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Table of Contents

Element Description

The platform elements enable the specification of platforms used to collect the data available in the dataset. Platforms provided in CMR metadata must be chosen from a controlled keyword hierarchy maintained in the Keyword Management System (KMS). A list of valid platform keywords can be found here:

Optionally, attributes specific to the platform (such as equator crossing time, inclination angle, orbital period, etc.) may be specified in the characteristics elements. Please see the Characteristics wiki page for a detailed description of the characteristics sub-elements. 

Best Practices

Platform keywords are important for the discovery of data. All relevant platforms should be listed for each dataset. It is preferred that more specific platform keyword terms be chosen from the KMS when available. For example, if data were collected from the NASA DC-8 aircraft, it is preferred that "NASA DC-8" be listed as the platform as opposed to the more generic "AIRCRAFT" keyword. If a particular platform keyword is missing from the KMS, it is possible to put in a request to have it added. The KMS is managed by the Global Change Master Directory (GCMD), and new keyword requests may be made through the GCMD Keywords Community Forum.

In the KMS, there is a hierarchy for platform keywords. Platform keywords should be provided in the metadata field corresponding to the appropriate position of the keyword hierarchy, otherwise the keyword will be rendered invalid. For example, the platform short name specified in the KMS should not be provided in the platform 'long name' field in the metadata. When listing platforms, a platform short name will always be required. While platform long names are not required, it is highly encouraged that long names be provided if one is listed in the KMS. Many platform short names are comprised of acronyms, so inclusion of the long name provides additional context to a user who may not be familiar with the acronym. Platform keywords are not case sensitive.

It is recommended that platform keywords be assigned in a consistent manner. For example, if data for several collections were collected by the "LANDSAT-8" satellite, it is recommended that the metadata for all of those collections list "LANDSAT-8" as the platform short name. Providing "LANDSAT-8" as the platform in some records, but the more generic "LANDSAT" as the platform in other records, results in an inconsistent experience for a user discovering data. This is especially true for users narrowing down their search results in the Earthdata Search client by using the faceted search options. 

In the case that it does not make sense to provide a platform for a dataset, "Not Applicable" is an accepted value.     


Examples (ShortName > LongName):

Terra > Earth Observing System, Terra (AM-1)

METOP-A > Meteorological Operational Satellite - A

VIC-LSM > Variable Infiltration Capacity (VIC) Land Surface Model

MESONET > Mesoscale Meteorological Network

BE-200 > Beechcraft King Air BE-200

Element Specification

An unlimited amount of platform keywords may be listed Platform is a required element. A minimum of 1 Platform must be provided. Multiple Platforms may also be provided if necessary (Cardinality: 1..*).

Providing platform characteristics is optional. An unlimited amount of platform characteristics may be specified for a particular platform (Cardinality: 0..*). If platform characteristics are provided, all 5 sub-fields (Name, Description, DataType, Unit, Value) are required.

ModelElementTypeUsable Valid ValuesConstraintsRequired?CardinalityNotes
UMM-CommonPlatforms/TypeStringPlatform Category Keywords

KMS controlled

UMM-CommonPlatforms/ShortNameStringPlatform Short_Name KeywordsKMS controlled
UMM-CommonPlatforms/LongNameStringPlatform Long_Name KeywordsKMS controlledNo0..1

1 - 80 characters

Yes, if applicable1Only required if a characteristic is listed. Providing characteristics is optional.
UMM-CommonPlatforms/Characteristics/DescriptionStringn/a1 - 80 charactersYes, if applicable1Only required if a characteristic is listed. Providing characteristics is optional.











n/aYes, if applicable1Only required if a characteristic is listed. Providing characteristics is optional.

1 - 20 characters

Yes, if applicable1Only required if a characteristic is listed. Providing characteristics is optional.

1 - 80 characters

Yes, if applicable1Only required if a characteristic is listed. Providing characteristics is optional.

Value needed for translations:

The following value is needed by the CMR to translate older non-UMM compliant records to and from the UMM and other supported specifications where non-required elements are considered required but no valid value is given. This is needed partly because the CMR still allows a non UMM compliant record to be ingested with warnings.

NOT PROVIDED  - DIF 10 records found to be missing platforms by software will be automatically assigned a value of "Not Provided". It should then be confirmed whether a platform can be assigned or whether "Not Applicable" should be provided. The value "Not Provided" should not be used by metadata providers. 

Metadata Validation and QA/QC

All metadata entering the CMR goes through the below process to ensure metadata quality requirements are met. All records undergo CMR validation before entering the system. The process of QA/QC is slightly different for NASA and non-NASA data providers. Non-NASA providers include interagency and international data providers and are referred to as the International Directory Network (IDN).

nameCopy of Wiki Page Metadata Evaluation Workflow-1939-b106300c

Please see the expandable sections below for flowchart details.

titleGCMD Metadata QA/QC
  • Manual Review
    • Identify errors, discrepancies or omissions.
    • Verify that all pertinent keywords have been applied.
    • Verify that existing facets and other controlled keyword values are consistent and suitable for the data.
  • Automated Review
    • Check that the field has been populated.
    • Check that the field is populated with a valid value from KMS.
    • Check that the field value is not a duplicate.
    • Check that the field length is not greater than the maximum characters allowed for each sub-element.
titleCMR Validation


  • The specific platform must be unique within the collection. The uniqueness is established by combining the platform short name along with its characteristic's name and value.
  • The platform short name must match with what is in the KMS.
  • If a granule has a platform short name in it, it must match to one that is defined in the collection.
  • If removing a platform from a collection, none of its granules can reference that platform's short name.
titleARC Metadata QA/QC

ARC Priority Matrix

Priority CategorizationJustification

Red = High Priority Finding

titleARC Metadata QA/QC

ARC Priority Matrix

This element is categorized as highest priority when:

