight into the
  • an initial testing ground for upcoming capabilities.
 Not all capabilities will become operational. There
  • There is often very little metadata available in this
  • test environment, but it is fully functional. The next operational version is released into this system approximately 1 month before its schedule Operational release date
  • .  CMR SIT is a closed, private environment only available to CMR Developers.

Chapter 2: Getting Started

Creating and Managing User Accounts and Access

This chapter will discuss:

  • creating Creating and managing user accounts
  • CMR session management - creating, using, and deleting tokens to provide authorization

*Note:  If searching for and retrieving publicly available data is the only desired operation, this section can be skipped and the reader can go proceed straight to Chapter 3.

User Accounts

User accounts are used employed to get enable access to restricted data, manage privileges, and/or to interact with other services and tools provided by the the CMR or ECHO. User accounts for the CMR system are created and manage managed by the EARTHDATA Earthdata Login (URS) system. If you need to create an account and don't already have one, please click on EARTHDATA Login to create one,  click on Earthdata Login and follow the instructions provided. Once created, you can always go back return to EARTHDATA Login Earthdata Login to manage ityour account. If you are part of a Data Provider group or other team, the team administrator can set up permissions for you to access their restricted data. If you need special privileges you can always contact Special privilege requests can be made by contacting the CMR operational team at at and they can help you

Creating and Managing CMR Sessions

The CMR uses tokens in request messages - the http call to CMR - to validate per request who the requester is and what privileges they have. Tokens are used by the CMR to validate both the requester and their privileges for each request message (i.e., the http call to CMR) submitted.  For most searches, a token is not needed because the metadata records are open to everyone. When certain unrestricted and accessible by anyone. However, when specific metadata records are restricted, privileged users require a token is needed so that privileged users can to see and access those records. 

The same token can be used for multiple requests before being deleted.  A  A Session is nothing more than a series of requests that use the same token meaning that you can use the same token for many requests before you delete it. is referred to as a "session."  All tokens expire at the end of a predefined time period ; At the time of this writing the duration is - which is currently fixed at 30 days. Because the token is used to track your session, it must be protected by client applications with the same level of security that you use used for your login name and password.

To conduct a session the normal steps areA normal session is conducted via the following steps:

  • Create a token
  • Do Perform one or more both of the following tasks in any order:
    • Search for records
    • Retrieve records
  • Delete the token 

Creating a Token

Include Page
Creating a Token Common
Creating a Token Common


Information for requesting a Launchpad Token can be found here. More information on getting access to Launchpad tokens can be found on this guide

Once a token is created, you can Now that the client partner has created a token, they can search and retrieve records, and as well as conduct other functionality (described in later chapters) through the CMR or ECHO APIs. This functionality is covered in later chapters of this document. Once finished interacting with the CMR the token   When the token is no longer needed, it can be deleted.


Deleting the Token

Include Page
Deleting a Token Common
Deleting a Token Common

 A Launchpad token will automatically expire after one hour.

Chapter 3: Searching for metadata

Client partners Currently clients can search the CMR for metadata.  Currently clients can search for collection and granule metadata.  In the future, clients will also be able to search for metadata describing services, visualizations, parameters (variables), and documents.

CMR Environment URLs

The CMR system has three environments: The

The Systems Integration Test environment is where (SIT) Environment provides the CMR development team tests with a safe place to test new functionality. This is the environment that first gets the newest upgrades, but it The newest, untested software and upgrades are are first uploaded here; thus, this environment is the least stable. Once the CMR software has been sufficiently tested, it gets deployed to the the User Acceptance Test environment. The environment here is quite stable and it is tested as a system for a couple of weeks before (UAT) Environment.  Note that the CMR SIT environment is closed to the public and is intended for internal CMR development only.

The UAT Environment provides a stable environment for testing system software.  The UAT environment is where Open Source developers and Data Partners can deploy new code and/or new metadata for testing before it becomes visible in Operations.  Following a few weeks of successfully testing, the software is deployed to the Operational Environment.

 *Note: the operational environment. Client Partners can test their software in either the SIT or UAT environment depending the level of integration and testing. The operational environment is before moving that software to Operations.

The Operational Environment is the live system available to users around the world.  The Operational Environment is also known as Production, Operations, or OPS.

*Note:  All  All of the examples provided in the rest of the document are using the Systems Integration User Acceptance Test environment.  To   To run the commands in the other environments just replace the SIT URL with either the UAT or OPS URL to use the API in the respective environmentsOperational Environment, replace all instances of with

CMR Environment



Systems Integration Test (



User Acceptance Test (UAT)

Systems Integration Test (SIT


Operations/Production (OPS)https://cmr

CMR Environments


Headers are a part of HTTP requests and for the CMR they provide information such as the message content of the message (Content-Type), tokens to allow increased privileges (Echo-Token), the format of the data content type), the format of the data that gets returned (accept), and tokens to allow increased privileges (EDL Token), etc.  

Content Type

Content-Type is a standard HTTP header that specifies the content type of the body of the request for POST method messages. Search and retrieval requests support the following Content-Types.               

*Note: If the Content-Type is not specified, XML is assumed.

Body formatContent-Type



Content-Type headers

Authorization: Bearer

The Echo-Token allows the CMR to know Authorization: Bearer header allows a user to specify an EDL token so that CMR knows who is making a request. The Token is in the format of XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX.  A A token must first be generated as described in the previous Creating a Token section. Once the requester has the token, the token can be placed into the http header for the necessary API calls.


The Authorization: header allows a user to specify a Launchpad token so that CMR knows who is making a request. A token must first be generated as described in the To Create a Token section. Once the requester has the token, the token can be placed into the http header for the necessary API calls.

Accept Headers

Accept Headers are used in cases where the caller wants to control the format and/or specification by which the data gets returnedIf the caller wishes to control in what format and or specification the data gets returned they can use the Accept header.  The following table lists the valid values.  If this header or an alternative method is not used, the returned outcome will be a reference list of results in XML formatXML results will be returned by default.

