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CloudTamer Project NameCloudTamer OUPrimary RegionNotesAction Items
esdis-application-edsc-sit-8022ESDIS-EDSCus-east-1Available to Earthdata VPN
esdis-application-edsc-uat-8982ESDIS-EDSCus-east-1Available to public internet
esdis-app-edsc-prod-7557ESDIS-EDSCus-east-1Available to public internet
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Application References


NameRoleEmailNotesAction Items
Mark ReeseProduct

Ryan AbbottTechnical

Mark ReeseOperations

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EDC Platform Operations


Validation ItemCompleted
(Y / N)
Reference Artifact, Link, or Comment if neededNotesAction Items
Has the application team conducted network connectivity and performance testing for any data egress flows and confirmed existing egress options are sufficient to meet application needs?YEgress from Access is extremely minimal. Given that use of Access is limited and the nature of the application, there will be almost no discernable change in egress as a result of deploying Access to NGAP.

Has the application team conducted testing to ensure application continues to operate while in a bandwidth throttled mode? 

(not mandatory but recommended for high volume S3 distributors)


Is application team aware of AUTOMATED egress related cost monitoring, alerting, and enforcements?
  • Egress cut-off at egress cap
  • Bandwidth throttling over throttling threshold
  • Automated egress alerts subscriptions via NGAP provided AWS SNS topics
  • Per account egress consumption metrics via AWS CloudWatch Metrics

Have both application team and platform team received approved egress cap and throttling threshold values from ESDIS?

YOnce we are up, we could/should consider filing for Cloudfront Egress Waiver (like Earthdata Search SIT has).

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NGAP References: 


Validation ItemCompleted
(Y / N)
Reference Artifact, Link, or Comment if neededNotesAction Items
Does application team have an ESDIS approved Cost-Model on file? user-c2913 confirm with ValerieY

Does target EDC account(s) have sufficient funds allocated in CloudTamer for anticipated cloud costs?Y

Is application team aware of AUTOMATED AWS account level cost monitoring, alerting, and enforcements? 
  • Budget alert email notices at various cloud spend percentages?
  • Freeze-Spend at 90% cloud spend
    • no new services can be spawned
  • Circuit-Breaker at 95% cloud spend
    • existing services will be shut down, but not deleted

Manual actions to delete resources will be considered above Freeze-Spend and Circuit Breaker levels


Are CloudTamer budget-based notifications configured to send emails to all desired app-team individuals? YNASD-2736 filed to enable this.

Is application team aware of AWS options for monitoring and alerting on cloud costs expenditures specific to their account and use-case

  • AWS Cost Explorer
  • AWS Budget Alerts

Does application team have a process to monitor / audit cloud expenditures and take action if required? Y

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