  • The element is not included at all.
  • The platform short name tags are provided in the metadata but are left empty.
  • The platform keyword does not align with the KMS.
    • The platform keyword does not exist in KMS.
    • A keyword(s) is placed in the incorrect position of the hierarchy (e.g. the platform short name is placed in the long name field).
    • Keywords from two different KMS hierarchies are listed in the same hierarchy in the metadata (i.e. hierarchies cannot be mixed and matched)
  • Not all relevant platforms are listed.
  • An incorrect platform is listed.
  • A recommendation is made to replace a valid platform with a more specific/appropriate platform keyword.
  • Please see the Characteristics wiki page for high priority issues related to the Characteristics sub-elements.
    Priority CategorizationJustification

    This element is categorized as medium highest priority when:

    • No Platform Short Name is provided.
    • The platform keyword does not align with the KMS.
    • A recommendation is made to add a platform long name when a long name exists in the
      • The platform keyword does not exist in the 
      recommendation is made to add the platform type to the metadata (this aligns with the platform category keywords in KMS).
    • Platforms are provided in an inconsistent manner across related datasets.
    • Please see the Characteristics wiki page for medium priority issues related to the Characteristics sub-elements.

    This element is categorized as low priority when:

      • keyword(s) is placed in the incorrect position of the hierarchy (e.g. the Platform Short Name is placed in the Long Name field).
      • Keywords from two different KMS hierarchies are listed in the same hierarchy in the metadata (hierarchies cannot be mixed and matched).
    • Not all relevant platforms are listed.
    • An incorrect platform is listed.
    • A recommendation is made to replace a valid platform with a more specific/appropriate platform keywordThe platform type and/or long name tags are provided in the metadata but are left empty.
    • Please see the Characteristics wiki page for low high priority issues findings related to the Platform/Characteristics sub-elements.
    The element is provided, and follows all applicable criteria specified in the best practices section above.

    ARC Automated Checks

  • Platform Type
    • If no value is provided, return is: "Recommend providing the platform type for each of the platforms listed. This corresponds to the "Category" keyword as specified in the hierarchy. Platform keywords are GCMD controlled and should be chosen from the following list:"
    • If the provided value is not in the correct hierarchy position, return is: "<provided value> is in the incorrect position of the project keyword hierarchy."
    • If the provided value does not conform to GCMD, return is: "<provided value> does not conform to GCMD."
  • Platform Short Name
    • If no value is provided, return is: "This is a required field. Recommend providing at least one Platform Short Name relevant to this data set. The Platform Short Name is GCMD controlled and should be selected from the following list:"
    • If the provided value is not in the correct hierarchy position, return is: "<provided value> is in the incorrect position of the project keyword hierarchy."
    • If the provided value does not conform to GCMD, return is: "<provided value> does not conform to GCMD."
  • Platform Long Name
  • If no value is provided, return is: "Recommend providing the platform long name for each of the platforms listed, if a platform long name is available in GCMD."
  • If no short name value is provided, return is: "In addition to adding a Platform Short Name, recommend adding a Platform Long Name (if applicable)."
  • If provided value is in the incorrect hierarchy position, return is: "<provided value> is in the incorrect position of the project keyword hierarchy."
  • If provided value does not conform to the GCMD, return is: "<provided value> does not conform to GCMD."

    Dialect Mappings

    titleDIF 9

    DIF 9 (Note: DIF-9 is being phased out and will no longer be supported after 2018)

    Yellow = Medium Priority Finding

    This element is categorized as medium priority when:

    Blue = Low Priority Finding

    This element is categorized as low priority when:

    Green = No Findings/Issues

    The element is provided and follows all applicable criteria specified in the best practices section above.

    ARC Automated Checks

    ARC uses the pyQuARC library for automated metadata checks. Please see the pyQuARC GitHub for more information. 

    Dialect Mappings

    titleDIF 9

    DIF 9 (Note: DIF-9 is being phased out and will no longer be supported after 2018)

    Example Mapping

    titleDIF 10

    DIF 10

    Platform is a required element. A minimum of 1 Platform must be provided. Multiple Platforms may also be provided if necessary (Cardinality: 1..*).

    Providing platform characteristics is optional. An unlimited amount of platform characteristics may be specified for a particular platform (Cardinality: 0..*). If platform characteristics are provided, all 5 sub-fields (Name, Description, DataType, Unit, Value) are required.

    UMM-C ElementDIF 10 PathTypeUsable Valid ValuesConstraintsRequired in DIF 10?CardinalityNotes



    Platform Category KeywordsKMS controlled



    Corresponds to the Platform 'Category' keywords in KMS.

    StringPlatform Short_Name Keywords

    KMS controlled

    Yes1For each platform provided, a short name is required.
    Platforms/LongNamePlatform/Long_NameStringPlatform Long_Name Keywords

    KMS controlled

    No0..1It is highly recommended that a long name be provided if one is available in KMS.
    1 - 80 charactersYes, if applicable1Only required if a characteristic is provided. Providing characteristics is optional.
    1 - 2048 charactersYes, if applicable1Only required if a characteristic is provided. Providing characteristics is optional.
    1 - 80 charactersYes, if applicable1Only required if a characteristic is provided. Providing characteristics is optional.
    1 - 20 charactersYes, if applicable1Only required if a characteristic is provided. Providing characteristics is optional.
    1 - 80 charactersYes, if applicable1Only required if a characteristic is provided. Providing characteristics is optional.

