Versions Compared


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Release Date




  • [EDSC-3517] - LAADS Organization filter multiplies upon selection and does not load page


  • [EDSC-3511] - As EDL tenant EDSC, I want to update my Operational Security Agreement (OSA) document to comply with NIST-5 standards
  • [EDSC-3527] - Implement re-run of the collection search result experiment


Release Date




  • [EDSC-3489] - EDSC "Related Collections" Links are broken



Release Date



  • [EDSC-3337] - View Browse Image links for ASTER DEM order goes to an unknown route causing error page

  • [EDSC-3454] - GraphQL is not sending UMM-S version when ingesting a subscription



Release Date



  • [EDSC-3333] - Unable to add individual granules to download list for 'international' collections
  • [EDSC-3351] - Select access method is blank for download all page
  • [EDSC-3372] - Customer order for AST_L1A data goes directly to a Failed state after submitting it in EDSC.


This release includes a bug fix.


  • [EDSC-3395] - All Collections in EDSC Portals return “Sorry! The page your were looking for does not exist”


This release includes related collection capabilities and minor map updates.


  • [EDSC-3352] - When using additive granule selection incorrect granules are sampled for access methods


  • [EDSC-3296] - As a user, I would like to see a badge indicating which data broker a collection belongs to


  • [EDSC-3346] - Collection details and granules do not load


This release includes bug fixes.


  • [EDSC-3060] - Cartesian granules drawn incorrectly
  • [EDSC-3198] - Fix positioning of the More Actions Dropdown on the search panel
  • [EDSC-3252] - Granule outlines crossing international date line being duplicated when rendered
  • [EDSC-3303] - Collection not loading in IDN portal that loads correctly in default EDSC


This release includes the ability to user temporal subsetting for Harmony orders, implements outage alerts, and several bug fixes including fixes for spatial filters on orders, OpenSearch collections, and download status page crashes for some MODIS collections. This was released outside of our normal release cycle to quickly get these bug fixes into production. There may be a secondary 1.153.x release for any pull requests that are merged after 1.153.6.


  • [EDSC-3244] - Orders returning granules outside of spatial filter
  • [EDSC-3245] - OpenSearch granules not loading with TypeError
  • [EDSC-3246] - Download status page crashes when trying to download MODIS data


This release includes an update to leverage CMR's scrolling endpoint and bug fixes for OPeNDAP orders and order limits.


  • [EDSC-3205] - OPeNDAP orders showing as complete but not returning URL's
  • [EDSC-3223] - Order limits on the ASTER Virtual collections are lost when you use the temporal slide bar


This release includes the ability to search using quoted string, update to how EDSC determines direct download capability for a collection, additional integration tests, and a bug fix for NSIDC Cumulus download issue.


  • [EDSC-3204] - NSIDC Cumulus direct download throwing 502 on granules endpoint


This release includes UI/UX bug fixes, additional messaging for CSDA datasets, integration tests, and updates to how EDSC retrieves OpenSearch metadata.


  • [EDSC-3183] - Preferences page has shadow box around panel
  • [EDSC-3197] - Cannot remove granules using 'Filter granule' on map on project page
  • [EDSC-3203] - Fix spacing of customizable badges in search results


This release includes an improved display of S3 granule links on the download page, added integration tests, implements CSDA messaging and modal on the granule results page, and bug fixes.


  • [EDSC-2251] - Earthdata Login returns a 302 to EDSC's download script even if a user has authorized the appropriate app AND accepted the EULA
  • [EDSC-3117] - Cannot scroll past initial 20 collections depending on window size
  • [EDSC-3175] - UAT Timeline on Order Options page: Filter is offset from where I've clicked to apply it


This release adds the ability to export collection searches as CSV or JSON, improvements to customizable badging, improvements to tagging, a new advance search option, improvements to accessing S3 links, an addition to the known tiling identifaction systems, and bug fixes.


  • [EDSC-3051] - Badges are sometimes hidden in the Matching Collections listing results.
  • [EDSC-3082] - 'Customizable' badging is not controlled by a MMT service's 'Type' field.
  • [EDSC-3182] - Collection results not showing in SIT and UAT when using Safari


This release includes a re-implemented timeline component, improvements to the order status page, and bug fixes.


