Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
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Release Date


What's new in this release:

This release contains an update to native granule format labels.



a new and improved search and discovery user experience. In response to community feedback the main search and discovery UI has been overhauled. The user experience should feel very natural. All of the features and design tweaks were informed directly from user feedback and usability studies. The main goals for this redesign were:

  • Improve the scannability of search results
  • Increase the usable map space
  • Allow full-screen view of search results and collection metadata
  • Lay a foundation for user-specified layout defaults


  • [EDSC-2590] - As a user, I would like to be able to switch my collection results view to a table layout


  • [EDSC-2545] - Implement search and discover improvements collection results
  • [EDSC-2548] - Implement search and discover improvements collection details
  • [EDSC-2549] - Implement search and discover improvements granule results
  • [EDSC-2551] - Implement search and discover improvements granule details
  • [EDSC-2557] - Add spatial lookups to the autocomplete lambda
  • [EDSC-2592] - Implement drag handle on panel flyout
  • [EDSC-2619] - Display collection details in the sidebar when viewing granules


  • [EDSC-2614] - Updating granules clears current values/selection on the project page
  • [EDSC-2615] - Users are not given an option to reset their saved access configurations
  • [EDSC-2631] - Collections without defined formatType  fail to load
  • [EDSC-2633] - Nothing happens when clicking "done" in the new layout
  • [EDSC-2649] - Collection details fail to load when trying to load a second time


Release Date



This release introduces the ability to search for datasets by native granule format using faceted search. Additionally, UMM-G is being used for granule metadata display.


  • [EDSC-2546] - As a user, I want to search for collections by granule data format


  • [EDSC-2579] - Use UMM-G format for granule metadata display
  • [EDSC-2582] - Update HUC Feature Translation Service endpoint


This release contains bug fixes and backend improvements. Additionally, the CWIC portal has been updated to key off of a different tag and a new Standard Products portal has been created.


  • [EDSC-2547] - As a user, I want to be able to know the format and structure of my data


  • [EDSC-2553] - Create a Standard Product EDSC Portal for NASA HQ and management personnel
  • [EDSC-2580] - Update EDSC CWIC Portal configuration file (portals.yml) Tag-key to ""
  • [EDSC-2583] - Remove Lambda warmer code


  • [EDSC-2516] - Granules with multiple browse images showing different imagery throughout EDSC
  • [EDSC-2517] - Per-order Granule Limit pop-up is incorrect for ASTER data
  • [EDSC-2524] - Granule data link titles should fall back when a title does not exist


  • [EDSC-2351] - Create an admin dashboard that allows restricted users visibility into download statuses and data


  • [EDSC-1224] - Creating a bounding box rectangle does not re-zoom map (Earthdata Search Service Desk)
  • [EDSC-2440] - Repeating retrieval_collections calls do not stop when leaving the page



Updates and fixes in this release:


  • [EDSC-2506] - Enable restriction of granule results when performing a region search


  • [EDSC-2470] - Customization form is retaining spatial subset bounds that aren't accurate for current session (Earthdata Search)
  • [EDSC-2477] - Unknown error occurs when loading a PO.DAAC dataset in UAT
  • [EDSC-2487] - Orbital parameters are not being shown for granule filters
  • [EDSC-2489] - Direct download page freezes when any granule in order doesn't have `OnlineAccessURLs` tag in metadata


  • [EDSC-2407] - Prototype advanced search capability
  • [EDSC-2408] - Implement prototyped advanced search capability
  • [EDSC-2409] - Implement HUC functionality within advanced search
  • [EDSC-2427] - Implement browse thumbnail click events
  • [EDSC-2494] - Remove Lambda warmers


  • [EDSC-2444] - Implement recurring temporal searches
  • [EDSC-2469] - Enable typing in spatial search filters
  • [EDSC-2479] - Spelling error on 'environment' on hover of 'Download Access Script'


  • [EDSC-2434] - Create and schedule a lambda to initiate background step functions
  • [EDSC-2484] - Update wording for valid shape file upload formats
  • [EDSC-2486] - New colormaps need to return a single object to prevent failures


  • [EDSC-2463] - Granule filters for cloud coverage not being applied
  • [EDSC-2473] - Google Analytics events are not being fired for all single granule downloads


  • [EDSC-2366] - As an EDSC user, I would like to Search for collections and granules using a multi-point river center line shapefile.