    Example Mapping


    DIF 10

    No Format
      <Type>Earth Observation Satellites</Type>
      <Long_Name>Ice, Cloud and Land Elevation Satellite</LongName>
        <Description>The angle between the orbit plane and the Earth's equatorial plane.</Description>


    No Format
    Platforms: [
        Type: "Earth Observation Satellites",
        ShortName: "ICESat",
        LongName: "Ice, Cloud and Land Elevation Satellite",
        Characteristics: [
            Name: "OrbitInclination",
            Description: "The
    titleDIF 10

    DIF 10

    An unlimited amount of platform keywords may be listed (Cardinality: 1..*)

    Providing platform characteristics is optional. An unlimited amount of platform characteristics may be specified for a particular platform (Cardinality: 0..*). If platform characteristics are provided, all 5 sub-fields (Name, Description, DataType, Unit, Value) are required.

    SpecificationPathTypeConstraintsRequired in DIF 10?CardinalityNotes
    DIF 10



    KMS controlled



    Corresponds to the Platform 'Category' keywords in KMS.

    DIF 10/DIF/Platform/Short_Name

    KMS controlled

    Yes1For each platform provided, a short name is required.
    DIF 10/DIF/Platform/Long_NameString

    KMS controlled

    No0..1It is highly recommended that a long name be provided if one is available in KMS.
    DIF 10/DIF/Platform/Characteristics/NameString1 - 80 charactersNo0..1DIF 10/DIF/Platform/Characteristics/DescriptionString1 - 2048 charactersNo0..1DIF 10/DIF/Platform/Characteristics/DataTypeString1 - 80 charactersNo0..1DIF 10/DIF/Platform/Characteristics/UnitString1 - 80 charactersNo0..1DIF 10/DIF/Platform/Characteristics/ValueString1 - 80 charactersNo0..1

    DIF 10

    No Format
      <Type>Earth Observation Satellites</Type>
      <Long_Name>Ice, Cloud and Land Elevation Satellite</LongName>
        <Description>The angle between the orbit plane and the Earth's equatorial plane.</Description>",
        DataType: "FLOAT",


    No Format
    Platforms: [
        Type: "Earth Observation Satellites",
        ShortName: "ICESat",
        LongName: "Ice, Cloud and Land Elevation Satellite",
        Characteristics: [
            Name: "OrbitInclination",
            Description: "The angle between the orbit plane and the Earth's equatorial plane.",
            DataType: "FLOAT",
            Unit: "Degrees",
            Value: "94.0"
    Unit: "Degrees",
            Value: "94.0"
    titleECHO 10

    ECHO 10

    Platform is an optional element in ECHO10, however, it is required in the UMM. Therefore it is strongly recommended that a Platform be provided if possible. Multiple Platforms may also be provided if necessary (Cardinality: 0..*).

    Providing platform characteristics is optional. An unlimited amount of

    titleECHO 10

    ECHO 10

    An unlimited amount of platform keywords may be listed (Cardinality: 1..*)

    Providing platform characteristics is optional. An unlimited amount of

    platform characteristics may be specified for a particular platform (Cardinality: 0..*). If platform characteristics are provided, all 5 sub-fields (Name, Description, DataType, Unit, Value) are required.

    UMM-C ElementECHO 10
    PathTypeUsable Valid ValuesConstraintsRequired in ECHO10?CardinalityNotes
    ECHO 10
    Platforms/Type/Collection/Platforms/Platform/TypeStringPlatform Category Keywords

    KMS controlled

    Yes, if applicable1Corresponds to the Platform 'Category' keywords in KMS.
    ECHO 10
    Platforms/ShortName/Collection/Platforms/Platform/ShortNameStringPlatform Short_Name Keywords

    KMS controlled

    Yes, if applicable1

    For each platform provided, a short name is required.

    ECHO 10

    Corresponds to the 'Short_Name' keywords in KMS.

    Platforms/LongName/Collection/Platforms/Platform/LongNameStringPlatform Long_Name KeywordsKMS controlledNo0..1

    It is highly recommended that a long name be provided if one is available in KMS.

    ECHO 10/

    Corresponds to the 'Long_Name' keywords in KMS.


    Yes, if applicable1Only required if a characteristic is
    provided. Providing characteristics is optional.
    ECHO 10

    Yes, if applicable1Only required if a characteristic is
    provided. Providing characteristics is optional.
    ECHO 10
    Platforms/Characteristics/DataType/Collection/Platforms/Platform/Characteristics/Characteristic/DataType String

    Yes, if applicable1Only required if a characteristic is
    provided. Providing characteristics is optional.
    ECHO 10

    Yes, if applicable1Only required if a characteristic is
    provided. Providing characteristics is optional.
    ECHO 10

    Yes, if applicable1Only required if a characteristic is
    provided. Providing characteristics is optional.

    Example Mapping


    ECHO 10

    No Format
        <Type>Earth Observation Satellites</Type>
        <LongName>Ice, Cloud and Land Elevation Satellite</LongName>
            <Description>The angle between the orbit plane and the Earth's equatorial plane.</Description>


    No Format
    Platforms: [
        Type: "Earth Observation Satellites",
        ShortName: "ICESat",
        LongName: "Ice, Cloud and Land Elevation Satellite",
        Characteristics: [
            Name: "OrbitInclination",
            Description: "The angle between the orbit plane and the Earth's equatorial plane.",
            DataType: "FLOAT",
            Unit: "Degrees",
            Value: "94.0"
    titleISO 19115-2 MENDS

    ISO 19115-2 MENDS

    An unlimited amount of platform keywords may be listed Platform is a required element. A minimum of 1 Platform must be provided. Multiple Platforms may also be provided if necessary (Cardinality: 1..*).

    Providing platform characteristics is optional. An unlimited amount of platform characteristics may be specified for a particular platform (Cardinality: 0..*). If platform characteristics are provided, all 5 sub-fields should be provided (Name, Description, DataType, Unit, Value) to meet CMR requirements.