  • [EDSC-3081] - Subscription Queries should not be URL encoded when sent to CMR
  • [EDSC-3115] - EDSC caches tokens of a specific length


  • [EDSC-3015] - As an EDSC user, I want to see Direct Distribution Information on the Collections Details Panel.


  • [EDSC-3094] - User map preferences does not allow (0,0) coordinate
  • [EDSC-3106] - Fix typo in CWIC modal and error splash page
  • [EDSC-3092] - Ensure reformatting options only show options supported by EDSC


  • [EDSC-3019] - As an EDSC user, I want to see all of the DOIs that are associated with a collection


  • [EDSC-3103] - Map Imagery feature facet only returning 7 collections in PROD
  • [EDSC-3104] - EDSC should use nativeDataFormats instead of GraphQL
  • [EDSC-3107] - Timeout errors for fetchOptionDefinitions lambda in EDSC UAT
  • [EDSC-3112] - Error when loading collections with no day_night_flag


This release includes bug fixes.


  • Increased a timeout configuration on a background job that was failing due to slow response times from legacy services.


  • [EDSC-2055] - A user should not be able to submit an EGI order unless I have chosen at least one customization option


  • [EDSC-3049] - processTag lambda failing with INVOKE error
  • [EDSC-3061] - Project submission fails when using HUC spatial


  • [EDSC-2930] - As a user, I would like to edit a CMR subscription I have created


  • [EDSC-2859] - Users report being unable to paste coordinates into spatial search field
  • [EDSC-2962] - Status mismatch on Harmony Cancelled jobs
  • [EDSC-3009] - Customer not getting all granules order in request.
  • [EDSC-3046] - Multi-file granule dropdown doesn't display properly for granules with many files


  • [EDSC-3005] - As a user, I would like to search for datasets stored in the cloud


  • [EDSC-2966] - Creating a second spatial AOI using the link in the left side panel does not work
  • [EDSC-2990] - Customizable tooltips are not visible in the collection list
  • [EDSC-3052] - collectionCapabilities tag is not being generated properly


  • [EDSC-2261] - EDSC Order Status "More Details" button should reveal full error message
  • [EDSC-2920] - As a user, I want to search for collections by horizontal spatial resolution


  • [EDSC-2867] - Earthdata Search URL encoding not successfully parsing some characters
  • [EDSC-2961] - Excluded Granules are not being removed from granule results
  • [EDSC-2970] - Cannot select 'None' once saved access config exists for Harmony order form
  • [EDSC-2975] - When clicking a term suggested by Autocomplete, Earthdata Search just copies that term into the keyword field rather than adding the term as a search parameter
  • [EDSC-2977] - Prevent attempts at adding GIBS tags when no collections are found
  • [EDSC-2978] - Earthdata Login redirect causing project filters to be removed
  • [EDSC-2987] - View All facets functionality is broken


What's new in this release:

Bug fix


  • [EDSC-2970] - Cannot select 'None' once saved access config exists for Harmony order form


  • [EDSC-2669] - As a user, I would like to receive a confirmation that my preferences have been saved


  • [EDSC-2882] - Single Granule Download dropdown is hidden by timeline
  • [EDSC-2893] - Selected granule outlines on map not shown on project page
  • [EDSC-2919] - Project contains 1 collection but no granules for order.
  • [EDSC-2948] - Renaming project then refreshing prevents access methods from loading
  • [EDSC-2951] - Portal configs applied correctly


  • [EDSC-2333] - As a DAAC, I want temporal search fields (Start, End) to appear as default values in the Echo Form
  • [EDSC-2853] - As a user I want to search by coordinate system name as a facet, and coordinates in granule filters


  • [EDSC-2786] - As a user, I would like band selection behavior of output formats with band exclusions to be consistent with that of output formats without band exclusions.
  • [EDSC-2836] - Echoforms Output component needs to evaluate xpath in the value attribute
  • [EDSC-2842] - Echoform field default submitting 'Select a value' parameter
  • [EDSC-2895] - UAT: direct download button not working for multi-file granules in list view (Earthdata Search)
  • [EDSC-2898] - Cannot remove filter from granule search box


