Versions Compared


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  • Formatting was changed.


titleEnd Of Sprint TODO

At the end of every sprint, in order to make patching a release easier, please tag the main branch at the latest commit.

  1. git tag (shows all tags)
  2. git tag -a "vX.X.X" -m "Sprint X.X release" (adds the tag at the current commit)
  3. git push --tag (pushes the tag to the remote)

Also remember to update the Release Version on bamboo for all of the projects

These tags are referred to as releases in Github and can be viewed here:


If you see a failure and you suspect it was caused by some intermittent problem, e.g. a timeout that is too short or an external service being down, it is not enough to simply re-run the tests. Fix the problem. If a problem truly cannot be fixed, document why, catch the specific error that cannot be fixed, and throw a more meaningful one.

React testing library best practices:

  • Avoid using test-ids where possible, this reduces our applications accessibility so use this sparingly
  • Favor retrieving elements by Role  such as buttons, checkboxes etc. If there are multiple elements of the same role on a component use a secondary filter to ensure you select the correct ones for your assertions example: getByRole('button, {name: 'button-name'}
  • Don't use await  statements for userEvent methods, userEvent is already wrapped in an await
  • Using a container instead of screen to select elements on the virtual DOM
  • Don't perform side effects within a waitFor  block
  • For more see(


Use semantically meaningful elements where possible.