    ISO 19115-2 MENDSISO 19115-2 MENDSISO 19115-2 MENDSISO 19115-2 MENDSISO 19115-2 MENDS
    UMM-C Element

    ISO 19115-2 MENDS 




    /gmi:MI_Metadata/gmi:acquisitionInformation/gmi:MI_AcquisitionInformation/gmi:platform/eos:EOS_Platform id="<insert unique instrument ID here>"/ gmd:description/gco:CharacterString


    Corresponds to the UMM field Platforms/Type. Values should be selected from the platform 'Category' keywords in KMS.

    An ID should be provided directly after "eos:EOS_Platform" in the ISO x-path. This ID corresponds to the platform and is used to link the platform information to the associated instrument. The ID should be unique within the metadata record.
    ISO 19115-2 MENDS


    /gmi:MI_Metadata/gmi:acquisitionInformation/gmi:MI_AcquisitionInformation/gmi:platform/eos:EOS_Platform/ gmi:identifier/gmd:MD_Identifier/gmd:code/gco:CharacterString


    /gmi:MI_Metadata/gmi:acquisitionInformation/gmi:MI_AcquisitionInformation/gmi:platform/eos:EOS_Platform/ gmi:identifier/gmd:MD_Identifier/gmd:codeSpace/gco:CharacterString = gov.nasa.esdis.umm.platformshortname


    Corresponds to the UMM field Platforms/ShortName. A list of valid platform short names can be found in the KMS under the 'Short_Name' column. For each platform listed the short name is required by CMR. The short name value goes in the gmd:code field. The value of " gov.nasa.esdis.umm.platformshortname" should be provided in gmd:CodeSpace field so that CMR can properly parse out the platform short name.

    Platforms/LongName/gmi:MI_Metadata/gmi:acquisitionInformation/gmi:MI_AcquisitionInformation/gmi:platform/eos:EOS_Platform/ gmi:identifier/gmd:MD_Identifier/gmd:description/gco:CharacterStringStringCorresponds to the UMM field Platforms/LongName. A list of valid platform long names can be found in the KMS under the 'Long_Name' column.

    ISO 19115-2 MENDS/gmi:MI_Metadata/gmi:acquisitionInformation/gmi:MI_AcquisitionInformation/gmi:platform/eos:EOS_Platform/ eos:otherProperty/gco:Record/eos:AdditionalAttributes/eos:AdditionalAttribute/eos:reference/eos:EOS_AdditionalAttributeDescription/ eos:type/eos:EOS_AdditionalAttributeTypeCode codeList="" codeListValue="platformInformation"=platformInformationCodelistThe "platformInformation" codelist value must be provided so that CMR can properly identify the associated information as platform characteristics. This codelist value does not directly map to a UMM element - choosing 'platformInformation' indicates to CMR that the platform characteristic elements should be mapped.
    Platforms/Characteristics/Name/gmi:MI_Metadata/gmi:acquisitionInformation/gmi:MI_AcquisitionInformation/gmi:platform/eos:EOS_Platform/ eos:otherProperty/gco:Record/eos:AdditionalAttributes/eos:AdditionalAttribute/eos:reference/eos:EOS_AdditionalAttributeDescription/ eos:name/gco:CharacterStringString
    Corresponds to the UMM field Platforms/Characteristics/Name.ISO 19115-2 MENDSDescription/gmi:MI_Metadata/gmi:acquisitionInformation/gmi:MI_AcquisitionInformation/gmi:platform/eos:EOS_Platform/ /eos:otherProperty/gco:Record/eos:AdditionalAttributes/eos:AdditionalAttribute/eos:reference/eos:EOS_AdditionalAttributeDescription/ eos:description/gco:CharacterStringString
    Corresponds to the UMM field Platforms/Characteristics/Description.DataType/gmi:MI_Metadata/gmi:acquisitionInformation/gmi:MI_AcquisitionInformation/gmi:platform/eos:EOS_Platform/ eos:otherProperty/gco:Record/eos:AdditionalAttributes/eos:AdditionalAttribute/eos:reference/eos:EOS_AdditionalAttributeDescription/ eos:dataType/eos:EOS_AdditionalAttributeDataTypeCode codeList="" codeListValue=<date type> value=<data type>Codelist

    Corresponds to the UMM field Platforms/Characteristics/DataType.

    ISO codelist values ISO codelist values (class, codelist, enumeration, codelistElement, abstractClass, aggregateClass, specifiedClass, datatypeClass, interfaceClass, unionClass, metaClass, typeClass, characterString, integer, association)


    Platforms/Characteristics/Unit/gmi:MI_Metadata/gmi:acquisitionInformation/gmi:MI_AcquisitionInformation/gmi:platform/eos:EOS_Platform/ /eos:otherProperty/gco:Record/eos:AdditionalAttributes/eos:AdditionalAttribute/eos:reference/eos:EOS_AdditionalAttributeDescription/ eos:parameterUnitsOfMeasure/gco:CharacterStringString
    Corresponds to the UMM field Platforms/Characteristics/Unit.ISO 19115-2 MENDSValue/gmi:MI_Metadata/gmi:acquisitionInformation/gmi:MI_AcquisitionInformation/gmi:platform/eos:EOS_Platform/ /eos:otherProperty/gco:Record/eos:AdditionalAttributes/eos:AdditionalAttribute/eos:value/gco:CharacterStringString

    Corresponds to the UMM field Platforms/Characteristics/Value.ISO 19115-2 MENDS/gmi:MI_Metadata/gmi:acquisitionInformation/gmi:MI_AcquisitionInformation/gmi:platform/eos:EOS_Platform/gmi:instrument xlink:href=<insert unique instrument ID here>'StringAn ID should be provided here and should match the ID provided for the associated instrument. This ID should be unique within a metadata record. This will link all of the information provided on the platform to its associated instrument.