  • [EDSC-2834] - As a user I want to see my Harmony data as a list of links


  • [EDSC-2856] - Reductive model filters lost when using back to search from project page
  • [EDSC-2874] - Download All pill not updating with correct granule count
  • [EDSC-2877] - UAT Per-Order Granule count warning not showing when an order contains more than 2000 granules (Earthdata Search)
  • [EDSC-2879] - Download Status & History page no longer showing collection names
  • [EDSC-2884] - Granules downloaded from C1234714691-EEDTEST cause TypeError when loading download links
  • [EDSC-2886] - Granule thumbnails are missing
  • [EDSC-2891] - ESI orders cause the status page to crash
  • [EDSC-2899] - Shapefile order requests to Harmony fail


  • [EDSC-2851] - As a User I would like to be able to see a flat or a hierarchical view of variables


  • [EDSC-2759] - Database migrations are not running
  • [EDSC-2869] - Cannot remove collection from project page
  • [EDSC-2870] - Granule display names in UAT are no longer showing producer granule id's, which would be preferred. (Earthdata Search)
  • [EDSC-2872] - Per-order granule limit warning when more than one 'Stage for Delivery' collection in project
  • [EDSC-2876] - AFOLVIS1A data set ingested to UAT throws Sorry! page instead of listing available granules (Earthdata Search)


  • [EDSC-2857] - As an Earthdata Search user, I would like a minimum bounding rectangle calculated from my polygon for spatial subsetting for services that do not support polygon subsetting


  • [EDSC-2858] - Granule flight paths crossing international date line become irregular on hover


This release contains bug fixes.


  • [EDSC-2818] - Service forms not sending all granules in request to be processed
  • [EDSC-2837] - Customize parameters are not being sent to OUS when using OPeNDAP and additive model together.
  • [EDSC-2841] - NSIDC collection that was previously ordered now fails to load with multiple Stage for Delivery options
  • [EDSC-2843] - Reset Form button allows submitting forms without model and rawModel
  • [EDSC-2855] - Shapefiles not being applied to ESI spatial subsetting


  • [EDSC-2738] - Improve design of supported output formats in the collection details


  • [EDSC-2472] - I can attempt to select download or stage for delivery for a negative number of granules. (Earthdata Search)
  • [EDSC-2769] - Portal logos should not be bigger than the NASA meatball
  • [EDSC-2773] - Per-order granule limit warning incorrect when using additive model
  • [EDSC-2790] - ATL03 granules are not loading in UAT
  • [EDSC-2793] - ASTER Orders at LPDAAC are Aborting due to incorrect labels in the XML file
  • [EDSC-2796] - Granule flight path lines aren't working properly
  • [EDSC-2797] - Limited download LPDAAC collection not enabled with additive granule model


  • [EDSC-2700] - Add link from project collection to the granules results list for that collection


  • [EDSC-2737] - Collections are sorted in reverse order after using 'Back to Search' from the project page
  • [EDSC-2747] - HUC feature (polygon) no longer show up or autozoom to location on the map once selected.
  • [EDSC-2749] - Map edit layers save and cancel buttons not functioning correctly
  • [EDSC-2750] - Spatial filter on map disappears when switching between project and collections/granules pages
  • [EDSC-2753] - When all collections are removed from project page, 'Click here to return to search' link is broken
  • [EDSC-2754] - Collapsible panel becomes transparent with slider still clickable with no collections in project
  • [EDSC-2757] - Echoforms 'Reset Form' doesn't work with multiple collections in project
  • [EDSC-2758] - Echoform spatial subsetting disabling 'Click to enable' option on some forms


  • [EDSC-2724] - As an admin, I would like the admin dashboard to display 'source' data from the database
  • [EDSC-2730] - As an EDSC Operator, I want access to CloudFront logs in Splunk for GraphQL


  • [EDSC-2472] - I can attempt to select download or stage for delivery for a negative number of granules. (Earthdata Search)
  • [EDSC-2658] - Portals should not show the "Back to collections" on the /search route
  • [EDSC-2670] - Manually removing facets applied by autocomplete does not remove pill


This release introduces the ability to individually add granules (files) to a project as well as the ability to specify a point + radius (circle) for spatial search.