Type Received
Accept HeaderValue


returns a reference list of results using the XML format
jsonapplication/jsonreturns a subset of metadata data list of results using the JSON format
echo10application/echo10+xmlreturns a full metadata record list of results in the echo 10 specification using the XML format
isoapplication/iso19115+xmlreturns a full metadata record list of results in the ISO 19115-2 (MENDS) specification using the XML format
iso19115application/iso19115+xmlreturns a full metadata record list of results in the ISO 19115-2 (MENDS)
specification using the XML formatdifapplication/dif+xmlsupported for collections only and returns a full metadata record list of results in the DIF 9
specification using the XML format
dif10application/dif10+xmlsupported for collections only and returns a full metadata record list of results in the DIF 10 specification using the XML format
csvtext/csvsupported for granules only and returns a subset of metadata list of results in a comma separated value format
atomapplication/atom+xmlreturns a subset of metadata list of results in the ATOM specification using the XML format
opendataapplication/opendata+jsonsupported for collections only and returns a full metadata record list of results in the open data specification using the JSON format
kmlapplication/ a subset of spatial metadata list of results using the KML specification in the XML format
nativeapplication/metadata+xmlreturns a full metadata record list of results in their individual native specification using the XML format

Accept Headers

For more information about the types about the accepted header values, please see the CMR API documentation.


Client-Id is another an additional header that allows the client to specify a their name.  This helps Client Partners are strongly encouraged to use this header for the following reasons:

  • Helps the CMR operations team monitor query performance per client
and it can also make it easier for them to identify your requests if you
  • Aids the CMR operations team in identifying clients who are attempting to contact them for assistance with a request.
  • Facilitates NASA in collecting information on how much traffic flows through a client provider and what kind of data interests their users.

Below are some examples depicting how to use headers.  The .Following are some examples for using the headers. The purple part of the example will be explained in this section, while the rest will be described later:addressed later in the document.


The following curl command issues a search request with the search parameters contained in a file called searchterms in the current directory. The Content-Type - the specification and format of the searchterms file - is using the json format to specify the search parameters. The accept header states that we want the results as a reference list using the XML format. The

UI Text Box

Authorization: Bearer header allows the CMR to know who is making the request for authorization purposes. The Client-Id header allows the operations team and NASA to monitor

performance and allows them to quickly find your requests should you need help.

and track statistics.

curl -v -XPOST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Echo-Token: 75E5CEBE-6BBB-2FB5-A613-0368A361D0B6Authorization: Bearer XXXX" -H "Accept: application/xml" -H "Client-Id: Test_TeamClient Partner Name" -d @searchterms -i

In the next example a

A user is issuing a search request using publicly available data and is returned a full metadata record list of results. Notice that only the Accept header is needed, but the Client-Id is encouraged.

UI Text Box

 curl -v -H "Accept: application/metadata+xml" -H "Client-Id: Client Partner Name" -i

In the next example a


A user is issuing a search request using publicly available data and the default result reference list.  Notice that no headers are needed, but again the Client-Id is encouraged.

curl -

curl -v v -H "Client-Id: Client Partner Name" -i

As an alternate to using the Accept header are extensions where Header,  the client can use the Type Received name in the query to get the same results. Instead of using "Accept: application/opendata+json", "opendata" can be used at the end of the main query before parameters are specified. 

curl -v -i "H "Client-Id: Client Partner Name" -i ""

Other examples use the DIF 10 specification and the ISO specification respectively.


curl -v -H "Client-Id: Client Partner Name" -i ""

curl -v -H "Client-Id: Client Partner Name" -i ""

To change what is wanted in the type of request just , simply replace the header as needed per the tables with the desired information from the table above.


There are a several of types of results that can be returned.  For each of these types different formats are supported.Listed below are the 3 ways results can be returned, as well as the formats supported by each option:

  • A reference list of results
  • - XML
  • A list of results with partial metadata records
being provided
  • - XML
  • , JSON
  • ATOM
  • CSV -
    • , ATOM, KLM, and CSV (*Note: CSV is supported for granules only)
  • KLM
  • A
    • A list of results with full metadata records
    being provided
    • - XML
    • and opendata

    The following is an example of a reference list of results

    UI Text Box






                <name>100m Digital Elevation Model Data V001</name>






                <name>100m Digital Elevation Model Data V001</name>








    The results specify:

    how many
    • The number of metadata records
    • found by the "hits" tag
    how long
    • The duration of the query
    • in milliseconds
    • A list of metadata record results specified by the "reference" tag

    With in Within each reference tag, a limited amount of information about the metadata is provided .including:

    • The metadata name
    which corresponds to the UMM Entry Title
    • The CMR profile or concept ID -  a CMR generated unique ID.
    • The ID is encoded by a letter of the profile or concept (C for collection, G for granule, S for service), followed by a CMR generated number, followed by a "-" and then followed by the ID of the metadata provider.   <letter> <unique-number> "-" <provider-id>
    • The exact CMR location
    to download
    • from which the metadata can be downloaded
    • The latest revision number of the metadata record.

    The following is an example of a full metadata record list of results in the ECHO 10 specification using the XML format.

    UI Text Box




        <result concept-id="C1000000803-DEV08"

            format="application/echo10+xml" revision-id="8">






                <LongName>100m Digital Elevation Model Data</LongName>




        <result concept-id="C1000000719-EDF_OPS"

            format="application/echo10+xml" revision-id="8">






    The results specify:

    how many
    • The number of metadata records
    • found by the "hits" tag
    how long
    • The duration of the query
    • in milliseconds
    • A list of metadata record results specified by the "
    • results" tag

    Within each result tag three attributes are shown about the , prior to the full metadata record followed by the full metadata record. The attributes display the , the following three attributes are displayed: 

    • The CMR concept id (profile ID)
    , the
    • The specification and format of the metadata
    , and the
    • The revision number of the shown metadata record.  

    For  For detailed information about the result specifications and formats available with examples , format options, and examples -  please see the CMR CMR API documentation.


    There are several ways to search the CMR system all using the RESTful principles,  which include employing:

    Using the
    • The API calls and parameters with the GET method
    • The API calls and parameters with the
    GET or
    • POST
    • method
    Using a
    • A JSON query language with a POST method
    Using the
    • The Alternative Query Language (AQL)

    API calls and parameters GET method

    The most popular and preferred way method is to use the API calls and parameters with the GET or POST methods. For more detailed documentation information, see the API documentation is located at 

    *Note: The CMR uses jetty as its application server and it is currently set URL character limit is currently set to take roughly 500k characters in the URLClients using using the GET Search API with query parameters should be careful not to exceed this limit or they will get an HTTP response of 413 FULL HEAD . If a client expects will be returned. Clients who expect that the query url could be extra long so that it exceeds URL could exceed 500k characters , they should use the POST method for searching instead of as opposed to the GET method . First we will describe search using the for searching.