    Example Mapping


    ISO 19115-2 MENDS



    No Format
    Platforms<gmi: [MI_Metadata>
        Type: "Earth Observation Satellites",
         ShortName: "ICESat", <gmi:platform>
        LongName: "Ice, Cloud and Land Elevation Satellite",
        <eos:EOS_Platform id="d36bb8fb0-d827-4fd1-a2e9-5db6778abddc">
              Characteristics<gmi: [identifier>
      Name: "OrbitInclination",
            Description: "The angle between<gmd:code>
     the orbit plane and the Earth's equatorial plane.",
            DataType: "FLOAT",<gco:CharacterString>ICESat</gco:CharacterString>
            Unit: "Degrees",
                  Value<gmd: "94.0"
    titleISO 19115-2 SMAP
                    <gco:CharacterString>Ice, Cloud and Land Elevation Satellite</gco:CharacterString>
                <gco:CharacterString>Earth Observation Satellites</gco:CharacterString>
              <gmi:instrument xlink:href="#dfdaa96ba-483d-4e63-86ad-5dfd0eedf496"/>
                            <eos:EOS_AdditionalAttributeTypeCode codeList="" codeListValue="platformInformation">platformInformation</eos:EOS_AdditionalAttributeTypeCode>
                            <gco:CharacterString>The angle between the orbit plane and the Earth's equatorial plane.</gco:CharacterString>
                            <eos:EOS_AdditionalAttributeDataTypeCode codeList="" codeListValue="FLOAT">FLOAT</eos:EOS_AdditionalAttributeDataTypeCode>


    No Format
    Platforms: [
        Type: "Earth Observation Satellites",
        ShortName: "ICESat",
        LongName: "Ice, Cloud and Land Elevation Satellite",
        Characteristics: [
            Name: "OrbitInclination",
            Description: "The angle between the orbit plane and the Earth's equatorial plane.",
            DataType: "FLOAT",
            Unit: "Degrees",
            Value: "94.0"

    ISO 19115-2 SMAP

    titleISO 19115-2 SMAP

    ISO 19115-2 SMAP

    Platform is a required element. A minimum of 1 Platform must be provided. Multiple Platforms may also be provided if necessary (Cardinality: 1..*).

    Providing platform characteristics is optional. An unlimited amount of platform characteristics may be specified for a particular platform (Cardinality: 0..*). If platform characteristics are provided, all 5 sub-fields should be provided (Name, Description, DataType, Unit, Value) to meet CMR requirements.

    UMM-C Element

    ISO 19115-2 SMAP Path



    ISO 19115-2 SMAP

    An unlimited amount of platform keywords may be listed (Cardinality: 1..*)

    Providing platform characteristics is optional. An unlimited amount of platform characteristics may be specified for a particular platform (Cardinality: 0..*). If platform characteristics are provided, all 5 sub-fields should be provided (Name, Description, DataType, Unit, Value) to meet CMR requirements.


    ISO 19115-2 SMAP

    /gmd:DS_Series/gmd:seriesMetadata/gmi:MI_Metadata/gmi:acquisitionInformation/gmi:MI_AcquisitionInformation/gmi:platform/eos:EOS_Platform id="<insert unique instrument ID here>"/ gmd:description/gco:CharacterString

    Corresponds to the UMM field Platforms/Type. Values should be selected from the platform 'Category' keywords in KMS.

    An ID should be provided directly after "eos:EOS_Platform" in the ISO x-path. This ID corresponds to the platform and is used to link the platform information to the associated instrument. The ID should be unique within the metadata record.

    ISO 19115-2 SMAP

    /gmd:DS_Series/gmd:seriesMetadata/gmi:MI_Metadata/gmi:acquisitionInformation/gmi:MI_AcquisitionInformation/gmi:platform/eos:EOS_Platform/ gmi:identifier/gmd:MD_Identifier/gmd:code/gco:CharacterString


    /gmd:DS_Series/gmd:seriesMetadata/gmi:MI_Metadata/gmi:acquisitionInformation/gmi:MI_AcquisitionInformation/gmi:platform/eos:EOS_Platform/ gmi:identifier/gmd:MD_Identifier/gmd:codeSpace/gco:CharacterString = gov.nasa.esdis.umm.platformshortname


    Corresponds to the UMM field Platforms/ShortName. A list of valid platform short names can be found in the KMS. For each platform listed the short name is required by CMR. The short name value goes in the gmd:code field. The value of " gov.nasa.esdis.umm.platformshortname" should be provided in gmd:CodeSpace field so that CMR can properly parse out the platform short name.

    ISO 19115-2 SMAP
    /gmd:DS_Series/gmd:seriesMetadata/gmi:MI_Metadata/gmi:acquisitionInformation/gmi:MI_AcquisitionInformation/gmi:platform/eos:EOS_Platform/ gmi:identifier/gmd:MD_Identifier/gmd:description/gco:CharacterStringStringCorresponds to the UMM field Platforms/LongName. A list of valid platform long names can be found in the KMS.
    ISO 19115-2 SMAP
    /gmd:DS_Series/gmd:seriesMetadata/gmi:MI_Metadata/gmi:acquisitionInformation/gmi:MI_AcquisitionInformation/gmi:platform/eos:EOS_Platform/ eos:otherProperty/gco:Record/eos:AdditionalAttributes/eos:AdditionalAttribute/eos:reference/eos:EOS_AdditionalAttributeDescription/ eos:type/eos:EOS_AdditionalAttributeTypeCode codeList="" codeListValue="platformInformation"=platformInformationCodelistThe "platformInformation" codelist value must be provided so that CMR can properly identify the associated information as platform characteristics. This codelist value does not directly map to a UMM element - choosing 'platformInformation' indicates to CMR that the platform characteristic elements should be mapped.
    ISO 19115-2 SMAP
    /gmd:DS_Series/gmd:seriesMetadata/gmi:MI_Metadata/gmi:acquisitionInformation/gmi:MI_AcquisitionInformation/gmi:platform/eos:EOS_Platform/ eos:otherProperty/gco:Record/eos:AdditionalAttributes/eos:AdditionalAttribute/eos:reference/eos:EOS_AdditionalAttributeDescription/ eos:name/gco:CharacterStringStringCorresponds to the UMM field Platforms/Characteristics/Name.
    ISO 19115-2 SMAP
    /gmd:DS_Series/gmd:seriesMetadata/gmi:MI_Metadata/gmi:acquisitionInformation/gmi:MI_AcquisitionInformation/gmi:platform/eos:EOS_Platform/ /eos:otherProperty/gco:Record/eos:AdditionalAttributes/eos:AdditionalAttribute/eos:reference/eos:EOS_AdditionalAttributeDescription/ eos:description/gco:CharacterStringStringCorresponds to the UMM field Platforms/Characteristics/Description.
    ISO 19115-2 SMAP


