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Introduction and Concepts

The Pattern Portfolio

See "The Pattern Portfolio for HTML, CSS, and Javascript testing"

Progressive Enhancement

Progressive enhancement involves starting with a baseline HTML document that is readable and usable without any styling or javascript. We accomplish this by using semantic markup. From there we enhance the markup by unobtrusively adding CSS styles and Javascript.


It is typically very difficult to extract complexity from front-end code. All new components should be focused on reuse, versatility, and extensibility. When possible, do not add new components at all, but reuse or extend existing components, which can be found in the Pattern Portfolio.

Create components, not pages.


If you see a failure and you suspect it was caused by some intermittent problem, e.g. a timeout that is too short or an external service being down, it is not enough to simply re-run the tests. Fix the problem. If a problem truly cannot be fixed, document why, catch the specific error that cannot be fixed, and throw a more meaningful one.


Demonstrate markup patterns in the Pattern Portfolio.

Factor any non-trivial markup patterns into partials or helpers. Non-trivial markup patterns include patterns which require an element to have a specific child or children to obtain a certain behavior or style. For instance, a header containing a span child may trigger CSS image replacement behavior.

Demonstrate all markup in the Pattern Portfolio. Call helpers and partials within the portfolio to ensure that markup stays in sync.

Check the pattern portfolio before adding new components.

It is better to reuse, extend, or modify an existing component than to create a new one. In all cases, we want to minimize the complexity of the code and markup we send to the browser.

Use semantically meaningful elements where possible.

Use semantically meaningful elements where possible.

div and span convey no meaning and are rarely the most appropriate element in a given context. When adding an element, look div and span convey no meaning and are rarely the most appropriate element in a given context. When adding an element, look at other elements that HTML provides to see if another is more appropriate. This helps developer readability, keeps styles simpler, and may aid accessibility or search engine indexing. Here are some questions you may ask:


See This example and description from Stack Overflow. Use Rails helpers to dynamically generate highlight dynamic HTML with widely varying elements and structure. Use Rails partials to generate more static content. Remember to demonstrate partials and helpers in the pattern portfolio.

CSS with Sass

Earthdata Search uses SCSS to generate its CSS. It follows the guidelines for scalable CSS outlined by SMACSS, with key items reproduced in this document. The CI build checks CSS style using CSS Lint. Developers are strongly encouraged to read the CSS Lint rules.

Exercise every line of CSS in the pattern portfolio.

Use the Pattern Portfolio to demonstrate all styles in the application. This allows other developers to find styles that already exist instead of re- inventing the wheel, and it allows developers to ensure that new styles do not break existing styles. The CI build ensures that each style is used at least once in the portfolio.

Do not use id selectors (#id)
