Service Recipe For:

FiletypeStorage Location




This workflow used ArcGIS Server 10.8 and a CF v1.6 compliant NetCDF. For creating a Mosaic Dataset using MDCS, Linux ArcGIS Server 10.7.1 was used.

Step 1:

  • Convert a sample NetCDF to a MRF to get the MRF XML structure
gdal_translate.exe -of MRF -co NOCOPY=TRUE -co COMPRESS=LERC -co CACHEDSOURCE=NETCDF:"/vsicurl/":T2M:1 NETCDF:"/vsicurl/":T2M:1 c:\temp\rr3.mrf

Step 2:

  • Open .MRF and add in <DataFile>, <IndexFile>, and <CachedSource> to MRF file. This will make it a Raster Proxy pointing to the real NetCDF file.
    • <DataFile> 
      • Location on the ArcGIS Server where the cache file will be created and stored
    • <IndexFile>
      • Location on the ArcGIS Server where the cache file will be created and stored
    • <CachedSource><Source>

MRF with Added Tags
    <Size x="576" y="361" c="1" />
    <PageSize x="576" y="361" c="1" />
    <DataValues NoData="999999986991104.00000000" />
    <BoundingBox minx="-180.31250000" miny="-90.25000000" maxx="179.68750000" maxy=" 90.25000000" />

Step 3:

  • Create a Database Table in AWS RDS (PostgreSQL)  or CSV with the following headings:



More table headings can be added. Minimum required are Variable, Dimensions, StdTime, and Raster if using a multidimensional dataset.

Step 4:

  • Add the Raster Proxy to Table under the "Raster" column. 

1,T2M,"StdTime,StdZ",2019-01-01 00:30:00,2019-01-01 1:29:59,2,<MRF_META><CachedSource><Source>NETCDF:"/vsis3/sdt-data/gmao/merra2/MERRA2_400.tavg1_2d_slv_Nx.20190101.nc4":T2M:0</Source></CachedSource><Raster><Size x="576" y="361" c="1" /><PageSize x="576" y="361" c="1" /><Compression>LERC</Compression><DataType>Float32</DataType><DataValues NoData="999999986991104.00000000" /><DataFile>c:/temp/tavg1_2d_slv_Nx.20190101_nc4_T2M_1.mrfcache</DataFile><IndexFile>c:/temp/tavg1_2d_slv_Nx.20190101_nc4_T2M_1.mrfcache</IndexFile></Raster><GeoTags><BoundingBox minx="-180.31250000" miny="-90.25000000" maxx="179.68750000" maxy=" 90.25000000" /><Projection>EPSG:4326</Projection></GeoTags></MRF_META>,Temperature at 2 Meters,MERRA2_400.tavg1_2d_slv_Nx.20190101.T2M.0

Step 5:

  • Create Mosaic Dataset.
  • Use the AddRasters to Mosaic tool. Make Raster Type = Table and point to the CSV or table in AWS RDS DB using connection file (.sde).

    MDCS cannot handle AWS RDS input table with more than 4 (files) * 24 (hr) rows. It cannot create Mosaic Dataset with more than 2,000 rows.  ArcGIS Pro 2.5 doesn't have such restriction.

Step 6:

  • Right click on Mosaic Dataset.
  • SelectModify > Build Multidimensional Info. 
  • Set Mosaic Dataset Properties as follows
    • Scientific
    • Number of Raster per mosaic
    • LERC Compression
    • Sort by StdTime
    • Set Use Time Start and Max
    • If StdZ Set as well
  • Alternatviely, MDCS can be used for building multidimensional info and caculating statistics.

Step 7:

  • Publish Mosaic Dataset using "Share as Web Layer" in ArcGIS Pro.
  • Or use ArcPy script.
  • If you add more rasters later using MDCS, restart service using ArcGIS Server Manager to see the new rasters.
    • Alternatviely, you can check "Has Live Data" option in the properties of the service.
    • Then, adjust time slider setting manually in Portal using "Advanced" option to view the newly added data.

      ArcPy script cannot publish WMS/WCS.  It can publish only ImageService. Use ArcGIS Pro to publish WMS/WCS.

  • No labels