    API calls and parameters GET method


    The following examples demonstrates the basic search command is shown in the following example :

    curl -v -i ""

    The query returns the first 10 publicly available collection results in a reference list using the using  XML format.  As   (Note:  As described in the header section above, in order to see restricted data, if you must have the correct privileges you and will need to use a token).

    There are The search parameters that listed below can be applied to provide more functionality.  They are listed below



    titlePage_size - The number of results per page
    - the
    . The default is set at the minimum value =10.0 and
    2000 are
    minimum and maximum values respectively.  For example:
    maximum value =2000.

    page_size=100 shows 100 result records per page if that many results exist.

    Page_num - The results page number to return.
    For example:


    is the first

    is the first page of results;  page_num=2 is the second page of results; page_num=10 is the 10th page of results.

    Sort_key - Indicates one or more elements to
    sort on. For example: sort
    use for sorting

     sort_key[]=platform  (the brackets "[" and "]" may need to be escaped by using the \ character)

    pretty - Returns formatted - readable - results if set to true.  For example pretty=true.  For

    titlePretty- If set to "True" - returns formatted, readable results

    pretty = true; (*Note: This flag is used for all the returned examples in this document

    this flag is used.




    token - Specifies

    the client token. This is an alternative to using the


    Authorization: Bearer header.

    - This is used

     Used by systems requiring ECHO results. To get the best use out of CMR, Client Partners

    shouldn't use this parameter

    should NOT use this parameter.

    These The following search parameters are for collection requests only.:

    • include_has_granules - Includes a has-granules tag or attribute in the response so the client knows if the collection encompasses any granules. E.g. include_has_granules=true
    • include_granule_counts - Includes a granule-counts tag or attribute in the response with the number of granules represented by the collection. E.g. include_granule_counts=true
    • include_facets - Includes a list of facets and their counts at the end of the results. This is mainly used for collection search displays. E.g. include_facets=true
    • include_facets with hierarchical_facets - Includes a list of facets preserving the hierarchical order. This is mainly used for collection search displays. E.g include_facets=true&hierarchical_facets=true

     In The next example box we will see depicts a set of examples conducting a basic search with using the search parameters just parameters described below.

    • The first
    example shows a client wanting to see
    • line requests 50 metadata references per page.
    • The second
    example shows
    • line requests 50 metadata references per page using the formatted print.
     The third example shows
    • The third line requests page 2 of 20 results per page showing full records in the echo 10 specification using formatted print.
    • The fourth
    • line issues a request including token and client id headers and does a basic search sorting the results using the platform element.  

    The  The request returns page 2 results of 20 results per page showing full records in the ISO 19115 specification using the XML format in a formatted fashion. As one can see the ? character separates the URL from the search parameters and the search parameters are separated by the & character. The parameters can be in any order.


    curl -v -i ""

    curl -v -i ""

    curl -v -i ""

    curl -v -i -H "Echo-Tocken: 75E5CEBE-6BBB-2FB5-A613-0368A361D0B6Authorization: Bearer XXXX" -H "Client-Id: Test_Team"  "\[\]=platform&page_num=2&page_size=20&pretty=true" 

    *Note: The "?" character separates the URL from the search parameters and the search parameters are separated from each other by the "&" character. The parameters can be in any order.

    The previous examples all demonstrated demonstrate collections searches for collections. The same search parameters apply to granules if it isn't , unless it is explicitly stated that a parameter applies only to collections. To conduct a granule search, just simply replace collections with granules in the URL.  Following   In the box below are the same four search requests just that are listed above but for granules instead of the box above,  only granules has been substituted for collections.


    curl -v -i ""

    curl -v -i ""

    curl -v -i ""

    curl -v -i -H "Echo-Tocken: 75E5CEBE-6BBB-2FB5-A613-0368A361D0B6Authorization: Bearer XXXX" -H "Client-Id: Test_Team"  "\[\]=platform&page_num=2&page_size=20&pretty=true" 

    Now to refine our searches we can use another The search can be refined using the set of search parameters documented in the table below. These parameters support collection searches and most Most of these parameters have the brackets next to them and may need to be escaped (\[\]) depending on the language used or how the method by which the query is being sent.  All   All of CMR time search parameters (temporal, updated_since, revision_date, and equatorand equator_crossing_date) formats are specified as yyyyas yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ format. Where ;  Where yyyy is year; MM is month; dd is day; T is the date time separator character; HH is the hour; mm is the minute; ss is the second; SSS is the milliseconds the milliseconds (the .SSS can be omitted); and Z specifies Zulu time.  


    January 2, 2000 at 4 minutes and 5 seconds

    and 4 minutes

    past 3


    o'clock in the morning Zulu time is represented as 2000-01-02T03:04:05Z.

    Documented in the table below are collection supported search parameters:

    *Note:  To get the complete and most up to date set of parameters,  visit

    Search Parameters



    Supports Pattern Option

    Supports Case Insensitivity Option

    Supports AND Option (ALL values have to be present within an element)

    Supports OR Option (ANY value has to be present within an element)




    uses concept_idNONONONO
    entry_titleentry_title\[\]=this is a title

    dataset_iddataset_id\[\]=this is a titleuses entry_titleN/AN/ANONO

    dif_entry_iddif_entry_id\[\]=SHORT_V5matches either entry_id or associated difsNONONONO





    format is: begin datetime, end datetime, period, duration

    or: begin datetime/ISO 8601 time interval

    One can leave out the begin time or end time or both the period and duration

    ranges are inclusive unless otherwise specified


    campaigncampaign\[\]=ESIuses projectYES YESYESNO
    updated_sinceupdated_since=2000-01-01T01:00:00ZThe time is inclusive.NON/ANONO



    The beginning or ending date time can be left off, but comma must remain. Inclusive boundary search


    platformplatform\[\]=AQUA platform short nameYES YESYESNO
    instrumentinstrument\[\]=CERES instrument short nameYES YESYESNO
    sensorsensor\[\]=CCD sensor short nameYES YESYESNO


    science_keywords\[0\]\[category\]=EARTH SCIENCE&science_keywords\[0\]\[topic\]=BIOLOGICAL CLASSIFICATION&science_keywords\[0\]\[term\]=ANIMALS/VERTEBRATES&science_keywords\[0\]\[variable-level-1\]=MAMMALS&science_keywords\[0\]\[variable-level-2\]=CARNIVORES&science_keywords\[0\]\[variable-level-3\]=BEARS

    There is a hierarchy for science keywords.

