Versions Compared


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Element Description

The type of the service being described. These types of services are back-end service types. 

Best Practices

Curators must use the controlled list for the type of service. 

  • OPeNDAP: A type of service that enables researchers to access and share NASA Earth science data from a wide variety of programs. For more information, see
  • THREDDS: A type of service that provides researchers with access to a large collection of real-time and archived dataset datasets from a variety of environmental data sources at a number of distributed server sites. For more information, see
  • WEB SERVICES: A type of interoperable machine-to-machine software function that is hosted at a network addressable location. A web service has an interface that hides the implementation details so that it can be used independently of the hardware or software platform on which it is implemented and independently of the programming language in which it is written. For more information, see  
  • ESI: A An EOSDIS service interface (ESI) web-service that runs on an internal host (i.e. only accessible on the DAAC internal network). Its primary functionality is to route service requests to subagents, but also includes a test-support inventory access ("drill-down") and service access capability, including the ability to generate echo forms. For more information, see EOSDIS Service Interface (ESI) EED3-609 Release 22.1
  • ECHO ORDERS: A type of service that enables the delivery of data via CMR legacy services. For more information, see
  • WCS: A web coverage service that offers multi-dimensional coverage data for access over the Internet. For more information, see
  • WMS: A web map service that providers a simple HTTP interface for requesting geo-registered map images from one or more distributed geospatial databases. A WMS request defines the geographic layer(s) and area of interest to be processed. For more information, see
  • WMTS: A web map tile service that offers a standard protocol for serving pre-rendered or run-time computed georeferenced map tiles over the Internet. For more information, see
  • EGI - No Processing: The ESI Gateway Interface (EGI) to access CMR and extends the accessible protocols to include WCS (Web Coverage Service) compatibility. EGI also provides a capability enhancement to the data access services at EOSDIS Service Interface (ESI) enabled DAACs. For more information, see EGI Programmatic Access Documentation. 
  • SOFTWARE PACKAGE: An assemblage of files and information about those files. For more information, see
  • TOOL: A desktop application which must be downloaded to the user’s processing platform in order to use them. For more information, see EOSDIS Tools and Services Portfolio Home
  • WEB PORTAL: A web-based platform that collects information from different sources into a single user interface and presents users with the most relevant information for their context. For more information, see
  • International Web Portal: An internationally focused web-based platform that collects information from different sources into a single user interface and presents users with the most relevant information for their context. For more information, see
  • MODEL: A graphical, mathematical (symbolic), physical, or verbal representation or simplified version of a concept, phenomenon, relationship, structure, system, or an aspect of the real world. For more information, see
  • Harmony: Services that allow users to seamlessly analyze Earth observation data from different NASA data centers. For more information, see
  • ArcGIS Image Service: Image services are a way to process and share collections of imagery to a wide constituency. They provide considerable flexibility and scalability for storing, processing, analyzing, and sharing imagery and raster products, See

  • Web Feature Service: The Web Feature Service (WFS) is an interface specified by the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) that allows for the exchange of geographic data across the Web, See
  • Web Geoprocessing Service: Geoprocessing services allow you to share custom analysis tools in ArcGIS Server, a component of ArcGIS Enterprise. Data is stored and processing occurs on the server site, rather than on your machine, See
  • SWODLR: An open-source software system developed to generate custom Level 2 raster data products for the SWOT mission. See
  • NOT PROVIDED: Please choose this type when it's unclear of the service type. 

For specific guidance and best practices on curating UMM-S records for OPeNDAP, ESI and ECHO order types, see Create UMM-S Records And Associations to UMM-C for ECHO Orders and ESI Service Types and OPeNDAP, ESI and ECHO ORDER types. and


  • Service example: ESI
  • OPeNDAP example: OPeNDAP
  • SEDAC Hazards mapper example: WEB SERVICES

Element Specification

UMM-STypeStringMust use one value from the controlled listYes1

Metadata Validation

All records undergo CMR schema and business rule validation before entering the system. 

  • This element is required.
  • This element requires one value from the controlled list. 


UMM Versioning

0-04-22First version published on wiki 
VersionDateWhat Changed
1.5.12022-11-30New ServiceType enumerations added: ArcGIS Image Service, Web Feature Service, Web Geoprocessing Service 
1.5.32024-05-05Updated ServiceTypeEnum to include SWODLR in support for the SWODLR service.