    / eos:otherProperty/gco:Record/eos:AdditionalAttributes/eos:AdditionalAttribute/eos:reference/eos:EOS_AdditionalAttributeDescription/ eos:dataType/eos:EOS_AdditionalAttributeDataTypeCode codeList="" codeListValue=<date type> value=<data type>

    Corresponds to the UMM field Platforms/Characteristics/DataType.

    ISO codelist values (class, codelist, enumeration, codelistElement, abstractClass, aggregateClass, specifiedClass, datatypeClass, interfaceClass, unionClass, metaClass, typeClass, characterString, integer, association)


    ISO 19115-2 SMAP
    /gmd:DS_Series/gmd:seriesMetadata/gmi:MI_Metadata/gmi:acquisitionInformation/gmi:MI_AcquisitionInformation/gmi:platform/eos:EOS_Platform/ /eos:otherProperty/gco:Record/eos:AdditionalAttributes/eos:AdditionalAttribute/eos:reference/eos:EOS_AdditionalAttributeDescription/ eos:parameterUnitsOfMeasure/gco:CharacterStringStringCorresponds to the UMM field Platforms/Characteristics/Unit.

    id="<insert unique instrument ID here>"/ gmd:description/gco:CharacterString


    Values should be selected from the platform 'Category' keywords in KMS.

    An ID should be provided directly after "eos:EOS_Platform" in the ISO x-path. This ID corresponds to the platform and is used to link the platform information to the associated instrument. The ID should be unique within the metadata record.


    /gmd:DS_Series/gmd:seriesMetadata/gmi:MI_Metadata/gmi:acquisitionInformation/gmi:MI_AcquisitionInformation/gmi:platform/eos:EOS_Platform/ gmi:identifier/gmd:MD_Identifier/gmd:code/gco:CharacterString


    /gmd:DS_Series/gmd:seriesMetadata/gmi:MI_Metadata/gmi:acquisitionInformation/gmi:MI_AcquisitionInformation/gmi:platform/eos:EOS_Platform/ gmi:identifier/gmd:MD_Identifier/gmd:codeSpace/gco:CharacterString = gov.nasa.esdis.umm.platformshortname


    A list of valid platform short names can be found in the KMS under the 'Short_Name' column. For each platform listed the short name is required by CMR. The short name value goes in the gmd:code field. The value of " gov.nasa.esdis.umm.platformshortname" should be provided in gmd:CodeSpace field so that CMR can properly parse out the platform short name.

    Platforms/LongNameISO 19115-2 SMAP/gmd:DS_Series/gmd:seriesMetadata/gmi:MI_Metadata/gmi:acquisitionInformation/gmi:MI_AcquisitionInformation/gmi:platform/eos:EOS_Platform/ /eosgmi:otherPropertyidentifier/gcogmd:RecordMD_Identifier/eosgmd:AdditionalAttributes/eos:AdditionalAttribute/eos:value/description/gco:CharacterStringStringCorresponds to the UMM field Platforms/Characteristics/Value.ISO 19115-2 SMAPA list of valid platform long names can be found in the KMS under the 'Long_Name' column.

    /gmd:DS_Series/gmd:seriesMetadata/gmi:MI_Metadata/gmi:acquisitionInformation/gmi:MI_AcquisitionInformation/gmi:platform/eos:EOS_Platform/ gmi:instrument xlink:href=<insert unique ID here>'StringAn ID should be provided here and should match the ID provided for the associated instrument. This ID should be unique within a metadata record. This will link all of the information provided on the platform to its associated instrument.

    Example Mapping

    No Format


    No Format
    Platforms: [
        Type: "Earth Observation Satellites",
        ShortName: "ICESat",
        LongName: "Ice, Cloud and Land Elevation Satellite",
        Characteristics: [
            Name: "OrbitInclination",
            Description: "The angle between the orbit plane and the Earth's equatorial plane.",
            DataType: "FLOAT",
            Unit: "Degrees",
            Value: "94.0"

    UMM Migration


    eos:otherProperty/gco:Record/eos:AdditionalAttributes/eos:AdditionalAttribute/eos:reference/eos:EOS_AdditionalAttributeDescription/ eos:type/eos:EOS_AdditionalAttributeTypeCode codeList="" codeListValue="platformInformation"=platformInformationCodelistThe "platformInformation" codelist value must be provided so that CMR can properly identify the associated information as platform characteristics. This codelist value does not directly map to a UMM element - choosing 'platformInformation' indicates to CMR that the platform characteristic elements should be mapped.
    Platforms/Characteristics/Name/gmd:DS_Series/gmd:seriesMetadata/gmi:MI_Metadata/gmi:acquisitionInformation/gmi:MI_AcquisitionInformation/gmi:platform/eos:EOS_Platform/ eos:otherProperty/gco:Record/eos:AdditionalAttributes/eos:AdditionalAttribute/eos:reference/eos:EOS_AdditionalAttributeDescription/ eos:name/gco:CharacterStringString
    Platforms/Characteristics/Description/gmd:DS_Series/gmd:seriesMetadata/gmi:MI_Metadata/gmi:acquisitionInformation/gmi:MI_AcquisitionInformation/gmi:platform/eos:EOS_Platform/ /eos:otherProperty/gco:Record/eos:AdditionalAttributes/eos:AdditionalAttribute/eos:reference/eos:EOS_AdditionalAttributeDescription/ eos:description/gco:CharacterStringString
    Platforms/Characteristics/DataType/gmd:DS_Series/gmd:seriesMetadata/gmi:MI_Metadata/gmi:acquisitionInformation/gmi:MI_AcquisitionInformation/gmi:platform/eos:EOS_Platform/ eos:otherProperty/gco:Record/eos:AdditionalAttributes/eos:AdditionalAttribute/eos:reference/eos:EOS_AdditionalAttributeDescription/ eos:dataType/eos:EOS_AdditionalAttributeDataTypeCode codeList="" codeListValue=<date type> value=<data type>Codelist