    These can be ANDed together which is the default or ORed.


    two_d_coordinate_system[name]two_d_coordinate_system\[name\]=Alphaalias of two_d_coordinate_system_name but does not support patternNONONONO

    valid values for near real time:

    "NEAR_REAL_TIME": "near_real_time", "nrt", "NRT", "near real time", "near-real time", "near-real-time", "near real-time"




    versionversion=1used together with short_nameYESYESYESNO
    polygonpolygon=10,10,30,10,30,20,10,20,10,10Polygon points are provided in counter-clockwise order. The last point should match the first point to close the polygon. The values are listed comma separated in longitude latitude order, i.e. lon1, lat1, lon2, lat2, lon3, lat3, and so on.N/AN/ANONO
    bounding_boxbounding_box=-10,-5,10,5Bounding boxes define an area on the earth aligned with longitude and latitude. The Bounding box parameters must be 4 comma-separated numbers: lower left longitude, lower left latitude, upper right longitude, upper right latitude.N/AN/ANONO
    pointpoint=100,20Search using a point involves using a pair of values representing the point coordinates as parameters. The first value is the longitude and second value is the latitude.N/AN/ANONO
    lineline=-0.37,-14.07,4.75,1.25,25.13,-15.51Lines are provided as a list of comma separated values representing coordinates of points along the line. The coordinates are listed in the format lon1, lat1, lon2, lat2, lon3, lat3, and so on.N/AN/ANONO

    By default keyword searches are case insensitive and support wild cards ? and *. The following elements are searched by a keyword search:

    • Concept ID
    • Provider ID
    • Entry Title
    • data type
    • short name
    • and long name
    • abstract
    • version

    • and version description

    • processing level id
    • science keywords
    • archive centers
    • additional attribute (names, data types, values, and descriptions)
    • spatial keywords
    • temporal keywords
    • associated
    • DIFs
    • project short and long names
    • platform short and long names
    • instrument short
    • & long names
    • and techniques
    • sensor short
    • & long names
    • and techniques
    • characteristic names and descriptions
    , and
    • two d coordinate system names
    online_onlyonline_only=truevalid values: true, falseNONONONO
    downloadabledownloadable=truevalid values: true, falseNONONONO
    browse_onlybrowse_only=falsevalid values: true, falseNONONONO
    browsablebrowsable=truevalid values: true, falseNONONONO

    Collection Search Parameters

    Documented in the table below are granule supported search parameters.

    Search ParametersExampleNotesSupports Pattern OptionSupports Case Insensitivity OptionSupports AND Option (ALL values have to be present within an element)Supports OR Option (ANY value has to be present within an element)


    readable_granule_namereadable_granule_name\[\]=SC:AST_L1B.003:2082836137matches either granule ur or producer granule idNONONONO
    online_onlyonline_only=truevalid values: true, falseNONONONO
    downloadabledownloadable=truevalid values: true, falseNONONONO









    full syntax:name - attribute name only

    full syntax: value type, attribute name, min value, max value - range search, can leave off beginning or ending of range, but comma is still needed. Ranges are inclusive. If this is not desired set to true the exclude_boundry option.

    full syntax:value type, attribute name, value - single value attribute.

    These searches include the granule collection - if this is not desired set to true the option exclude_collection

    polygonpolygon=10,10,30,10,30,20,10,20,10,10Polygon points are provided in counter-clockwise order. The last point should match the first point to close the polygon. The values are listed comma separated in longitude latitude order, i.e. lon1, lat1, lon2, lat2, lon3, lat3, and so on.N/AN/ANONO
    bounding_boxbounding_box=-10,-5,10,5Bounding boxes define an area on the earth aligned with longitude and latitude. The Bounding box parameters must be 4 comma-separated numbers: lower left longitude, lower left latitude, upper right longitude, upper right latitude.N/AN/ANONO
    pointpoint=100,20Search using a point involves using a pair of values representing the point coordinates as parameters. The first value is the longitude and second value is the latitude.N/AN/ANONO
    lineline=-0.37,-14.07,4.75,1.25,25.13,-15.51Lines are provided as a list of comma separated values representing coordinates of points along the line. The coordinates are listed in the format lon1, lat1, lon2, lat2, lon3, lat3, and so on.N/AN/ANONO



    value or rangeNONONONO



    value or rangeNONONONO
    equator_crossing_dateequator_crossing_date=2000-01-01T10:00:00Z,2010-03-10T12:00:00Zdate range searches can be expressed using ISO 8601NONONONO




    The beginning or ending date time can be left off, but comma must remain. Inclusive boundary searchNON/AYESNO
    cloud_covercloud_cover=-70.0,120.0The beginning or ending range can be left off, but comma must remain. Inclusive boundary searchNON/ANONO
    platformplatform\[\]=AQUA platform short nameYES YESYESNO
    instrumentinstrument\[\]=CERES instrument short nameYES YESYESNO
    sensorsensor\[\]=CCD sensor short nameYES YESYESNO

    campaigncampaign\[\]=ESIuses projectYES YESYESNO



    This finds either the granule or the collection parent record - the difference is in the ID (C vs G)NONONONO


    uses concept_idNONONONO


    day_night_flagday_night_flag=dayvalid values are day, night, unspecifiedYESYESNONO
    day_nightday_night=unspecifiedvalid values are day, night, unspecified - uses the day-night-flag element.YESYESNONO
    two_d_coordinate_systemtwo_d_coordinate_system\[\]=wrs-1:5,10:8-10,0-10:8,12see API docs for descriptionNONONONO
    gridgrid\[\]=wrs-1:5,10:8-10,0-10:8,12uses two_d_coordinate_system elementNONONONO


    versionversion=1used together with short_nameYESYESYESNO
    entry_titleentry_title\[\]=this is a title





    format is: begin datetime, end datetime, period, duration

    or: begin datetime/ISO 8601 time interval

    One can leave out the begin time or end time or both the period and duration

    ranges are inclusive unless otherwise specified






    exclude metadata records by echo_granule_id, concept id, or parent concept id. NONO NO NO 


    Granule Search Parameters

    In the The following example we wish demonstrates a request to find all collection metadata records that contain an AQUA platform and we would like the to see granule.  It further requests that only a formatted reference list of results that contain contains 20 references be displayed.

