Versions Compared


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Release Date


What's new in this release:

This release adds the ability to export collection searches as CSV or JSON, improvements to customizable badging, a new advance search option, and improvements to accessing S3 links.


  • [EDSC-3051] - Badges are sometimes hidden in the Matching Collections listing results.
  • [EDSC-3082] - 'Customizable' badging is not controlled by a MMT service's 'Type' field.
  • [EDSC-3182] - Collection results not showing in SIT and UAT when using Safari


  • [EDSC-3043] - As a user, I would like to search for data by river id
  • [EDSC-3126] - As a user, I want to export my search results as a CSV file
  • [EDSC-3127] - As a user, I want to export my search results as a JSON file


  • [EDSC-3051] - Badges are sometimes hidden in the Matching Collections listing results.
  • [EDSC-3082] - 'Customizable' badging is not controlled by a MMT service's 'Type' field.


  • [EDSC-3078] - Use collection metadata rather than tags for Customizable facet
  • [EDSC-3146] - Implement improved display of S3 granule links on the granule results page
  • [EDSC-3161] - Update Cypress library to 7.x
  • [EDSC-3162] - Add "Military Grid Reference System" to known tiling identification systems in EDSC


  • [EDSC-3062] - Prevent EDSC tagging jobs from creating tags that match existing values.


Release Date



  • [EDSC-3077] - Cache GIBS imagery so that browsing granules feels less sluggish


  • [EDSC-3036] - Add a default map view to user preferences


  • [EDSC-2859] - Users report being unable to paste coordinates into spatial search field
  • [EDSC-2962] - Status mismatch on Harmony Cancelled jobs
  • [EDSC-3009] - Customer not getting all granules order in request.
  • [EDSC-3046] - Multi-file granule dropdown doesn't display properly for granules with many files


  • [EDSC-2939] - Remove 'Orig. Format' column from granule results table view
  • [EDSC-3010] - Move 'Back to Project' link into page header to match 'Back to Search' link


  • [EDSC-2867] - Earthdata Search URL encoding not successfully parsing some characters
  • [EDSC-2961] - Excluded Granules are not being removed from granule results
  • [EDSC-2970] - Cannot select 'None' once saved access config exists for Harmony order form
  • [EDSC-2975] - When clicking a term suggested by Autocomplete, Earthdata Search just copies that term into the keyword field rather than adding the term as a search parameter
  • [EDSC-2977] - Prevent attempts at adding GIBS tags when no collections are found
  • [EDSC-2978] - Earthdata Login redirect causing project filters to be removed
  • [EDSC-2987] - View All facets functionality is broken


  • [EDSC-2864] - As Earthdata Search, when I make a request to CMR on behalf of the user, I should use the Authentication header, bearer and access token
  • [EDSC-2914] - Add keyboard shortcut to toggle the timeline
  • [EDSC-2964] - Support earthdata environment on the /downloads route


  • [EDSC-2786] - As a user, I would like band selection behavior of output formats with band exclusions to be consistent with that of output formats without band exclusions.
  • [EDSC-2836] - Echoforms Output component needs to evaluate xpath in the value attribute
  • [EDSC-2842] - Echoform field default submitting 'Select a value' parameter
  • [EDSC-2895] - UAT: direct download button not working for multi-file granules in list view (Earthdata Search)
  • [EDSC-2898] - Cannot remove filter from granule search box


  • [EDSC-2812] - Add/update missing tests for Serverless (server side) code
  • [EDSC-2910] - Add keyboard shortcut to toggle granule filters
  • [EDSC-2912] - Add keyboard shortcut to focus on search bar
  • [EDSC-2913] - Add keyboard shortcut to show all supported keyboard shortcuts


  • [EDSC-2686] - Implement React Echoforms in EDSC
  • [EDSC-2688] - Implement GraphQL search and result for collection details


  • [EDSC-2724] - As an admin, I would like the admin dashboard to display 'source' data from the database
  • [EDSC-2730] - As an EDSC Operator, I want access to CloudFront logs in Splunk for GraphQL


  • [EDSC-2727] - Increase in edlAuthorizer lambda errors


  • [EDSC-2714] - Autocomplete suggestions should stop searching if a user has already submitted their search


  • [EDSC-2587] - CWIC polygon searches are not simplified to a bounding box


  • [EDSC-2482] - Provide smart handoffs to open altimetry application


  • [EDSC-2506] - Enable restriction of granule results when performing a region search