    ISO codelist values (class, codelist, enumeration, codelistElement, abstractClass, aggregateClass, specifiedClass, datatypeClass, interfaceClass, unionClass, metaClass, typeClass, characterString, integer, association)


    Platforms/Characteristics/Unit/gmd:DS_Series/gmd:seriesMetadata/gmi:MI_Metadata/gmi:acquisitionInformation/gmi:MI_AcquisitionInformation/gmi:platform/eos:EOS_Platform/ /eos:otherProperty/gco:Record/eos:AdditionalAttributes/eos:AdditionalAttribute/eos:reference/eos:EOS_AdditionalAttributeDescription/ eos:parameterUnitsOfMeasure/gco:CharacterStringString
    Platforms/Characteristics/Value/gmd:DS_Series/gmd:seriesMetadata/gmi:MI_Metadata/gmi:acquisitionInformation/gmi:MI_AcquisitionInformation/gmi:platform/eos:EOS_Platform/ /eos:otherProperty/gco:Record/eos:AdditionalAttributes/eos:AdditionalAttribute/eos:value/gco:CharacterStringString

    /gmd:DS_Series/gmd:seriesMetadata/gmi:MI_Metadata/gmi:acquisitionInformation/gmi:MI_AcquisitionInformation/gmi:platform/eos:EOS_Platform/gmi:instrument xlink:href=<insert unique instrument ID here>'StringAn ID should be provided here and should match the ID provided for the associated instrument. This ID should be unique within a metadata record. This will link all of the information provided on the platform to its associated instrument.

    Example Mapping


    ISO 19115-2 SMAP

    No Format
            <eos:EOS_Platform id="d36bb8fb0-d827-4fd1-a2e9-5db6778abddc">
                    <gco:CharacterString>Ice, Cloud and Land Elevation Satellite</gco:CharacterString>
                <gco:CharacterString>Earth Observation Satellites</gco:CharacterString>
              <gmi:instrument xlink:href="#dfdaa96ba-483d-4e63-86ad-5dfd0eedf496"/>
                            <eos:EOS_AdditionalAttributeTypeCode codeList="" codeListValue="platformInformation">platformInformation</eos:EOS_AdditionalAttributeTypeCode>
                            <gco:CharacterString>The angle between the orbit plane and the Earth's equatorial plane.</gco:CharacterString>
                            <eos:EOS_AdditionalAttributeDataTypeCode codeList="" codeListValue="FLOAT">FLOAT</eos:EOS_AdditionalAttributeDataTypeCode>


    No Format
    Platforms: [
        Type: "Earth Observation Satellites",
        ShortName: "ICESat",
        LongName: "Ice, Cloud and Land Elevation Satellite",
        Characteristics: [
            Name: "OrbitInclination",
            Description: "The angle between the orbit plane and the Earth's equatorial plane.",
            DataType: "FLOAT",
            Unit: "Degrees",
            Value: "94.0"

    UMM Migration



    Future Mappings

    titleISO 19115-1

    ISO 19115-1

    Platform is a required element. A minimum of 1 Platform must be provided. Multiple Platforms may also be provided if necessary (Cardinality: 1..*).

    Providing platform characteristics is optional. An unlimited amount of platform characteristics may be specified for a particular platform (Cardinality: 0..*). If platform characteristics are provided, all 5 sub-fields should be provided (Name, Description, DataType, Unit, Value) to meet CMR requirements.

    UMM-C Element

    ISO 19115-1 Path


    /mdb:MD_Metadata/mdb:acquisitionInformation/mac:MI_AcquisitionInformation/mac:platform/mac:MI_Platform id="<insert unique instrument ID here>"/ mac:description/gco:CharacterString


    Values should be selected from the platform 'Category' keywords in KMS.

    An ID should be provided directly after "eos:EOS_Platform" in the ISO x-path. This ID corresponds to the platform and is used to link the platform information to the associated instrument. The ID should be unique within the metadata record.


    /mdb:MD_Metadata/mdb:acquisitionInformation/mac:MI_AcquisitionInformation/mac:platform/mac:MI_Platform/ mac:identifier/mcc:MD_Identifier/mcc:code/gco:CharacterString


    /mdb:MD_Metadata/mdb:acquisitionInformation/mac:MI_AcquisitionInformation/mac:platform/mac:MI_Platform/ mac:identifier/mcc:MD_Identifier/mcc:codeSpace/gco:CharacterString = gov.nasa.esdis.umm.platformshortname


    A list of valid platform short names can be found in the KMS under the 'Short_Name' column. For each platform listed the short name is required by CMR. The short name value goes in the gmd:code field. The value of " gov.nasa.esdis.umm.platformshortname" should be provided in gmd:CodeSpace field so that CMR can properly parse out the platform short name.