    UI Text Box


    curl -v -i -H "Echo-Tocken: 75E5CEBE-6BBB-2FB5-A613-0368A361D0B6Authorization: Bearer XXXX" -H "Client-Id: Test_Team"  "\[\]=AQUA&page_size=20&pretty=true"

    In the next example we wish to find all The following example demonstrates a request to find collection metadata records that contain an AQUA or an AURA platform and we would like the to see granule.  It further requests that only a formatted reference list of results that contain contains 20 references be displayed.


    curl -v -i -H "Echo-Tocken: 75E5CEBE-6BBB-2FB5-A613-0368A361D0B6Authorization: Bearer XXXX" -H "Client-Id: Test_Team"  "\[\]=AQUA&platform\[\]=AURA&page_size=20&pretty=true"

    There are a couple of extra options that certain Certain search parameters have additional options to aid the user.  To use these options the syntax   The syntax to employ them is: options[parameter name][option_key]=value.

    • Parameter name is
    the name of
    • the search parameter to be affected
    such as
    • (ex: platform).
    • Value is
    • set to "true" or "false".
    • Option_key is one of the following:
    Option nameDescription
    ignore_caseIf "ignore_case" is set to true the search will be case insensitive and if set to false the search will be case sensitive.  The default value is true. E.g. ignore_case=true - the search will match on both AQUA and aqua
    patternThis is the wildcard capability. If "pattern" is set to true the CMR will treat '*' as matches zero or more characters and '?' matches any single character. For example: platform[]=AQUA will match only on the value 'AQUA'.  if platform[]=A?U*&options[platform][pattern]=true platforms containing A followed by any alphanumeric character followed by U followed by any number of alphanumeric characters will be found.  So AQUA, ASUBB, ADUSD34H, AUU, etc. will all be found. The pattern option defaults to false.
    andIf "and" is set to true and if multiple values are listed for the parameter, the metadata records must contain ALL of these values in order to match. The default is false meaning metadata records that match ANY of the values will match.
    orThis option only applies to granule attributes or science-keyword searches. If "or" is set to true, the search will find records that match any of the attributes. The default for this option is false.

    Extra Options

    The The following is an example demonstrates the use of using additional options in conjunction with the platform search parameter.  This example will   A user would make the request in the box below to find any platform that matches begins with "A" followed by any number of alphanumeric characters and ends with "A. This will find both platforms of AQUA and AURA. ".   AQUA and AURA would both be located and returned with the results.


    curl -v -i -H "Echo-Tocken: 75E5CEBE-6BBB-2FB5-A613-0368A361D0B6Authorization: Bearer XXXX" -H "Client-Id: Test_Team"  "\[\]=A*A&options\[platform\]\[pattern\]=true&pretty=true"

    This next example demonstrates a user looking to find records that only contain an instrument that matches in the box below depicts a request entered to search for records exclusively contains an instrument matching "HELLO" in uppercase letters.


    curl -v -i -H "Echo-Tocken: 75E5CEBE-6BBB-2FB5-A613-0368A361D0B6Authorization: Bearer XXXX" -H "Client-Id: Test_Team"  "\[\]=HELLO&options\[instrument\]\[ignore-case\]=false&pretty=true"


    Besides science_keywords, if any of the parameters that are searched are repeated, the metadata records that have ANY of the values will match.  The   The following example demonstrates that the CMR system will match any metadata record containing either value.


    either concept id.


    curl -v -i -H "Echo-Tocken: 75E5CEBE-6BBB-2FB5-A613-0368A361D0B6" -H Authorization: Bearer XXXX" -H "Client-Id: Test_Team"  "\[\]=C123456-LPDAAC_ECS&concept_id\[\]=C123457-LPDAAC_ECS&pretty=true"


    For a complete set of examples using all of the search parameters please see , visit the API documentation link at

    API calls and parameters POST method

    The API using the POST method is the same as with the GET method, with the exception being the method of: 1) The method name used is POST instead of GETand 2) the parameters are in the body of the message without a length constraint instead of as opposed to existing in the URL string.  Using   The following example uses the curl command the following example and shows the query.xml file that contains the query we want to execute followed by request.  The subsequent example depicts the curl search request. In As long as syntax remains the same in the query.xml file, the parameters can be left as one long set or formatted to be more easily read - so long as syntax remains the same. Also notice in this example we did not escape

    *Note: Notice the brackets ([ ]) were not escaped in this example.










    UI Text Box

    curl -v -XPOST -i -d @query.xml ""

    Notice in *Note: In this specific instance that , the Content-Type header is not used.  Don't use it,   This is deliberate as it will cause an error.  

    JSON query language with a POST method

    For those who understand the JSON format, the The CMR provides a JSON RESTful interface. The elements that can be searched are the same as already described above, but this interface is for applicable only to collection searches only. This searching search method does provide additional functionality of provides additional functionality in conducting a search by using conditions (AND, OR, NOT) against the elements to conduct a search.  See the JSON schema for more details.  The example provided below demonstrates a query with consisting of conditions and uses several elements.  

    curl -XPOST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Client-Id: GCMD"
    -d '{"condition": { "and": [{ "not": { "or": [{ "provider": "TEST" },
    { "and": [{ "project": "test-project",
    "platform": "mars-satellite" }]}]}},
    { "bounding_box": [-45,15,0,25],
    "science_keywords": { "category": "EARTH SCIENCE" }}]}}'

    Alternative Query Language (AQL)

    The CMR supports the ECHO Alternative Query Language (AQL) if a client wishes to use this capability. While and is available to clients.  However,  while the AQL is supported, it is not being enhanced nor modified to take advantage of will not mature or be integrated with new CMR features. For a very detailed explanation and examples of AQL with examples of how to use it, please see the , refer to the ECHO AQL documentation.    

