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KeyData TypeExplanation
ObjectFeature configuration
BooleanEnable/disable the advanced search feature
BooleanEnable/disable all features that rely on authentication (logging in/projects). NOTE: Setting to false will disable all features that rely on authentication. By default this is set to true so if you want authentication behind your portal enabled just do not include this key in your config.json
ObjectFeature Facet configuration
BooleanShow/hide the Available from AWS Cloud feature facet
BooleanShow/hide the Customizable feature facet
BooleanShow/hide the Map Imagery feature facet
ObjectFooter configuration
StringText to display in the footer, example "NASA Official: ..."
BooleanDisplay the current application version in the footer

Array of links to display on the left side of the footer

This array is made up of objects with two values:

   href: "The URL the link will follow",
title: "The viewable text of the link"
ArrayArray of links to display on the right side of the footer. This uses the same objects as `primaryLinks`
String (Optional)This is the URL that users will be sent to when clicking on the logo image. If no value is provided clicking on the logo image will return the user to the EDSC portal home (/portal/example/search).
StringThis will appear after the default portal's `pageTitle` in the HTML page title (see in the tab of the browser). For example if EDSC is the default portal then the page title will be "Earthdata Search :: <pageTitle> | Earthdata Search"
StringThe parent config file for this portal. If your portal will be deployed to EOSDIS Earthdata Search this value should be "edsc". If not, set this to "default".
BooleanToggle to set whether the portal will appear as a listed portal in the portal browser modal
Object (Optional)

These parameters are used to filter the list of collections exposed in the portal. 

Current supported values:

  • consortium (Array of strings)
  • dataCenter (String)
  • echoCollectionId (this narrows the results to a single collection, only used as an example) (String)
  • hasGranulesOrCwic (set to null to include all collections)
  • project (String)
  • tagKey (String or String array)

One common pattern is to show all the datasets in a dataCenter. This example shows the ORNL DAAC portal configuration:

  "query": {
    "dataCenter": "ORNL_DAAC",
    "hasGranulesOrCwic": null

Likewise, for Science Project-focused portals, here is the AIRMOSS project portal:

  "query": {
    "project": "AirMOSS",
    "hasGranulesOrCwic": null

A more nuanced approach can be applied using tags in CMR.  Here is an example from the Suborbital portal using the tagKey parameter (note that the tagKey can contain simple wildcards):

  "query": {
    "tagKey": ["gov.nasa.impact.*"],
    "hasGranulesOrCwic": null

If you need support of another CMR query parameter, please contact us.

Refer to the CMR documentation for information on parameters: 


Object containing the primary and secondary title for the portal.

StringThe primary field in the title object will be displayed on the portal browser modal as the top identifier. It will also be displayed on the top left portal browser context sidebar header and on the leave portal button on the bottom of the collection search results while inside of a portal.
StringThe secondary field in the title object will be displayed below the primary on the portal browser modal and in parentheses on the top left portal browser context sidebar header. It is meant to be the fullname of the project, endeavor, organization behind the creation of the portal.
ObjectUI configurations
BooleanShow/hide the "
BooleanShow/hide Tophat (Note: This field is deprecated on used only for the defaultPortal  in the deployed instance of EDSC it can be used environment for EDSC, as such new portals cannot hide this UI field in the deployed env. It can however, be changed locally if you set the defaultPortal  to the created portal in overrideStatic.config.json)
