

  • Matthew Tisdale, J. Walter, A. J. Barnett, B. Tisdale, and H. Lee. Systematic Data Transformation to Enable Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Services within EOSDIS Cumulus Framework. 2019 Earth Science Data Systems Working Group (ESDSWG) Meeting. Poster. Annapolis, Maryland. 19 - 21 March 2019. 

  File Modified
ZIP Archive Aug 21, 2019 by Audy Barnett
Multimedia File Apr 03, 2020 by Audy Barnett
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation ESIP_Summer_2019_AJBarnett.pptx Aug 06, 2019 by Audy Barnett
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation ACCESS17-0014-TechInfusionWorkshop.pptx May 28, 2020 by Hyokyung Lee
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation ACCESS17-0014-Final_Presentation.pptx Oct 29, 2020 by Audy Barnett
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation A42_SDT_CSIWG_20190410.pptx Aug 06, 2019 by Audy Barnett
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation 20181212_ogc_tc.pptx Updated title page Aug 06, 2019 by Hyokyung Lee

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  1. Hyokyung Lee Can you add in a citation for the OGC meeting you presented at a while back? I figured it would be good to start tracking this outreach.