    Chapter 4: Retrieving Metadata

    There are several ways of retrieving metadata.  The first way consists of getting :

    • Retrieve a result list consisting of full metadata records.

    • While this has

    • been demonstrated

    , but it is shown again here in the example below.ui-text-box
    • above, a example has been replicated here for convenience.


      curl -v -i "https://cmr.


      curl -v -i "https://cmr.


    The response is a result list of full metadata records.  

    Another way is to use
    • Use the concept id to retrieve a record

    • : The syntax

    is sitOne can also use the

    • The concept id/revision number if a specific revision of a metadata record is wanted

    • : The syntax

    is sit These examples are shown below.
    • Tip
    • curl -v "https://cmr.


      curl -v "https://cmr.


      curl -v "https://cmr.


    • The CMR supports retrieving metadata records using different
    standards.  The table below lists these standards.
    • specifications and formats, which are listed in the table below:
    Type Received
    Accept HeaderValue
    Supports RevisionSupports GranulesComments


    YESYESreturns a reference list of results using the XML format
    jsonapplication/jsonNOYESreturns a subset of metadata data list of results using the JSON format
    echo10application/echo10+xmlYESYESreturns a full metadata record list of results in the echo 10 specification using the XML format
    isoapplication/iso19115+xmlYESYESreturns a full metadata record list of results in the ISO 19115-2 (MENDS) specification using the XML format
    iso19115application/iso19115+xmlYESYESreturns a full metadata record list of results in the ISO 19115-2 (MENDS) specification using the XML format
    difapplication/dif+xmlYESNOsupported for collections only and returns a full metadata record list of results in the DIF 9 specification using the XML format
    dif10application/dif10+xmlYESNOsupported for collections only and returns a full metadata record list of results in the DIF 10 specification using the XML format
    atomapplication/atom+xmlNOYESreturns a subset of metadata list of results in the ATOM specification using the XML format
    nativeapplication/metadata+xml YESYESreturns a full metadata record list of results in their individual native specification using the XML format

    Supported Standards

    Below are several examples using the supported standards mime types.  The first example is retrieving a :

    • Ex 1: Retrieves a granule metadata record in the JSON format.
    The second example retrieves
    • Ex 2: Retrieves a granule metadata record with a revision of 8 in the ISO specification.
    The third example retrieves
    • Ex 3: Retrieves a collection metadata record with a revision of 7 in the DIF 10 specification.
    The fourth example lists a granule record using the 
    • (*Note: If the record was sent and stored using the ECHO10 specification, that record will be translated to the DIF 10 specification and returned to the caller.)     
    • Ex 4: Lists a granule record using the native option

    native format
    • with the pretty print option turned on. The native option lists the metadata in the specification it was sent and stored within the CMR.

    • Tip
    • curl -v "https://cmr.


       curl -v "https://cmr.


      curl -v "https://cmr.


      curl -v "https://cmr.


    Chapter 5: Accessing data

    After identifying There are a variety of ways to access the data of interest through catalog queries, you may place a request for that data if from the response of a search query:

    1. Access the data provider
    (s) allow it. To create an request, it is critical that you understand the parts that make up a request
    A request is a collection of request items. Each request item consists of:
    • The GUID for the catalog item you wish to request
    • The quantity of the item you wish to request

    Other options associated with the item:
    Many catalog items belonging to many different providers may comprise a single order. Each provider may have its own validation scheme and rules for creating, validating, and submitting particular catalog items. To ensure appropriate validation – as well as to demarcate a larger request for sending to each provider – requests are split up into smaller provider requests, sometimes called sub-requests. Each provider request includes all the request items in a particular request that belong to a specific provider. Each provider request has its own provider request GUID, a unique identifier comprised of the GUID of the provider and the GUID of the request that contains the catalog items for this provider. The following figure shows the structure of a request.

                                                                                      Image Removed

    CMR Request Structure 

    The CMR is designed to support a variety of providers and their various requesting needs, which brings some complexity to the process of request creation. The following figure illustrates the most commonly used and direct approach for creating and submitting a request.


                                                                                    Image RemovedImage Removed 

    The most common way to obtain the catalog items needed for creating a request is through the ExecuteQuery operation found in the Catalog Service. You can also specify how the results should be displayed. When doing so, ensure that the CatalogItemID tag is returned. The string value under this tag is the actual catalog item GUID that you can use to request items from the CMR.

    Access Options 

    Access Options use CMR Forms (refer to for more information) for providers to indicate additional information required from users in order to fulfill their orders, such as the media to put the ordered data on and the specific subset of the data to order. Providers assign Order Option definitions to catalog items. When you add an order item to an order that has required order options, it must contain an option selection that corresponds to one of the assigned option definitions for the catalog item you are ordering. See section 1.3 of the CMR Forms Specification for more details. 
    To list the possible options for each catalog item, use the GetCatalogItemOrderInfomation operation on the 
    OrderManagementService. The operation returns one object called CatalogItemOrderInformation. This contains a list of catalog items and a list of option definitions. Not every option definition in the list applies to every catalog item returned. Each catalog item is associated with zero or more option definition GUIDs, which will be included in the list returned in CatalogItemOrderInformation. Use only one selection from one of the definitions when you add a catalog item to the order. Use your discretion when choosing the definition to use for the order and the selection from within that definition.


    Sometimes a catalog item may not be orderable; GetCatalogItemOrderInformation will return an exception if any catalog item is not orderable. 


    Not all catalog items have associated definitions, in which case they do not need option selections when ordering. However, if there are any options that are required by a catalog item, you are required to fill them out before you can validate and/or submit the order, or else an error will be returned. 

    The code listing below shows an example of getting the order options for two granules. 