  • [EDSC-2426] - Implement warning when a collection contains 0 granules on project page


  • [EDSC-2274] - Override Temporal Modal should display when visiting the project page with temporal and focus applied
  • [EDSC-2282] - Implement warming plugin
  • [EDSC-2283] - Serverless granule outlines aren't being layered
  • [EDSC-2334] - Granule count, size and title on project page work inconsistently
  • [EDSC-2361] - Some tagging jobs are not sending tokens properly
  • [EDSC-2376] - EDSC React app isn't stripping out white space on echoforms
  • [EDSC-2377] - Only 20 granules are being sent for downloads in EDSC React app
  • [EDSC-2379] - Clicking "map imagery" facet returns no collections
  • [EDSC-2381] - ESI progress bar counts are not accurate
  • [EDSC-2382] - New granules are not being loaded correctly
  • [EDSC-2383] - Keyword search doesn't add * to searches
  • [EDSC-2384] - Download history page does not forward the old URL
  • [EDSC-2385] - Ancillary pages don't have a way to navigate off of the page
  • [EDSC-2386] - Granule details panel doesn’t scroll
  • [EDSC-2390] - Serverless usability problems when interacting with multiple collections (Earthdata Search)
  • [EDSC-2392] - Serverless shapefile functionality: ICESat-2 shapefile subsetting is not being applied to customization requests (Earthdata Search)
  • [EDSC-2415] - Collection details do not load in EDSC UAT


  • [EDSC-2305] - Default Access configurations
  • [EDSC-2307] - Upload shapefiles on Search page and save shape files in database
  • [EDSC-2308] - Use Shapefiles on project page
  • [EDSC-2134] - Create clean branch as starting point for EDSC 2.0
  • [EDSC-2135] - Ensure necessary packages are loading on initial load
  • [EDSC-2136] - Finalize style for initial load state
  • [EDSC-2137] - Hook up facet search in simplified EDSC
  • [EDSC-2138] - Hook up "view all facet" capabilities
  • [EDSC-2139] - Integrate search bar with NLP
  • [EDSC-2140] - Hook up date pickers for temporal search
  • [EDSC-2141] - Hook up leaflet for spatial search (rectangle and polygon)
  • [EDSC-2142] - Enable infinite scroll/auto load during matching collections scrolling
  • [EDSC-2143] - Add search result sorting and other check boxes
  • [EDSC-2144] - Hook up collection details panel
  • [EDSC-2145] - Style granules panel
  • [EDSC-2146] - Hook up timeline
  • [EDSC-2147] - Draw granules in simplified EDSC
  • [EDSC-2148] - Load GIBS imagery in simplified EDSC
  • [EDSC-2149] - Hook up granule action buttons
  • [EDSC-2150] - Implement granule sorting
  • [EDSC-2184] - Use Spherical Polygons when drawing polygons on the map
  • [EDSC-2185] - Enable projection switching on the map
  • [EDSC-2186] - Use collection query parameters when requesting granules
  • [EDSC-2187] - Add granule filters to granule results
  • [EDSC-2188] - Add granule actions to granule results
  • [EDSC-2189] - Add granule hovering and clicking to the map
  • [EDSC-2191] - Display project collections
  • [EDSC-2192] - Save Projects
  • [EDSC-2193] - Add map to project page
  • [EDSC-2194] - Add timeline to project page
  • [EDSC-2195] - Submit projects with download access method
  • [EDSC-2196] - Submit projects with ESI orders access method
  • [EDSC-2197] - Submit projects with ECHO Order access method
  • [EDSC-2198] - Implement Portals
  • [EDSC-2199] - Implement Contact Info Page
  • [EDSC-2200] - Implement infinite scroll for collections and granules
  • [EDSC-2201] - Add facet parameters to URL
  • [EDSC-2202] - View all facets
  • [EDSC-2203] - CWIC granule metadata should be fetched from CWIC
  • [EDSC-2205] - Style the project page
  • [EDSC-2206] - Implement Collection Details
  • [EDSC-2208] - Research and select a database migration tool and ORM for serverless database management
  • [EDSC-2209] - Implement NPM Module (bitbucket repository) written by Patrick to wrap lambda functions with EDL
  • [EDSC-2210] - Implement Colormaps background job
  • [EDSC-2211] - Implement subsetting tag background job
  • [EDSC-2212] - Implement gibs tagging background job
  • [EDSC-2213] - Implement datastore for Orders
  • [EDSC-2214] - Implement `process` method responsible for processing initial order object from a project
  • [EDSC-2215] - Implement submission jobs for Orders
  • [EDSC-2216] - Implement order status job
  • [EDSC-2217] - Implement order status page for downloads
  • [EDSC-2218] - Implement collection extras background job
  • [EDSC-2220] - Submit projects with OPeNDAP orders
  • [EDSC-2236] - Connect the spatial buttons within the dropdown connected to the search bar
  • [EDSC-2240] - Improve styling of the collections panel
  • [EDSC-2255] - Implement order status page for ECHO Orders
  • [EDSC-2256] - Implement order status page for ESI Orders
  • [EDSC-2264] - Add Smart Handoff (Giovani) links to collection details page
  • [EDSC-2275] - Move apiHost and edscHost to secret values
  • [EDSC-2276] - Submit project when Download button is clicked
  • [EDSC-2277] - Add download script link and functionality to download orders
  • [EDSC-2279] - Add "View Collection Details" button to collection search results
  • [EDSC-2280] - Add "Add to Project" button to collection search results list
  • [EDSC-2287] - Add ECHO Order statuses to status page
  • [EDSC-2288] - Add ESI order statuses to status page
  • [EDSC-2293] - Update Portal documentation
  • [EDSC-2294] - Implement existing portals
  • [EDSC-2296] - Add client ID to serverless app
  • [EDSC-2297] - Implement error handling banner
  • [EDSC-2298] - Implement variable selection for OPeNDAP customizations
  • [EDSC-2299] - Add Data Quality Summary text to project panel
  • [EDSC-2300] - Implement download status and history page
  • [EDSC-2301] - Implement splash page for unsupported browsers
  • [EDSC-2309] - Deploy to SIT
  • [EDSC-2310] - Deploy to UAT
  • [EDSC-2312] - Deploy to PROD
  • [EDSC-2313] - Fix query handling in react router
  • [EDSC-2329] - Add support for Output Format in OPeNDAP orders
  • [EDSC-2338] - Remove NLP from serverless app
  • [EDSC-2348] - Add loading states to serverless app
  • [EDSC-2352] - Add an authentication management layer to EDSC
  • [EDSC-2353] - Investigate 401 authorization issues with API Gateway
  • [EDSC-2360] - Implement error pages for react app
  • [EDSC-2380] - Add FBM module to React app
  • [EDSC-2393] - Add relevancy ranking metrics
  • [EDSC-2414] - Search for echoforms by name and provider
  • [EDSC-2421] - Implement modal to inform users that shapefiles are being limited
  • [EDSC-2425] - Implement loading state for shapefiles