  • [EDSC-2705] - Map zoom in/zoom out buttons do not disable/turn grey when maxed out


What's new in this release:


  • [EDSC-2727] - Increase in edlAuthorizer lambda errors


  • [EDSC-2588] - As a user, I would like to save my layout configuration so that my preferred layout loads by default


  • [EDSC-2640] - Navigating from the download status page to the project page sometimes results in an unresponsive customization panel


  • [EDSC-2555] - As a user, I want Earthdata Search to suggest search terms based upon text entry into the search bar


  • [EDSC-2650] - Collections fail to load in EDSC that do not have a defined SpatialExtent
  • [EDSC-2657] - Facets under 'View All' window are difficult to read


  • [EDSC-2545] - Implement search and discover improvements collection results
  • [EDSC-2548] - Implement search and discover improvements collection details
  • [EDSC-2549] - Implement search and discover improvements granule results
  • [EDSC-2551] - Implement search and discover improvements granule details
  • [EDSC-2557] - Add spatial lookups to the autocomplete lambda
  • [EDSC-2592] - Implement drag handle on panel flyout
  • [EDSC-2619] - Display collection details in the sidebar when viewing granules


  • [EDSC-2614] - Updating granules clears current values/selection on the project page
  • [EDSC-2615] - Users are not given an option to reset their saved access configurations
  • [EDSC-2631] - Collections without defined formatType  fail to load
  • [EDSC-2633] - Nothing happens when clicking "done" in the new layout
  • [EDSC-2649] - Collection details fail to load when trying to load a second time


This release contains bug fixes and restructures the backend datastore.


  • [EDSC-2517] - Per-order Granule Limit pop-up is incorrect for ASTER data
  • [EDSC-2605] - Excluded granules do not persist between project and collection page
  • [EDSC-2618] - Update customizable feature facet tag
  • [EDSC-2627] - Processing levels facet not expanding or providing options


This release contains a bug fix preventing some CWIC searches from returning collections and introduces smart handoff capabilities for ICESat and ICESat-2 datasets.


  • [EDSC-2587] - CWIC polygon searches are not simplified to a bounding box


  • [EDSC-2579] - Use UMM-G format for granule metadata display
  • [EDSC-2582] - Update HUC Feature Translation Service endpoint


  • [EDSC-2517] - Per-order Granule Limit pop-up is incorrect for ASTER data
  • [EDSC-2604] - Echoform access configuration failing for users who previously accessed a collection
  • [EDSC-2609] - E2E testing no longer produces customized Opendap links


  • [EDSC-2553] - Create a Standard Product EDSC Portal for NASA HQ and management personnel
  • [EDSC-2580] - Update EDSC CWIC Portal configuration file (portals.yml) Tag-key to ""
  • [EDSC-2583] - Remove Lambda warmer code


  • [EDSC-2272] - SMAP parameter subsetting not returning all selected parameters
  • [EDSC-2490] - CWIC collection `More Details` link redirects back to Earthdata Search main page
  • [EDSC-2567] - Prevent CMR-Request-Id from being sent to non-CMR requests
  • [EDSC-2581] - Visiting the CMR link in For Developers section leads to missing token message


Updates and fixes in this release:


  • [EDSC-2516] - Granules with multiple browse images showing different imagery throughout EDSC
  • [EDSC-2517] - Per-order Granule Limit pop-up is incorrect for ASTER data
  • [EDSC-2524] - Granule data link titles should fall back when a title does not exist


Updates and fixes in this release:


  • [EDSC-1224] - Creating a bounding box rectangle does not re-zoom map (Earthdata Search Service Desk)
  • [EDSC-2440] - Repeating retrieval_collections calls do not stop when leaving the page


Updates and fixes in this release:


  • [EDSC-2470] - Customization form is retaining spatial subset bounds that aren't accurate for current session (Earthdata Search)
  • [EDSC-2477] - Unknown error occurs when loading a PO.DAAC dataset in UAT
  • [EDSC-2487] - Orbital parameters are not being shown for granule filters
  • [EDSC-2489] - Direct download page freezes when any granule in order doesn't have `OnlineAccessURLs` tag in metadata


Updates and fixes in this release:


  • [EDSC-2337] - Individually excluded granules are not reflected in the download granules button
  • [EDSC-2431] - Users are not warned before submitting a chunked order
  • [EDSC-2441] - Clicking project from Saved Projects page does not load the project
  • [EDSC-2464] - Granule filters are being overwritten with new sort
  • [EDSC-2476] - Incorrectly downloading metadata formats from EDSC PROD in UAT
  • [EDSC-2481] - Earthdata Search retains granule results from previous data collection when no-granules data collection is clicked


Updates and fixes in this release:


  • [EDSC-2444] - Implement recurring temporal searches
  • [EDSC-2469] - Enable typing in spatial search filters
  • [EDSC-2479] - Spelling error on 'environment' on hover of 'Download Access Script'


Updates and fixes in this release:


  • [EDSC-2463] - Granule filters for cloud coverage not being applied
  • [EDSC-2473] - Google Analytics events are not being fired for all single granule downloads


Updates and fixes in this release:


  • [EDSC-2274] - Override Temporal Modal should display when visiting the project page with temporal and focus applied
  • [EDSC-2282] - Implement warming plugin
  • [EDSC-2283] - Serverless granule outlines aren't being layered
  • [EDSC-2334] - Granule count, size and title on project page work inconsistently
  • [EDSC-2361] - Some tagging jobs are not sending tokens properly
  • [EDSC-2376] - EDSC React app isn't stripping out white space on echoforms
  • [EDSC-2377] - Only 20 granules are being sent for downloads in EDSC React app
  • [EDSC-2379] - Clicking "map imagery" facet returns no collections
  • [EDSC-2381] - ESI progress bar counts are not accurate
  • [EDSC-2382] - New granules are not being loaded correctly
  • [EDSC-2383] - Keyword search doesn't add * to searches
  • [EDSC-2384] - Download history page does not forward the old URL
  • [EDSC-2385] - Ancillary pages don't have a way to navigate off of the page
  • [EDSC-2386] - Granule details panel doesn’t scroll
  • [EDSC-2390] - Serverless usability problems when interacting with multiple collections (Earthdata Search)
  • [EDSC-2392] - Serverless shapefile functionality: ICESat-2 shapefile subsetting is not being applied to customization requests (Earthdata Search)
  • [EDSC-2415] - Collection details do not load in EDSC UAT


Updates and fixes in this release:


  • [EDSC-2278] - CWIC granule metadata is not loading


Updates and fixes in this release:



Updates and fixes in this release:


  • [EDSC-2239] - Multiple users report "Error retrieving options There was a problem completing the request"
  • [EDSC-2241] - UAT "Error retrieving extract filters There was a problem completing the request"
  • [EDSC-2248] - Orders containing more than 2,000 granules are not being chunked
  • [EDSC-2252] - EDSC Customize orders stuck in creating
  • [EDSC-2253] - Customers can order the entire collection for ASTER products by adding the collection to a project
  • [EDSC-2271] - Large Ordering issue not sending emails
  • [EDSC-2250] - Error retrieving options


Updates and fixes in this release:


  • [EDSC-2235] - Download script is not parsing all granule URLs
  • [EDSC-2239] - Multiple users report "Error retrieving options There was problem completing the request"
  • [EDSC-2241] - UAT "Error retrieving extract filters There was a problem completing the request"
  • [EDSC-2248] - Orders containing more than 2,000 granules are not being chunked


Updates and fixes in this release:


  • [EDSC-2159] - E2E: Service badging on project page for NSIDC ECS collections without services (Earthdata Search)
  • [EDSC-2172] - Forms cut off in E2E Workflow (Earthdata Search)
  • [EDSC-2223] - Project page "Remove" collection link does not always remove collection from the project
  • Task
  • [EDSC-2171] - Add logging and rake tasks to help order debugging
  • [EDSC-2221] - Update customizable badge logic to not include ECHO Orders
  • [EDSC-2233] - Add logging for request to URS for user information


Updates and fixes in this release:


  • [EDSC-2165] - Incorrect orbits/spatial extents displaying in UAT
  • [EDSC-2167] - Download submit button does not validate all forms on a page


Updates and fixes in this release:


  • [EDSC-1957] - Band selections, etc from previous customized order override user input
  • [EDSC-2118] - Required order information randomly dropped from order request
  • [EDSC-2154] - Data access method selection doesn't work properly
  • [EDSC-2157] - Duplicate Delivery Method options on E2E Workflow (Earthdata Search)
  • [EDSC-2158] - Extra granules delivered via E2E workflow (Earthdata Search)
  • [EDSC-2159] - E2E: Service badging on project page for NSIDC ECS collections without services (Earthdata Search)
  • [EDSC-2162] - E2E: Timeline adjustment on project page leads to delivery method reset (Earthdata Search)


Updates and fixes in this release:


  • [EDSC-2065] - exact_match field returns false when true was expected
  • [EDSC-2103] - Details Modal has a typo