    Code Listing 56: Getting Order Options for a Catalog Item


    String token = "[token obtained from login]"
    // The items we're interested in 
    String[] catalogItemGuids = new String[] { "G12345-PROV1""G23456-PROV1" };
    Get the service OrderManagementServiceLocator locator = new
    OrderManagementServiceLocator(); OrderManagementServicePort orderService = 
    Get the order information CatalogItemOrderInformation itemInfo =
    orderService.getCatalogItemOrderInformation(token, catalogItemGuids);



    In order to utilize the description and sort key option definition fields, clients must use the new complimentary operations. New operations are identified with the number 2, e.g. GetCatalogItemOrderInformation2 utilizes the new OptionDefinition2 type. See the CMR Web Services API documentation for all instances.

    Creating an Order

    Once you have collected the catalog item GUIDs and associated options, you can create an order by calling the CreateOrder operation on the OrderManagementService. Simply pass an array of item IDs to add to the order. 
    Common Selection 
    If you are adding one or more items to an order at the same time, and their selections are the same, you can choose a common selection for the CreateOrderAddOrderItemsCreateAndSubmitOrder, and UpdateOrderItems operations that will be applied to all order items passed in without an option selection. This reduces the amount of data transmitted to the CMR and is less resource-intensive because the CMR will need to validate the common selection only once. 
    For each item in the array, you should set the following parameters:

    Parameters on a Catalog Item

    ItemGuidThe catalog item GUID from the item's metadata
    QuantityOrderedThe quantity of the item you want to order

    Option selection that matches one of the option definitions associated with this item.

    If no required option definitions are associated with the item, this will be an empty list.

    The other attributes of Order Item should be empty when creating an order; the CMR will populate them automatically. The CMR will process the request and return a GUID identifying the newly created order. The code listing below shows an example of creating a simple order. 

    Code Listing 57: Creating a Simple Order


    OrderItem[] orderItems = new OrderItem[2]; orderItems[0] =
    new OrderItem(nullnull"G12345-PROV1"null, (short2null); orderItems[1] =
    new OrderItem(nullnull"G23456-PROV1"null, (short2null); String orderGuid = orderService.createOrder(token, orderItems,null);


    Adding Order Items 
    Once you have created an order, you may add other items to it using the AddOrderItems operation. This operation uses the GUID of the target order and a list of items to add. As with CreateOrder, the options other than those listed in the table above should be empty; the CMR will process the additions and return a list of GUIDs identifying these additions. The code listing below shows an example of adding items to an existing order. 
    Image Removed

    Code Listing 58: Adding Items to an Existing Order


    orderItems[0] = new OrderItem(nullnull"G34567-PROV1"null, (short2null); 
    orderItems[1] = new OrderItem(nullnull"G45678-PROV1"null, (short2null); 
    orderService.addOrderItems(token, orderGuid, orderItems,null);



    The CMR assigns each item in an order a GUID unique to that order. For example, adding the same granule to two different orders will produce two new GUIDs, one linking the granule to the first order and one linking the granule to the second order. 

    Updating Order Items
    Once you have added an item to an order, you can modify the options or quantity by calling UpdateOrderItems and passing in the modified items. In this case, you must fill in the GUID of each item since the CMR needs to findthe original item in your order to update it. To ensure you are updating the appropriate item with the correct information, follow these steps:
    Image Removed

    • Call GetOrderItems to populate the data.
    • Modify the desired order items.
    • Pass the results to UpdateOrderItems.

    The code listing below shows an example of updating an existing item.


    Code Listing 59: Updating an Item in an Order


    NameGuid[] itemNames = orderService.getOrderItemNamesByOrder(token, orderGuid); 
    String[] orderItemGuids = new String[] { itemNames[0].getGuid() }; 
    OrderItem[] items = orderService.getOrderItems(token, orderItemGuids); items[0].setQuantityOrdered((short22); 
    orderService.updateOrderItems(token, items,null);


    Removing Order Items 

    You may remove items from an order using the RemoveOrderItems operation as shown below: 

    Code Listing 60: Removing an Item from an Order


    itemNames = orderService.getOrderItemNamesByOrder(token, orderGuid); 
    orderItemGuids = new String[] { itemNames[0].getGuid() }; 
    orderService.removeOrderItems(token, orderItemGuids);


    Removing Orders and Canceling Orders

    To delete a specific provider order(s), use the RemoveProviderOrders operation. You cannot delete orders that you have already submitted. For post-submittal orders, a registered user can use the CancelOrder operation on the OrderManagementService to cancel an open order. 
    Guest orders cannot be deleted in the post-submittal phase; the CancelOrder operation will delete the entire order, including all associated orders.

    Setting User Information for an Order

    Every order must have its own user-specific information attached to it so that a data provider can process the order. Contact information, billing, and shipping addresses are all required as well as user domain and region. Each order is independent of other orders, so user information must be set up for each order created. 
    You may set up user information at any point in the order process prior to submission. User information is not required until you validate, quote, or submit the order. If the required information is not present at that time, you will receive an error. You can set up user information for an order by calling the SetUserInformationForOrder operation on the OrderManagementService.

    Validating an Order

    To ensure that an order is complete, with all the required options and user-associated information for that order filled out, the CMR validates all orders when submitted or quoted. If you attempt to submit an invalid order, you will receive an error message. Currently, the message reflects only the first validation error encountered; you need to fix the reported error and revalidate until the order is error-free. At this point, if you change any aspect of the validated order before finally submitting it, then the order will again require validation. To validate orders, call SubmitOrder or QuoteOrder. You can manually validate orders with the ValidateOrder operation in the 

    Keep in mind that running the ValidateOrder operation may return a validation error related to one of the many provider-specific validation rules, which may change over time. You should find the error messages complete enough to help you determine what aspects of the order you need to correct. 

    Note that validation errors can occur if the order specified does not exist, or does not belong to you.

    Requesting a Quote for an Order

    Requesting a quote is an optional step that not all providers support. A quoted order provides a binding price for the order as a whole. The binding quote response from each of the necessary providers may take a day or more to receive. You cannot make changes to an order while it is in the quoting process. If you make changes to the order subsequent to the receipt of a quote, the changes may invalidate the quoted price. You may request a quote from a provider by calling QuoteOrder.

    Submitting a Data Request

    Once you have fully validated a data request and have made no subsequent changes to the request, submit the request to the system using the SubmitOrder operation in the OrderManagementService
    Specify your preference for receiving order status information using one of the NotificationLevel choices shown in Table 10: CMR Order Notification Levels

    CMR Order Notification Levels

    Notification Level

    The system will e-mail you all provider order state changes and status message updates.

