NASA's Earth Science Data and Information Systems (ESDIS) Standards Coordination Office (ESCO) conducts reviews of proposed standards, practices, and technical information relevant to the ESDIS mission. Documents are reviewed as part of the ESDIS Project's standards process. Approved documents are published and listed on the Standards Requirements and References page.

ESCO is conducting a review of proposed updates to the ESDIS Project Data Use Policy

This document contains draft recommendations in response to the ESDIS Leadership request for standardization of dataset citation practices and policies. This document proposes updates to include a common citation format for the display of citations on dataset landing pages.

Not all revisions are visible in the Jama version of this document. Please see the attached Word document for full change tracking details.

All review comments are due by

Current ESDIS Project Data Use Policy.

Review Instructions

The role of the ESDIS Standards Coordination Office (ESCO) is to conduct a review of this document by soliciting comments from a cross section of the Earth Science community.

Reviewers are invited to read the document and provide feedback to help us improve the document.  ESCO recognizes that not all reviewers will be familiar with all of the content of the document.  Reviewers are welcome to review only those parts of the document that they have experience with.  Additional comments are welcome.

ESDIS uses the Jama online document review system to collect community comments on proposed standards, practices and technical information submitted to ESCO for review. 

Preferred Method: Jama

  1. Read and provide comments about the document via Jama here:
  2. For more details on using Jama, see the information at the bottom of this page.

Alternative Method: Word/Email

Offline reviews, where you download the document and review questions, then respond via email, are also accepted.

  1. Download the document:
  2. Use the Track Changes tool in Microsoft Word to mark suggested changes or make comments.
  3. Alternatively, if there aren't too many comments, you can submit your review responses in an email.
  4. Send your feedback to the ESCO at

Additional instructions for Jama reviewers

The benefit of using the Jama system is that you can easily comment on specific portions of the document and can see comments provided by others.

If you already have access to the NASA Earthdata Jama system, please contact ESCO at and let us know your Earthdata Login username so we can add to this review. Once you are registered, you will receive an email from Jama with instructions on how to access the review. Use your Earthdata Login username and password to log in to Jama.

Access to Jama

If you do not already have a Jama account but wish to use the Jama system, you can request an account at the Earthdata Service Desk - select JAMA/RMS as the productivity tool, View/Read as the access level, and say that you wish to participate in this review as the reason for access. Alternatively, you may email the ESCO staff at for help in creating a Jama account.

You will need an Earthdata Login account to access Jama.   Earthdata Login account creation and username/password recovery can be done at

Jama Resources

NOTE: Information on this page is subject to change.

Thank you!

  File Modified
Microsoft Word Document Update to ESDIS Data Use policy[3].docx Sep 10, 2024 by Steve Olding