    Platforms/LongName/mdb:MD_Metadata/mdb:acquisitionInformation/mac:MI_AcquisitionInformation/mac:platform/mac:MI_Platform/ mac:identifier/mcc:MD_Identifier/mcc::description/gco:CharacterStringStringA list of valid platform long names can be found in the KMS under the 'Long_Name' column.


    mac:otherProperty/gco:Record/eos:AdditionalAttributes/eos:AdditionalAttribute/eos:reference/eos:EOS_AdditionalAttributeDescription/ eos:type/eos:EOS_AdditionalAttributeTypeCode codeList="" codeListValue="platformInformation"=platformInformation

    CodelistThe "platformInformation" codelist value must be provided so that CMR can properly identify the associated information as platform characteristics. This codelist value does not directly map to a UMM element - choosing 'platformInformation' indicates to CMR that the platform characteristic elements should be mapped.


    mac:otherProperty/gco:Record/eos:AdditionalAttributes/eos:AdditionalAttribute/eos:reference/eos:EOS_AdditionalAttributeDescription/ eos:name/gco:CharacterString



    mac:otherProperty/gco:Record/eos:AdditionalAttributes/eos:AdditionalAttribute/eos:reference/eos:EOS_AdditionalAttributeDescription/ eos:description/gco:CharacterString



    mac:otherProperty/gco:Record/eos:AdditionalAttributes/eos:AdditionalAttribute/eos:reference/eos:EOS_AdditionalAttributeDescription/ eos:dataType/eos:EOS_AdditionalAttributeDataTypeCode codeList="" codeListValue=<date type> value=<data type>


    ISO codelist values (class, codelist, enumeration, codelistElement, abstractClass, aggregateClass, specifiedClass, datatypeClass, interfaceClass, unionClass, metaClass, typeClass, characterString, integer, association)




    mac:otherProperty/gco:Record/eos:AdditionalAttributes/eos:AdditionalAttribute/eos:reference/eos:EOS_AdditionalAttributeDescription/ eos:parameterUnitsOfMeasure/gco:CharacterString






    mac:instrument xlink:href=<insert unique instrument ID here>'

    StringAn ID should be provided here and should match the ID provided for the associated instrument. This ID should be unique within a metadata record. This will link all of the information provided on the platform to its associated instrument.

    Example Mapping


    ISO 19115-1

    No Format
            <mac:MI_Platform id="d36bb8fb0-d827-4fd1-a2e9-5db6778abddc">
                    <gco:CharacterString>Ice, Cloud and Land Elevation Satellite</gco:CharacterString>
                <gco:CharacterString>Earth Observation Satellites</gco:CharacterString>
              <mac:instrument xlink:href="#dfdaa96ba-483d-4e63-86ad-5dfd0eedf496"/>
                            <eos:EOS_AdditionalAttributeTypeCode codeList="" codeListValue="platformInformation">platformInformation</eos:EOS_AdditionalAttributeTypeCode>
                            <gco:CharacterString>The angle between the orbit plane and the Earth's equatorial plane.</gco:CharacterString>
                            <eos:EOS_AdditionalAttributeDataTypeCode codeList="" codeListValue="FLOAT">FLOAT</eos:EOS_AdditionalAttributeDataTypeCode>


    No Format
    Platforms: [
        Type: "Earth Observation Satellites",
        ShortName: "ICESat",
        LongName: "Ice, Cloud and Land Elevation Satellite",
        Characteristics: [
            Name: "OrbitInclination",
            Description: "The angle between the orbit plane and the Earth's equatorial plane.",
            DataType: "FLOAT",
            Unit: "Degrees",
            Value: "94.0"


    UMM Versioning

    VersionDateWhat Changed
    1.15.512/3/2020No changes were made for Platform during the transition from version 1.15.4 to 1.15.5
    1.15.49/18/2020No changes were made for Platform during the transition from version 1.15.3 to 1.15.4
    1.15.37/1/2020No changes were made for Platform during the transition from version 1.15.2 to 1.15.3
    1.15.25/20/2020No changes were made for Platform during the transition from version 1.15.1 to 1.15.2
    1.15.13/25/2020No changes were made for Platform during the transition from version 1.15.0 to 1.15.1
    1.15.02/26/2020No changes were made for Platform during the transition from version 1.14.0 to 1.15.0
    1.14.010/21/2019No changes were made for Platform during the transition from version 1.13.0 to 1.14.0
    1.13.004/11/2019No changes were made for Platform during the transition from version 1.12.0 to 1.13.0
    1.12.001/22/2019No changes were made for Platform during the transition from version 1.11.0 to 1.12.0.
    1.11.011/28/2018No changes were made for Platform during the transition from version 1.10.0 to 1.11.0.
    1.10.005/02/2018No changes were made for Platform during the transition from version 1.9.0 to 1.10.0.

    Future Mappings

    titleISO 19115-1

    ISO 19115-1

    An unlimited amount of platform keywords may be listed (Cardinality: 1..*)

    Providing platform characteristics is optional. An unlimited amount of platform characteristics may be specified for a particular platform (Cardinality: 0..*). If platform characteristics are provided, all 5 sub-fields should be provided (Name, Description, DataType, Unit, Value) to meet CMR requirements.

    SpecificationPathTypeNotesISO 19115-1String Section Column

    ISO 19115-1

    No Format


    No Format
    Platforms: [
        Type: "Earth Observation Satellites",
        ShortName: "ICESat",
        LongName: "Ice, Cloud and Land Elevation Satellite",
        Characteristics: [
            Name: "OrbitInclination",
            Description: "The angle between the orbit plane and the Earth's equatorial plane.",
            DataType: "FLOAT",
            Unit: "Degrees",
            Value: "94.0"


    UMM Versioning

    VersionDateWhat Changed
    1.0.0Initial Release

    ARC Documentation

    VersionDateWhat ChangedAuthor
    1.0505/14/182018Recommendations/priority matrix transferred from internal ARC documentation to wiki space