  • [EDSC-2278] - CWIC granule metadata is not loading


  • [EDSC-2339] - Bump nokogiri from 1.10.3 to 1.10.4


  • [EDSC-2239] - Multiple users report "Error retrieving options There was a problem completing the request"
  • [EDSC-2241] - UAT "Error retrieving extract filters There was a problem completing the request"
  • [EDSC-2248] - Orders containing more than 2,000 granules are not being chunked
  • [EDSC-2252] - EDSC Customize orders stuck in creating
  • [EDSC-2253] - Customers can order the entire collection for ASTER products by adding the collection to a project
  • [EDSC-2271] - Large Ordering issue not sending emails
  • [EDSC-2250] - Error retrieving options


  • [EDSC-2161] - As a user, I would like to see an indication that a collection supports temporal subsetting.


  • [EDSC-2235] - Download script is not parsing all granule URLs
  • [EDSC-2239] - Multiple users report "Error retrieving options There was problem completing the request"
  • [EDSC-2241] - UAT "Error retrieving extract filters There was a problem completing the request"
  • [EDSC-2248] - Orders containing more than 2,000 granules are not being chunked


  • [EDSC-2229] - Update edsc-echoforms dependencies
  • [EDSC-2230] - Update edsc-timeline dependencies


  • [EDSC-1957] - Band selections, etc from previous customized order override user input
  • [EDSC-2118] - Required order information randomly dropped from order request
  • [EDSC-2154] - Data access method selection doesn't work properly
  • [EDSC-2157] - Duplicate Delivery Method options on E2E Workflow (Earthdata Search)
  • [EDSC-2158] - Extra granules delivered via E2E workflow (Earthdata Search)
  • [EDSC-2159] - E2E: Service badging on project page for NSIDC ECS collections without services (Earthdata Search)
  • [EDSC-2162] - E2E: Timeline adjustment on project page leads to delivery method reset (Earthdata Search)


  • [EDSC-2084] - Update customize form and ESI client to support shapefile subsetting
  • [EDSC-2087] - As an EDSC user, I want EDSC to remember the shapefile I upload throughout my session


  • [EDSC-2119] - Improve display of project customization panel
  • [EDSC-2120] - Open the collection panel on load
  • [EDSC-2121] - Improve usability when editing the project name


  • [EDSC-2065] - exact_match field returns false when true was expected
  • [EDSC-2103] - Details Modal has a typo


  • [EDSC-1614] - As a user, I should see an indication of my temporal constraints on the project page
  • [EDSC-1615] - As a user, I should see the name of my project as the header on my project page
  • [EDSC-1616] - As a user, I should see a summary of what is in my project
  • [EDSC-1617] - As a user, I should see a collection summary card for each collection in my project
  • [EDSC-1618] - As a user, I would like to save my variable subset selections
  • [EDSC-1621] - As a user, I would like to see an indication of which supported customization options are enabled for collections in my project.
  • [EDSC-1622] - As a user, I would like to see a list of all granules contained in a collection within my project
  • [EDSC-1630] - As a user, I should see a full page view of my project
  • [EDSC-1663] - As a user, I should be able to remove a collection and all of its granules from my project from the project view page
  • [EDSC-1728] - As a user, I would like to see my search results badged with their customization capabilities
  • [EDSC-1742] - As a user, I would like to subset OPeNDAP-enabled granules by my bounding box
  • [EDSC-1751] - As a user, I would like OPeNDAP links to data that match my customization selections
  • [EDSC-2085] - As an EDSC user, I want to specify what output format I want my data retrieved in


  • [EDSC-1863] - Require Earthdata login when viewing the project page
  • [EDSC-1985] - Implement panel based layout structure on E2E Services project page.
  • [EDSC-2093] - Fix tests tagged with 'data_specific' in the spec/features/collections directory