  • [EDSC-2505] - Cancel pending requests when a user initiates a new request


  • [EDSC-2305] - Default Access configurations
  • [EDSC-2307] - Upload shapefiles on Search page and save shape files in database
  • [EDSC-2308] - Use Shapefiles on project page
  • [EDSC-2134] - Create clean branch as starting point for EDSC 2.0
  • [EDSC-2135] - Ensure necessary packages are loading on initial load
  • [EDSC-2136] - Finalize style for initial load state
  • [EDSC-2137] - Hook up facet search in simplified EDSC
  • [EDSC-2138] - Hook up "view all facet" capabilities
  • [EDSC-2139] - Integrate search bar with NLP
  • [EDSC-2140] - Hook up date pickers for temporal search
  • [EDSC-2141] - Hook up leaflet for spatial search (rectangle and polygon)
  • [EDSC-2142] - Enable infinite scroll/auto load during matching collections scrolling
  • [EDSC-2143] - Add search result sorting and other check boxes
  • [EDSC-2144] - Hook up collection details panel
  • [EDSC-2145] - Style granules panel
  • [EDSC-2146] - Hook up timeline
  • [EDSC-2147] - Draw granules in simplified EDSC
  • [EDSC-2148] - Load GIBS imagery in simplified EDSC
  • [EDSC-2149] - Hook up granule action buttons
  • [EDSC-2150] - Implement granule sorting
  • [EDSC-2184] - Use Spherical Polygons when drawing polygons on the map
  • [EDSC-2185] - Enable projection switching on the map
  • [EDSC-2186] - Use collection query parameters when requesting granules
  • [EDSC-2187] - Add granule filters to granule results
  • [EDSC-2188] - Add granule actions to granule results
  • [EDSC-2189] - Add granule hovering and clicking to the map
  • [EDSC-2191] - Display project collections
  • [EDSC-2192] - Save Projects
  • [EDSC-2193] - Add map to project page
  • [EDSC-2194] - Add timeline to project page
  • [EDSC-2195] - Submit projects with download access method
  • [EDSC-2196] - Submit projects with ESI orders access method
  • [EDSC-2197] - Submit projects with ECHO Order access method
  • [EDSC-2198] - Implement Portals
  • [EDSC-2199] - Implement Contact Info Page
  • [EDSC-2200] - Implement infinite scroll for collections and granules
  • [EDSC-2201] - Add facet parameters to URL
  • [EDSC-2202] - View all facets
  • [EDSC-2203] - CWIC granule metadata should be fetched from CWIC
  • [EDSC-2205] - Style the project page
  • [EDSC-2206] - Implement Collection Details
  • [EDSC-2208] - Research and select a database migration tool and ORM for serverless database management
  • [EDSC-2209] - Implement NPM Module (bitbucket repository) written by Patrick to wrap lambda functions with EDL
  • [EDSC-2210] - Implement Colormaps background job
  • [EDSC-2211] - Implement subsetting tag background job
  • [EDSC-2212] - Implement gibs tagging background job
  • [EDSC-2213] - Implement datastore for Orders
  • [EDSC-2214] - Implement `process` method responsible for processing initial order object from a project
  • [EDSC-2215] - Implement submission jobs for Orders
  • [EDSC-2216] - Implement order status job
  • [EDSC-2217] - Implement order status page for downloads
  • [EDSC-2218] - Implement collection extras background job
  • [EDSC-2220] - Submit projects with OPeNDAP orders
  • [EDSC-2236] - Connect the spatial buttons within the dropdown connected to the search bar
  • [EDSC-2240] - Improve styling of the collections panel
  • [EDSC-2255] - Implement order status page for ECHO Orders
  • [EDSC-2256] - Implement order status page for ESI Orders
  • [EDSC-2264] - Add Smart Handoff (Giovani) links to collection details page
  • [EDSC-2275] - Move apiHost and edscHost to secret values
  • [EDSC-2276] - Submit project when Download button is clicked
  • [EDSC-2277] - Add download script link and functionality to download orders
  • [EDSC-2279] - Add "View Collection Details" button to collection search results
  • [EDSC-2280] - Add "Add to Project" button to collection search results list
  • [EDSC-2287] - Add ECHO Order statuses to status page
  • [EDSC-2288] - Add ESI order statuses to status page
  • [EDSC-2293] - Update Portal documentation
  • [EDSC-2294] - Implement existing portals
  • [EDSC-2296] - Add client ID to serverless app
  • [EDSC-2297] - Implement error handling banner
  • [EDSC-2298] - Implement variable selection for OPeNDAP customizations
  • [EDSC-2299] - Add Data Quality Summary text to project panel
  • [EDSC-2300] - Implement download status and history page
  • [EDSC-2301] - Implement splash page for unsupported browsers
  • [EDSC-2309] - Deploy to SIT
  • [EDSC-2310] - Deploy to UAT
  • [EDSC-2312] - Deploy to PROD
  • [EDSC-2313] - Fix query handling in react router
  • [EDSC-2329] - Add support for Output Format in OPeNDAP orders
  • [EDSC-2338] - Remove NLP from serverless app
  • [EDSC-2348] - Add loading states to serverless app
  • [EDSC-2352] - Add an authentication management layer to EDSC
  • [EDSC-2353] - Investigate 401 authorization issues with API Gateway
  • [EDSC-2360] - Implement error pages for react app
  • [EDSC-2380] - Add FBM module to React app
  • [EDSC-2393] - Add relevancy ranking metrics
  • [EDSC-2414] - Search for echoforms by name and provider
  • [EDSC-2421] - Implement modal to inform users that shapefiles are being limited
  • [EDSC-2425] - Implement loading state for shapefiles


  • [EDSC-1574] - Use VIIRS instead of MODIS for Corrected Reflectance layer


  • [EDSC-1863] - Require Earthdata login when viewing the project page
  • [EDSC-1985] - Implement panel based layout structure on E2E Services project page.
  • [EDSC-2093] - Fix tests tagged with 'data_specific' in the spec/features/collections directory


  • [EDSC-1987] - Add basic map functionality to E2E services Project page
  • [EDSC-1988] - Implement multi-collection visualizations in E2E services
  • [EDSC-2023] - Transition from v1.2 to v1.3 GIBS Colormaps