    (See the next table for more on order state changes.)

    DETAILThe system will e-mail you provider order state changes only.
    INFOThe system will e-mail you when a provider order is closed or canceled.
    CRITICALThe system will e-mail you if the order fails during submission or is rejected by the provider. 
    NONEThe system will not send e-mail.

    If you do not specify any notification level for a registered user's order, the CMR will use your preference value. If you, as a registered user, have not set a preference value, the default value is INFO. The notification for all guests' orders is also INFO
    Once an order transmits to the system using the SubmitOrder operation, the CMR sends each provider order contained within your order to the appropriate provider. Each provider will decide whether to accept your provider order and how to process it. 

    Tracking and Canceling Orders 
    From this point on, you can track the status of an order using the GetOrders operation in the OrderManagementService. At any point before the order actually ships, you may request cancellation of the order through the CancelOrder operation. You can then use the GetOrders operation again to track whether you successfully cancelled the order. 
    When the CMR sends a request to a provider to quote, submit or cancel a particular order, both the CMR and that provider must have the same ID for that order. The CMR identifies the specific provider order by the ProviderOrderGUID (which is the combination of the provider GUID and the order GUID). However, the provider may also have its own ID system for tracking a particular provider order. As a solution, the provider order in the CMR also contains a provider-tracking ID. When the provider receives the request from the CMR, the provider has the option to accept the order GUID that the CMR has assigned to that provider order, or to provide the CMR with its own unique ID. If the provider does pass back its own unique ID as the provider-tracking ID, then the CMR will use that ID in addition to the normal CMR ProviderOrderGUID to refer to this provider order. If the provider does not specify a tracking ID, then the provider order will be referenced using only the CMR ProviderOrderGUID.

    Order States

    An order consists of zero or many provider orders. An order state is calculated based on the state of the individual provider orders that make up the order. The table below shows the order states for orders made up of zero or one provider order or of multiple provider orders having the same provider order state. 

    Order States with 0 or 1 Provider Order

    # of Provider Orders 

    Provider Order StateOrder State




    -Same as provider order state



    Restricted or Deleted Order Items 
    Some catalog items you may order only with permission. Each provider sets the restrictions and permissions on catalog item ordering. Providers may also delete catalog items at any time. Restrictions can apply to individual users, groups of users or all users. If a catalog item is not available to you, executing the 
    CreateAndSubmitOrder, GetCatalogItemOrderInformationCreateOrder, or AddOrderItems operation with this catalog item will return an error message indicating that it is not an orderable item. If an item becomes unavailable after you have created an order, you will receive an error message when you invoke the 
    UpdateOrderItemsValidateOrderQuoteOrder, or SubmitOrder operation on that order.

    Metadata subscriptions




    This document provides a look and guide to the Common Metadata Repository (CMR) from the perspective of the Client Partner.


  • All references to time are in Universal Time Coordinated (UTC).
  • Data Partners are also referred to as Data Providers.
  • Client Partners are also referred to as Client Developers.
  • Words in bold text are key words or concepts. 
  • Programming examples use a fixed width font, have upper/lower lines separating them 
    from the rest of the text, and are in this color font. 


  • Comments (denoted by // within examples) 

  • Best practices or warnings appear in italicized, boxed text.

    1. 's site via the landing page in the collection or granule and follow their instructions for data retrieval. Note: This information is not required and may not be present.
    2.  Order the data through the Earthdata Search system, found at


    Acronyms used throughout this document are contained in the table below.


    Application Programming Interface


    Alternative Query Language


    Alaska Satellite Facility DAAC


    Commercial Off The Shelf


    Distributed Active Archive Center


    EOSDIS Core System


    Earth Observing System


    EOS Data and Information System


    Earth Science Data and Information System


    File Transfer Protocol


    Global Change Master Directory


    Greenwich Mean Time


    National Aeronautics and Space Administration


    Secure Sockets Layer


    Uniform Resource Locator


    Universal Time, Coordinated (also called GMT/UTC)


    Worldwide Reference System


    eXtensible Markup Language

    Best Practices for CMR Client Operations

    Below are some tips and recommended practices to increase overall performance of client interactions with the CMR services.

    Enhancing the Speed of Queries

    • Limit the end user choices — This will promote efficiency by displaying only choices applicable to user needs.
    • Search for collections first and limit the collection search spatially, temporally, and/or by data center — Limiting the collection will result in a narrower search and a smaller, more focused result set.
    • Request only what the user would see in the first few pages. For example, if the client only supports displaying 10 pages of 10 items, using a page size of 100 items will allow the client to pre-fetch the next page of results while the user is examining the first page.
    • Use the value element — As a general rule, it will be more efficient than range element.

    Increasing Efficiency of Spatial Queries

    • If querying a single Data Partner — name the Data Partner in the query.
    • If querying a single collection — include the name of the collection in the query.
    • Note: Queries for smaller spatial regions return faster than queries for broader regions.
    • Note: Queries for spatial regions with fewer points return faster results than queries with more points

    Optimizing HTTP CMR Requests

    • Reuse HTTP connections — This keeps the connection open between requests to ingest an item.  This isn't a CMR feature itself but a feature of HTTP and the libraries.  (Note these are usually not thread safe so you need one per thread)

    • Use multiple threads — Between 2 and 5 is a reasonable number.

    • Use HTTP compression — This will allow you to send the metadata efficiently. This isn't required but can potentially speed up the requests.

    • Reuse the authentication token for multiple requests — The CMR will recognize when a token is reused and can efficiently authenticate and authorize permission for ingesting.

    Moderating Client Request Traffic

    In order to provide robust availability and performance for all clients of the service, CMR Search deploys a set of rate throttling rules for request traffic. These rules are defined to target specific request signatures, throttling the allowed rate of these searches in an effort to prevent overall degradation of system performance and availability. If a client request should exceed one of these rate throttling rules, the request will be rejected and a 429 error status returned to the client along with a 'retry-after' header value.

    • The suggested practice for any CMR Search client is to honor the 'retry-after' header value and delay accordingly before re-issuing the failed request and continuing with its CMR Search processing.